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Everything posted by JJCRU23R

  1. gday, a long time ago in my parents (then) new toyota lexcen, the car included a speed monitor thingo where you can set the speed to 60km/h, and it would beep/light up when you went over that speed. is there a similar aftermarket product to this on the market? there are gps thingos like navman that apparently have a speed warning thingo.. does it do the same thing? ive checked on ebay.. right now theres only one item available that seems to match the description, but its used and costs 400+. im looking to see if this is the going rate or is there something cheaper that i can get... any help would be much appreciated. jase
  2. where in australia are you? check wreckers that tailor for toyotas.. they should have a seat to suit. in sydney theres heaps of wreckers out there.. just a matter of finding one in stock. either that or reupholster the seat, or buy a sports seat and have someone install.
  3. kinda rediculous that this would be illegal. its against the law to drive on the street with a whole bunch of things that are available from your local autobarn. example - undercar neons cant be used while driving.. but nothing stopping you from turning them on when the car is parked?! if they were totally illegal the law would have taken steps to ban them from the shops like many cheap, unsafe kids toys made in china. using your car horn inappropriately could get you into trouble.. similar could be said for the varex... get caught while its loud then you should rightly get in crap for it if its just too loud... but then again if its in quiet mode where its quieter than stock, whos to complain?
  4. damn it BKS... ive been looking for rims that have somewhere closer to 14 spokes on em... absolutely beatiful to see them finally on our generation of corolla. closest i could find is "supertismo" OZ wheels... hard to tell from where im sitting but are these anything like the rims you have on your car? woulda been nice to see it with a chrome lip but yea... im loving the spokes. btw this is the one i was originally lusting after... from the US.
  5. in this particular case.. my mate has no intention of putting his 1zz spyder onto any track. its strictly for on road driving. my mate wants a quiet car when he leaves the house so he doesnt wake up his parents/neighbours early in the morning on his way to work. on the way home, if hes on the m4 or something hed like to hear the noise. its what my mate wants, so im just asking on his behalf. performance is only an added bonus (if there is any)... but then again honestly i doubt that dramatic improvements in track performance has anything to do with my mates decision... but of course... the guy doesnt want the car to run slower or harder than it has to. some people just want things cos they look/sound great.. wouldnt necessarily call it "rice" parts but surely theres a suitable varex muffler that would give better performance than stock... even by a small amount.
  6. ok i concur... give me my inbox back
  7. KInda stupid thinking about it now.. how the hell did osmething that big get to eat with those kind of teeth? would it have eaten plankton like whales or was it a bottom feeder or something? fake anyhoo..
  8. anyone know if theres a varex muffler to suit the mr2 spyder (2000)? my mates thinking about getting it for his mr2.. i know someone has installed it on their 1zz corolla (maximas? yea?) hmm.. but yea. any advice would be great. jase
  9. something about your car doesnt seem quite right. im referring to your signature pic. i know this might be a wierd idea that ive only seen done on hotrods but have you thought about chopping the roof? the roof seems a bit too tall.
  10. can anyone photoshop what this guy is imagining? im curious... flared or rolled guards should be enough or are they a waste of time?
  11. nice use of perspective there... you might notice the seats in the middle ground is whats more in focus than the seats in the foreground and the stewartess in the background. woulda been perhaps more interesting if the stewartess was standing still so you could focus on her, then everything else would be slightly out of focus.. although last time i tried to take pics on a plane, i was told that i was breaking the law... mind you this was 2003.. september 11 was still somewhat a fresh memory.
  12. You'll notice that a lot of those kind of things have little warning texts hidden in the fine print or on the back saying "off-road use only" (as in illegal for driving on the street, not for 4WDing etc) those were exactly my centemonies.
  13. you just gotta join 4 wires to the speaker wires to the adaptor.. 30 minutes tops. but do you have the wiring kit, amp and sub for it already? if youve got it but need it installed, might as well get a car audio place to do it.
  14. supra i just looked at your thread... id be interested to find out where you bought those gas lifters for your hood. jase
  15. sorry mate im in sydney. if youre in a real rush, then go get the same thing at autobarn. if you got a spare 20 in your pocket you can get this from autobarn and a macflurry on the way home. (lets not forget you still need an amp ($150+)to power the sub($2-400), which should ideally be boxed.. and lets also not forget the wiring kit which is 40-60 bucks for the cheap stuff. you arent really saving much by spending that much on some bass.. but at least you have the convenience of the stock head unit which would otherwise dig anything from 200-2000 bucks on an aftermarket headunit with all the bells n whistles.. AERPRO AP 304 Speaker to Line Level Converter The audio level converter is used to convert from speaker line to RCA connection. Level adjustment control, gold plated RCA sockets. Converts speaker level audio to line level (RCA) connections. 10-80dB attenuation. 30 watts/channel maximum. 62mm W x 90mm L x 27mm D. Blister packed. Barcode: 9317114867827
  16. mine cost less than $20 and it sent audio through to 2 amps, 1 for my kicker, the other amp was for the RF punch splits. i no longer need the converter coz i have dvd HU in the car now. the 1 i got is basically the same as the more expensive versions... you can tune the L and R sides, and you connect 4 wires to the left and right - and + speaker wires. thats all you do!
  17. thought you just said you didnt like chrome.. now youre going for the alba berthas? any other options sketra?
  18. if you live close enough to me then you dont need to go to autobarn, you can buy my thingo... lol.
  19. no biggie whether its stickied or not hehee funny how people still dont get it... unless greddy becomes a silver member, his ride isnt gonna go sticky. btw im loving the amount of work and effort youve put into the car. maybe its a good idea to purchase the silver membership so people would stop bringing it up... think of it as your next mod lol
  20. wouldnt call a rav4 selling out. last time i checked this is a TOYOTA forum after all. (one should think before they type)...
  21. 99% sure you can get the converter for like 16 bucks from autobarn. your ears wont know the difference between 16 and 100. edit - are you in sydney? just so happens im not using mine anymore?!
  22. theres heaps of things available at places like autobarn that arent street legal. track or drag racing maybe, or just for show while you are parked.. but using them while driving is a big no no.
  23. looking great, now its looking like its really coming together! the wing dont look so out of place now.. id like to see pics like the first 1 you took, only id like to see the whole car from that perspective (if youve got any)
  24. you mean theres LEDs that screw onto where you pump the air into your tyres? distracting to other drivers which is what makes it seem illegal.. similar to neons under the car while driving. can your car travel back in time @ 88mph? if you can then i guess the LEDs make some sense...
  25. hmm.. when did this thead become about speedracing? the pic of the car i took was parked..?
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