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Everything posted by CAP

  1. Welcome - Enjoy your stay, Nice Cars ;)
  2. And it's now available as a 32bit unit
  3. If you're planning other performance mods such as exhaust, flywheel, throttle body etc etc, it's best to hold off, because the ECU needs to be re-tuned everytime you make a change which can be costly. However, if you don't think you'll be doing anything else for a while - go for it. Basically all you're doing is optimising the engines settings Sport1vo - I'll try to make it Saturday, maybe see if they can fit me in for a run too.
  4. Good to hear it was a good one. I was looking outside all day yesterday - seeing the great weather and wishing I was there :( I'll have to organise another Mornington/Arthurs Seat Cruise soon. :)
  5. It means the engine's running a little too lean or rich because your ECU is tuned for the stock airbox, not the CAI. Although it does make some adjustments on its own from what it learns from what the airflow sensor tells it, the ECU still needs to be tuned if you really want to make the most of your mods, you should also get more durability from your engine if it's tuned sensibily.
  6. Kcorro-Yeah, One day I'll get to taking it out , and putting on the vvt-i badges and painting the calipers and changing the aerial and .... Just can't be bothered yet. :P But ren here's a simple equation for you... The bottle is restrictive, remove it and you have better airflow. Better Airflow = More Power. And if a 2zz can run without it, a 1zz can too.
  7. Go for a handling upgrade, you'll get so much more satisfaction from your car. :)
  8. I turned up at 6.30 so I missed most of the others, by the time I got there it was E-gene, Stewie and Peekay. Peekay - Nice Euro, E-gene - Nice place. By the way fellas, my hair is still in place
  9. Mine does this on occassion in any temperature - Revs fluctuate between 500 and 700 rpm at idle - Racecar style. Thought it was the airfilter / air intake leaking somewhere but had all that checked. Doesn't seem to effect the way the car runs though.
  10. HSV / Holden will be bringing in factory backed supercharging as an option on the Gen VI. What you saw was possibly a pilot build car.
  11. Phillips Blue Vision and Vision Plus are ADR approved, so too is Narva Artic Vision. I use Blue Vision for my low beams and it gives off a nice white light. Diamond Vision are much brighter but not ADR approved.
  12. This is the main reason I didn't get a cai just didn't like the idea of the intake being so low. Too used to my old commodore that would easily go through 2 feet of water
  13. Not a bad idea Eddy, maybe we can organise a Hot4's club photoshoot
  14. CAP


    By the way happy birthday Peekay , I've organised a Sheep-a-gram for you :P
  15. Yeah, the Nightshades tint you get in a spray can tends to leave the tail lights with a very flat, dirty looking finish. It's fine for doing small detail stuff ( for example, justing doing an indicator rather than the entire lamp) but not the entire lamp. Best to get the professionals to do it, they can do it with a nice glossy finish.
  16. I'll be there ! ( I'd better start cleaning :D ) Kcorro - definetely down to cruise in with you. Keep your throat clear for the 1zz lift
  17. No problem Cooley :D, we just clarified the difference for everyone else
  18. Sorry, they're definetely different springs, if you compare the ride height of my car as well and the suspension stiffness to that of the Sportivo and you'll see the difference. If they were the same, my car would look like a monster truck
  19. No, those are the optional "Sportivo" springs from the "Sportivo" accessory range as fitted to my car. I'm referring to the springs fitted to the standard Corolla Sportivo
  20. Congratulations Law, Enjoy the new car :)
  21. Yeah I'll get to the badges some time in the next two years, maybe the brake calipers after that :P
  22. Hey Everyone, This is an excellent and very well organised event. Exclusive are quite experienced and professional in their approach to organising cruises / events and if you've ever gone along to one, you'll know that they're heaps of fun, pretty big and everyone who turns up is very easy going. Not to mention - lots of nice cars. Another good thing, like us they don't tolerate anything reckless, so you know when you turn up, you'll have lots of fun and no trouble. Hope to see everyone else there ! Carlo
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