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Dob in a hoon

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That's because I keep my speed off the street and on the track. I have a fairly loud car (visually and literally), I just don't act like a knob when I'm driving.

Quicksilver, obviously my model wouldn't be applicable to real life where there exists a grey area, but if they wanted the roads to be at their SAFEST, that would be the option. Worst case scenario is no private transport at all.

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The full force of the law is rarely used, you so often hear about someone getting a suspended jail term. In other words, they get a jail term....but they don't have to go. Another example is parole, I do understand that situations and people change over the years, but a murderer getting a 20 year sentence and being offered parole afetr 10 years, why not just sentence for 10 years, but I would say that that is too lenient.

I don't think one off "hooning" offenders should suffer too much, its when they don't learn that things should get severe.

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Leroy is right. If they were serious about road safety they would make the consequences tougher, like getting rid of the demerit point system. Everyone gets one (1) chance. A small speeding offense, failure to indicate... BAM there goes your licence for 6 months. A large speeding offense, negligent driving... See you back on the roads in 5 years time. Driving whilst suspended... 6 months jail.

It's easy for me to say this because after nearly 4 full years driving I have not one offense recorded against me and no demerit points ever lost.

it is stupid to think this way. imagine yourself ACCIDENTALLY speed with 6 over speed limit. bam, goes your license for 6 months..

If you are working and drive everyday? How are you going to office?

If you are student, drive everyday? How are you going to uni?

If you are the a mayor of this town? You walk to your office every morning?

Please bring more reasonable thinking before talking. large speeding offense(i m thinking like 15km over speed limit)=5 years jail? Are you out of your mind?

Imagine you yourself, and you have a family with 1 wife and 2 kids, who gonna .......... I gonna stop here.

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Leroy is right. If they were serious about road safety they would make the consequences tougher, like getting rid of the demerit point system. Everyone gets one (1) chance. A small speeding offense, failure to indicate... BAM there goes your licence for 6 months. A large speeding offense, negligent driving... See you back on the roads in 5 years time. Driving whilst suspended... 6 months jail.

It's easy for me to say this because after nearly 4 full years driving I have not one offense recorded against me and no demerit points ever lost.

it is stupid to think this way. imagine yourself ACCIDENTALLY speed with 6 over speed limit. bam, goes your license for 6 months..

If you are working and drive everyday? How are you going to office?

If you are student, drive everyday? How are you going to uni?

If you are the a mayor of this town? You walk to your office every morning?

Please bring more reasonable thinking before talking. large speeding offense(i m thinking like 15km over speed limit)=5 years jail? Are you out of your mind?

Imagine you yourself, and you have a family with 1 wife and 2 kids, who gonna .......... I gonna stop here.

:lol: :lol: Exactly.

I doubt anyone can be mister perfect every minute of their life. If people were to get suspended for 6 months for going 6 or 7ks over, everyone will be looking at their speedo more than the road; yup thats a lot safer, (I won't have that problem tho - HUD FTW :D )

If you guys enjoy heavy fines on everything, perhaps Singapore is the place for you guys.

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like i always say. it takes a special kind of liar to never speed.

One cannot be upset about losing a liberty they didn't actually have to begin with...

It's not an argument of civil liberties. although some might argue that it is. It's simply a matter or how much do we need to enforce before we have a 0% mortality rate? Forcing people to wear helmets or seatbelts to save their own skin, forcing companies to put "contents may be hot" labels on hot coffee....farq! how far do we go?

For those that say they never speed so why not bring in the harsher penalties. 10years down the track when you have families and really do intend to stick to the speed limit but get done for doing 80km/h in a 70zone. Enjoy the an@l rappage of the 5year ban and walking to work. Enjoy the excersize, hypocrit!

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Okay if anyone is going to argue with ME, YOU will have to get your facts straight, example:

1) Dannywss: "Please bring more reasonable thinking before talking". What an insult. This is the 2655th time I have spoken with reasonable thinking. I am not an idiot. Did you read my disclaimer that said this "model" is not applicable to the real world? I do economics, that is the disclaimer on every economic model but you know what? We still use them because they work in the simplest case. I was saying that if they wanted the SAFEST (i.e. they don't want people speeding for safety reasons) roads, they would have to do something as extreme as that. Yes I am a uni student, yes I drive to uni everyday. I have a clean driving record, so YES I would be fine!!! You define a large speeding offense as over the limit by 15km/hr... Was that my definition? No! Did you read the example of the learner doing over 200km/hr and getting a slap on the wrist? THAT is what I would define as a large speeding offence. Also I used the term negligent driving. Further, I didn't use 5 years jail as punishment, I implied 5 years suspended licence. Read carefully now.

2) DHC and Quicksilver: find a quote in my post that says "I am a perfect driver and I never speed". Did I say that? No. I said "after nearly 4 full years driving I have not one offense recorded against me and no demerit points ever lost". I have never been caught commiting a driving offense and I have never been clocked by a recording device at a speed over the limit. I did not say I have never broken the speed limit. I implied that I do not feel the need to race/speed on the roads because I am a member of 2 motorsport clubs and I get my kicks from competition.

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This is awesome.

*Folds out chair, grabs shot glass and vodka*

Moar moar.

I'm not attacking anyone Robbo, just defending myself from being called a liar, and defending my argument which was misinterpreted

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like i always say. it takes a special kind of liar to never speed.
One cannot be upset about losing a liberty they didn't actually have to begin with...

It's not an argument of civil liberties. although some might argue that it is. It's simply a matter or how much do we need to enforce before we have a 0% mortality rate? Forcing people to wear helmets or seatbelts to save their own skin, forcing companies to put "contents may be hot" labels on hot coffee....farq! how far do we go?

For those that say they never speed so why not bring in the harsher penalties. 10years down the track when you have families and really do intend to stick to the speed limit but get done for doing 80km/h in a 70zone. Enjoy the an@l rappage of the 5year ban and walking to work. Enjoy the excersize, hypocrit!


1. Having people stick to the road rules, regardless of how strict thy are, is NOT akin to public liability (eg your hot coffee sign). If it were, I should be able to sue the government right now for their lack of warning regarding idiots currently on the road...

2. How dare you call me a hypocrite!!!! Do you see me walking now??? No!!! Because I have done nothing wrong... In the event I ever do something that is actually considered a serious offence, I will take it on the chin. Why? Because I will know damn well why I have been arrested/banned from driving. Furthermore, I will not blame anyone else, government included, for their harsh laws... why??? Because the laws are not a catalyst for the punishment. The catalyst is the driver committing the offence in the first place.

If you guys enjoy heavy fines on everything, perhaps Singapore is the place for you guys.

Actually, this country could learn a lot from Singapore. They are modern, they are cultured, and they are generally highly educated. Yes, S'pore has its problems like anywhere else... but you know what you dont see?? Disrespect on the street. Antisocial/disruptive/negligent behaviour is a social faux pas over there, and will not be tolerated.

And I'm sure someone is going to tell me "thats because they are all too scared to do anything wrong"... Well, quite frankly, its high time people here started being a bit scared of stepping out of line. I just got back from a recent trip to S'pore, to meet my GF's family... Not once was my quality of life threatened due to harsh laws... Quite frankly I can live without swearing, chewing gum, spitting in the street... Was I ever harrassed by police?!? No, because I did nothing illegal.

Their system may not be perfect - but it works well.

If people here stopped pushing the envelope regarding what they can get away with, they would find they may be a little less concerned about having a penalty imposed on them.

Once again, I stress noone is talking about jailing you for forgetting to indicate - I'm talking about behaviour in complete disregard for other drivers and current road rules.

Edited by Leroy
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This is awesome.

*Folds out chair, grabs shot glass and vodka*

Moar moar.

haha, coke and popcorn for me~ war using words are boring.. continue on with my series.. buai~ :whistling:

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This is awesome.

*Folds out chair, grabs shot glass and vodka*

Moar moar.

haha, coke and popcorn for me~ war using words are boring.. continue on with my series.. buai~ :whistling:

As I said, I'm not fighting a war I was just defending myself from being a liar and my opinion being criticised as stupid and ill-thought out. Leroy and myself have not used any personal slurs towards members (example: "stupid", "liar", "hypocrite"), nor have we criticised your opinions directly, we have just argued our own. You think you are taking the moral high ground by not arguing, but you do not realise that you started the argument by using personal implications and criticism.

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2) DHC and Quicksilver: find a quote in my post that says "I am a perfect driver and I never speed". Did I say that? No. I said "after nearly 4 full years driving I have not one offense recorded against me and no demerit points ever lost". I have never been caught commiting a driving offense and I have never been clocked by a recording device at a speed over the limit. I did not say I have never broken the speed limit. I implied that I do not feel the need to race/speed on the roads because I am a member of 2 motorsport clubs and I get my kicks from competition.

I could accuse you of back tracking but i won't - out of respect for fellow long-term forum member. I've seen your mountain climb vids and respect that you participate in motorsport. I'm not arguing weather speeding should be left for the track. we all know that answer to that. I'm simply having a shot at your nonsensical argument that because you have never been caught which puts you above the group being targeted, therefore you are pro-hard penalties. It's not personal, I'm just arguing based on your post.

2. How dare you call me a hypocrite!!!! Do you see me walking now??? No!!! Because I have done nothing wrong... In the event I ever do something that is actually considered a serious offence, I will take it on the chin. Why? Because I will know damn well why I have been arrested/banned from driving. Furthermore, I will not blame anyone else, government included, for their harsh laws... why??? Because the laws are not a catalyst for the punishment. The catalyst is the driver committing the offence in the first place.

As for you, Leroy. me putting my misspelt 'hyporcrite' was not directed specifically at you. but since you mention it, Yes, i guess you are a hypocrite. You are obviously not aware of the anti-hoon laws currently in place that confiscate cars if drivers are caught 'drag racing' (I use the term loosely). Because if you where then you would also realise that this is already a harsh penalty for what i assume you consider to be a 'serious offence', as you put it. What was being suggested is archaic and overly harsh laws that will, quite frankly, do nothing. Unless these laws can personify and physically pulls the 'hoon's' foot of the gas pedal, you will see the same ******w1ts doing the same stupid ***** and more often than not killing and innocent person. Meanwhile, average citizens who occassional break the road rules (YES, INCLUDING YOU) will get an@l ****** by some Third Reich-style zero-tolerance system.

If a system like that worked, Nazi germany would still be in power, North Korea wouldn't be the joke that it is today, and China....well... This is definitely not a problem that can be solved by technology so if these kind of tough laws actually do work it would have already been put in place early in the 90's instead of us Joe-blows arguing about on an internet forum in 2008.

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As for you, Leroy. me putting my misspelt 'hyporcrite' was not directed specifically at you. but since you mention it, Yes, i guess you are a hypocrite. You are obviously not aware of the anti-hoon laws currently in place that confiscate cars if drivers are caught 'drag racing' (I use the term loosely). Because if you where then you would also realise that this is already a harsh penalty for what i assume you consider to be a 'serious offence', as you put it. What was being suggested is archaic and overly harsh laws that will, quite frankly, do nothing. Unless these laws can personify and physically pulls the 'hoon's' foot of the gas pedal, you will see the same ******w1ts doing the same stupid ***** and more often than not killing and innocent person. Meanwhile, average citizens who occassional break the road rules (YES, INCLUDING YOU) will get an@l ****** by some Third Reich-style zero-tolerance system.

If a system like that worked, Nazi germany would still be in power, North Korea wouldn't be the joke that it is today, and China....well... This is definitely not a problem that can be solved by technology so if these kind of tough laws actually do work it would have already been put in place early in the 90's instead of us Joe-blows arguing about on an internet forum in 2008.

Oh (sigh) again... how am I a hypocrite?? Where have I complained anywhere about being caught?? Whether I am aware or not aware of such legislation, it does not make me hypocritical. Please... just spare me the bollocks...

I make no bones about it - like everyone else here - I, at occasional points in time, have exceeded the limit. But I am not going to advocate leniency just to get myself off the hook.... the point I am making is that if the laws are the laws, then they should be strictly adhered to by both driver AND the sentencing judge.

Regardless of whatever laws you may want in place Qkslvr, the simple fact of the matter is that you and I will know them before we hop into our vehicles. On that logic, neither of us have any grounds to complain in the event of being caught. And that is why I take personal offence to you name calling - I advocate tougher sentencing, and you call me a hypocrite - I ask you again, how? Especially as I myself advocate being made an example of if I were stupid enough to drive irresponsibly in full knowledge of the iron fist laws...

Now, put moral judgement aside for a second.... If the third reich had been allowed to continue, it would have succeeded. Ponder that, please... (and please spare me more bollocks about being some extreme right racist)

What I am trying to say is that if you put such harsh legislation in effect, it continues until all the 'non comformists' have been eradicated. The sensible citizen wont take long to realise its not in their interest to break the road rules - the hoons will continue to have their vehicles confiscated, or licensed cancelled until their are no more of them. Simple logic really... mission accomplished, no more hoons.

As you seem so concerned for innocent plebs experiencing 'an@l rapage', how about we limit my harsh proposals of jail time or driving bans to repeat offenders, and those that kill/disable people???

Happier??? <_<

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anywaysss, a page back -

i throw ciggerette butts on the floor all the time, im sorry but im pretty sure everyone has littered once in their life, BUT i always stomp on it after :D

and as if use the ashtray in the car LOL i use that for coins & smoking in the car no-no, imagine burning the leather =x

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Whoa... looks like all hell broke loose (just what TOCAU needed :P), sorry I missed the party, but had to monitor some mice inoculated with a lethal dose of modified Ebola :ph34r:

2) DHC and Quicksilver: find a quote in my post that says "I am a perfect driver and I never speed". Did I say that? No. I said "after nearly 4 full years driving I have not one offense recorded against me and no demerit points ever lost". I have never been caught commiting a driving offense and I have never been clocked by a recording device at a speed over the limit. I did not say I have never broken the speed limit. I implied that I do not feel the need to race/speed on the roads because I am a member of 2 motorsport clubs and I get my kicks from competition.

Yes I did have the impression that you are a "perfect driver and never speeds" from your "4 years without a offense" comment. And now you tell us that in fact you were just never caught, so that makes you a lucky driver. And I hope your luck continues, cause one day you will have your picture taken when over taking someone sitting on 98 doing 106 (we all know thats not hard to do). Maybe then you will appreciate the leniency given to minor offenses as opposed to your ultra road safety idea of 6 months on buses.

Its obvious that your model is totally inapplicable and unrealistic in the real world.. so why even bother :unsure: Just like that politician awhile back with his "speed restrict all cars too 110" idea. Wonder how you and your motorsport clubs will react to that, having to keep a spare ECU around for the hillclimbs and trackdays :lol:

Edited by DHC09
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I'm going to exploit the hoon law by dobbing in:

- My neighbour's kids on their mountain bikes (that'll teach you for ripping up my front lawn)

- Motorised wheelchair users who expect foot traffic to move for them (recklessness!)


- Ford Taurus owners

- Anyone who doesn't park inside the lines (negligent driving as far as I'm concerned)

- Redheads (sorry Tayles)

- Anyone who listens to Jeff Buckley

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I'm going to exploit the hoon law by dobbing in:

- My neighbour's kids on their mountain bikes (that'll teach you for ripping up my front lawn)

- Motorised wheelchair users who expect foot traffic to move for them (recklessness!)


- Ford Taurus owners

- Anyone who doesn't park inside the lines (negligent driving as far as I'm concerned)

- Redheads (sorry Tayles)

- Anyone who listens to Jeff Buckley

I have flu. I'm depressed. Boy, that post sure made my day though (I like redheads though, gigiddy).

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