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Dob in a hoon

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You guys don't know loud until you hear my supra. Anyway, this won't work for too long. Anyone that has something against someone else will be calling the cops all the time to dob someone in. Also, thre's too mane loop holes, define 'hoon behaviour'.

Am I a hoon because even if I'm sitting on 60 my car is louder than the soccer mum in her Honda Legend that just overtook me at around 85? Isn't she a hoon? She is speeding after all..

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You guys don't know loud until you hear my supra. Anyway, this won't work for too long. Anyone that has something against someone else will be calling the cops all the time to dob someone in. Also, thre's too mane loop holes, define 'hoon behaviour'.

Am I a hoon because even if I'm sitting on 60 my car is louder than the soccer mum in her Honda Legend that just overtook me at around 85? Isn't she a hoon? She is speeding after all..

No, you drive a loud import and have a enthusiasm for cars that serve more of a purpose than just a handbag to carry your testicles around in.

Therefore you are a hoon (or at least have the ability or intent to hoon). According to current affairs television programs you probably also dodge taxes, knock over old ladies in the street, are a dodgy landlord, sell drugs to schoolchildren, instigate credit card scams and distribute pirated Underbelly DVDs to Victorians.

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According to current affairs television programs you probably also dodge taxes, knock over old ladies in the street, are a dodgy landlord, sell drugs to schoolchildren, instigate credit card scams and distribute pirated Underbelly DVDs to Victorians.

:clap::lol::lol: Gold. that ***** is signature-quote worthy.

Either that or you're a dodgy asian fruit-man with five alias' and four wives. :lol:

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You guys don't know loud until you hear my supra. Anyway, this won't work for too long. Anyone that has something against someone else will be calling the cops all the time to dob someone in. Also, thre's too mane loop holes, define 'hoon behaviour'.

Am I a hoon because even if I'm sitting on 60 my car is louder than the soccer mum in her Honda Legend that just overtook me at around 85? Isn't she a hoon? She is speeding after all..

No, you drive a loud import and have a enthusiasm for cars that serve more of a purpose than just a handbag to carry your testicles around in.

Therefore you are a hoon (or at least have the ability or intent to hoon). According to current affairs television programs you probably also dodge taxes, knock over old ladies in the street, are a dodgy landlord, sell drugs to schoolchildren, instigate credit card scams and distribute pirated Underbelly DVDs to Victorians.

dont forget centrelnk fraud

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The greatest destroyer of media is nothingness. If you don't watch or listen, they wither and die. I don't watch much TV anymore (Unless Dexter, Inspector Rex or Star Trek is on).

Alas, nothingness will most likely never come to pass, based on the fact that society is a sea of mindsets and personas, where the majority rules. The majority 'enjoy' watching these programs. Ignorance will be the death of us. What have we become?

On another note, I think it would be sinister, and grand to have a 'screening' process on individuals before they attain a motorcycle license (be advised I 'am' joking here).

Basically, if you are a complete moronic, ****tard, reject psycho, who has no regard for the safety of others, let alone yourself on the road, then you should NOT be riding a motorbike. The rule is simple really. Don't be a ******head on the road, irregardless of what you're driving / riding. Why is that so hard to comprehend that? It seems 'arrogance' is also the death of us (btw qslvr, yes I 'did' have another altercation with a person who was suffering from 'I have a large *****' syndrome on a bike this morning lol). You see you must already be well endowed, as from what I hear, you ride beautifully. Similar to that of the Dalai Lama riding a motorbike so it seems.

In conclusion, I've found that motorbikes are like excaliber. You require self control, patience, and responsibility to ride one. If you don't have those qualities then gtfo.

In regards to this thread, I think many things were taken out of context, and a few people were having bad days. Let us concentrate on the fact that we are agreed on the broad fact of this issue. We are all responsible drivers, I am sure of it through the passion displayed here.

Lay down your keyboards, cross the line of battle, and give each other a big hug, for we are one.

/end 'Alexander the Great / Jean Luc Picard / William Wallace' inspired speech.

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...if you are a complete moronic, ****tard, reject psycho, who has no regard for the safety of others, let alone yourself on the road, then you should NOT be riding a motorbike.

actually, the final question during the rider's knowledge test was "Are you a complete moronic, ****tard, reject psycho, who has no regard for the safety of others, let alone yourself on the road?". I answered yes - i rode home that afternoon (and knocked over a few old ladies for good measure) :lol:

btw qslvr, yes I 'did' have another altercation with a person who was suffering from 'I have a large *****' syndrome on a bike this morning lol). You see you must already be well endowed, as from what I hear, you ride beautifully. Similar to that of the Dalai Lama riding a motorbike so it seems.

Indeed, that seems to be the case. You logic astounds me. Please. let me buy you a dry, yet mildly refreshing beverage.

In conclusion, I've found that motorbikes are like excaliber. You require self control, patience, and responsibility to ride one. If you don't have those qualities then gtfo.

I know of something else that requires the same virtues to ride - and she ain't always kind depending where in the calendar month you're at :lol::lol:


I cannot stress enough how that is SOOOOOO not a word. Scabble anyone? hehe

In regards to this thread, I think many things were taken out of context, and a few people were having bad days. Let us concentrate on the fact that we are agreed on the broad fact of this issue. We are all responsible drivers, I am sure of it through the passion displayed here.

Lay down your keyboards, cross the line of battle, and give each other a big hug, for we are one.

/end 'Alexander the Great / Jean Luc Picard / William Wallace' inspired speech.

you forgot Nelson "the man" Mandela

Edited by qkslvr
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I confide in your issues with the oppposite sex, yes.

I thought 'irregardless' was to be 'regardless of being regardless'? So it works as a double neg...oh my lord I just went crosseyed.

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I agree about the media - I don't watch "tabloid television" like ACA, TT, 60 mins etc..... the funniest part is they call themselves journalists. I mean really, you're not fooling anyone. I know primary school students that could write a better story. Everyone is sick of the dodgy building cladding salesman from QLD, and the dog from country Victoria that saved a school bus full of kids from driving into a vat of lava. Prime time programming could be used to improve the plight of mankind, instead it's exploited by commercial TV stations to show us repeated images of Yianni's VL burnout coming out of Bell St Maccas.

They can't even find decent presenters. Naomi Robson has a face like a foot and Anna Coren sounds like she had to repeat the 5th grade. Whatever happened to making fun of Ray Martin's plastic hair? And all the people who clearly spent countless seconds of research and wasted money flying around the country to "confront" the paedophile who sells lemon used cars and defrauds the government (thanks Jay), wow I hope they're not getting paid more than me. Those oxygen wasters do nothing for our economy except unnecessarily adding to inflation by spending money they don't deserve. Thick as two planks, the lot of them.

(what was this thread about again?)

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I agree about the media - I don't watch "tabloid television" like ACA, TT, 60 mins etc..... the funniest part is they call themselves journalists. I mean really, you're not fooling anyone. I know primary school students that could write a better story. Everyone is sick of the dodgy building cladding salesman from QLD, and the dog from country Victoria that saved a school bus full of kids from driving into a vat of lava. Prime time programming could be used to improve the plight of mankind, instead it's exploited by commercial TV stations to show us repeated images of Yianni's VL burnout coming out of Bell St Maccas.

They can't even find decent presenters. Naomi Robson has a face like a foot and Anna Coren sounds like she had to repeat the 5th grade. Whatever happened to making fun of Ray Martin's plastic hair? And all the people who clearly spent countless seconds of research and wasted money flying around the country to "confront" the paedophile who sells lemon used cars and defrauds the government (thanks Jay), wow I hope they're not getting paid more than me. Those oxygen wasters do nothing for our economy except unnecessarily adding to inflation by spending money they don't deserve. Thick as two planks, the lot of them.

(what was this thread about again?)

Tats is epic :clap:

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I agree about the media - I don't watch "tabloid television" like ACA, TT, 60 mins etc..... the funniest part is they call themselves journalists. I mean really, you're not fooling anyone. I know primary school students that could write a better story. Everyone is sick of the dodgy building cladding salesman from QLD, and the dog from country Victoria that saved a school bus full of kids from driving into a vat of lava. Prime time programming could be used to improve the plight of mankind, instead it's exploited by commercial TV stations to show us repeated images of Yianni's VL burnout coming out of Bell St Maccas.

They can't even find decent presenters. Naomi Robson has a face like a foot and Anna Coren sounds like she had to repeat the 5th grade. Whatever happened to making fun of Ray Martin's plastic hair? And all the people who clearly spent countless seconds of research and wasted money flying around the country to "confront" the paedophile who sells lemon used cars and defrauds the government (thanks Jay), wow I hope they're not getting paid more than me. Those oxygen wasters do nothing for our economy except unnecessarily adding to inflation by spending money they don't deserve. Thick as two planks, the lot of them.

(what was this thread about again?)


Technically, you're still on topic because it was shows like these that sensationalised reckless drivers into the something news worthy, thereby single handly spawning the whole anti-hoon, pinky swinging culture in the first place. wow, that was a mouthful. haha

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man i had some ******* on a motorcycle decide to pop a wheelie in the middle of a jobsite last week he must have felt soooooo cool till the big semi came pulling out of the driveway never seen a guy come off a motorcycle in person before serves him **** right too i went up to him and said WHY DO YOU THINK I **** PUT THE **** SIGNS UP FOR YOU STUPID ****! now thats a hoon.

he took off as best he could cause we called the cops.

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i've been telling Rob for months that irregardless isn't a word, but apparently it has turned up in the dictionary now. What a joke. Perfect example of how society is ****** in the head.

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On another note, I think it would be sinister, and grand to have a 'screening' process on individuals before they attain a motorcycle license ...

I'm going to go one step further and suggest people must attain a license, permitting them to raise children, before they begin the procreation process.

I'm not joking either. <_<

I cannot stress enough how [irregardless] is SOOOOOO not a word. Scrabble anyone? hehe

Lol - I thought I solved this mystery a while back...

Out comes Webster's for the second day in a row - and the results back Rob once more:

(p.674) "irregardless adj. & adv. Illit. Regardless: an incorrect or humorous usage..."

The online Oxford confirms this by explaining the word's origin as "probably a blend of Irrespective and Regardless"

I agree, this probably shouldn't have become a word - but seeing as it has made its way into 2 dictionaries, its etymology is void.


You are sorta right about it's literal meaning; if you break down its parts 'Ir-' (not), 'regard' (care or consider), and '-less' (without) it would be akin to saying "without a lack of regard". I'm sure you could find a legitimate situation to use it, but theres just really no need to - considering you have (IR)respective and regard(LESS) to choose from - words that this particular word was derived from.

Usually one would say something to the effect of "I'll do this, regardless..." - meaning they'll do it no matter what you think or care.

By using 'Irregardless', one would be stating they will do it no matter what you DON'T think or care.

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i've been telling Rob for months that irregardless isn't a word, but apparently it has turned up in the dictionary now. What a joke. Perfect example of how society is ****** in the head.

Wtf? Are you saying I'm ****** in the head????

Thanks :blush:

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Nah I wasnt saying that, just the fact that the dictionary changes to suit society.

But feel free to take it that way if you want, i'm easy!

But you knew that.... giggidy

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I think what will stop alot of people abusing it is the fact they have to leave their details and be prepared to substantiate their complaint at a later time.

Yeah you're right, most people will cool down after a few days and maybe forget about it. Unless there was physical damage/injuries. It's like sending an angry letter... Write it, then sleep on it, and read it in the morning :lol:

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  • 2 weeks later...
smoking kills

and u kill others in the process of killin urself

I don't mind people smoking in their cars ... as long as they wind the windows up so the cars following don't have to deal with it! <_<

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lol i've heard of this... works in brisbane bu you have to be called in like 3 times in a week or fortnight or something to see any action from police.

but i do like the ability to do this. it's just like communism, great in theory ******* in reality.

i have once cost someones license due my complaining but under the circumstances i deemed it neccisary. this old woman could not drive... she drove a freaking starlet and reversed at 5km/h into my car.... a **** off big ford zl fairlane which i find it hard that she wouldn't see the **** thing or me honking the damn horn

got her to take another driving test, she failed and lost her license.

personally i believe that there should be a compulsory driving test every few year or so past a certain age cause i saw this all the **** time when i was wrking in a carpark. people just can't drive..... it's just amazing how the steriotypes of drivers stick to. no offence meant to anyone of course, but the steriotypes tend to stick

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Close to dob in a hoon...got sum goss on car mag editor...Graham Stevenson...UTE ACTION/STREET ACTION..n if my single parent friends money comes in handy for him...CHRYSLER ACTION, soon...he was seeing this chick for nearly a yr, she got pregnant n he bolted, took over $10, 000 of her savings with him n threatened to kill her n have her legally disabled son, and their soon to be born baby boy taken away by docs if anyone finds out he's the dad...what a hero...

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