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toyota recall again. aurion included!

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Time to call in the moderator im a thinking, perhaps revoke "her" which i doubt it is a her, no girl should have a mouth like that! or in the very least delete their posts.

Such uneducated comments and attacks on other forum users should not be welcomed on a forum especially not a Toyota one as one of the key pillars of the Toyota foundation is RESPECT! (yep guess all that Toyota training did sink in after all ;) )Now that people was nerdy.

Stock for stock the 2GR series engines are more powerful produce more torque and use less fuel produce less Co2's and have lower service weights which aids several other key areas of a vehicle and not to mention is more reliable and have much newer technology quite simple you can’t compare a 20 year old engine with a new one, think of a 20 year old phone or computer then think of today’s. You can’t compare and it’s the same with cars and engines. The 2GR isn’t a Aurion only engine ist a global engine in the Toyota/Lexus family produced in many different guises that include forced induction like supercharging and turbo charging which all far exceed that of any JZ engines in factory trim because that’s what ere comparing. JZ is in their past and couldn’t produce the power they once did and make euro emissions compliance they are redundant. before you go on and say what about all the boosted supra's, Soarer's that’s fine but u can boost any engine, that’s not hard the reason the 2GR hasn’t been tuned for any crazy power outputs as its a premium engine in the range placed in as mentioned early high quality Lexus cars that are sophiscated and not all about raw speed but if its raw speed then the 2 gr can do that to as Lotus is proving with there programs and then there is the TRD Aurion drag car powered by the engine which produces 1200hp the very same car that used to be powered by the supra engine, so Even the motorsport division is dropping the old engine in favour of the newer engines.

And stock for stock what’s that? there isn’t a Supra that’s till stock that hasn’t been beaten into the ground, but as some of the guys here found at motorkarnha’s found the Aurion more than held its own i the twists high speed stops and cones when compared to the supras 300zx skylines and raft of new and old commodore's and falcons. Unfortunately Toyota when designing the supra must of been in America and taken a leaf from their book -we'll make it go hard in a straight line and not worry too much about the twisties. People get all too excited about how hard a car goes in a straight line a true driver much prefers to have a car flowing through the corners anybody can go fast in a straight line.

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So get ya tampons out of ur asses.

yeah animal cruelty!!! why would u stick a tampon in a donkey? how could u guys?

And if u guys really think a fwd heap would beat a "REAL" Japanese built Toyota then next time u see a Supra at the lights give 'em a race and i bet it will still sh*t on ur Australian peice of crap!

Im pretty sure the aurions engine is manufactured in japan... and im pretty sure an aurion could rip up a fully hectic supra that the red p plate habibs cruise in.

oh and DJ KOR, i have only posted a couple of times as i have a life and friends and dont spend it sittin in front of a computer shootin ppl down for there comments bout recalls and sh*t like u do

yeah thats because your in the kitchen

get a fckn life and stop bein a nerdy keyboard warrior know it all!


But srsly. that tampon comment was uncalled for

Edited by Ascendant Rice
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oh oooh

also, might i add the highest powered 2JZ-GTE form Japan only made 206KW, so 6 more than the 2GR-FE, both specs are stock

Edited by trentmeyer23
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Wow. Words fail me. I'm away from the forums going about my job (as you do) and I miss out on this.

Don't get your knickers in a twist there Supra. You were only getting back the types of responses one would expect to get from a forum when about the only thing they come to say is how good their car (or type of car) is.

As for "shootin ppl down for there comments bout recalls", do you have a sense of the English language? That was nowhere near 'shooting the OP' down for their comment. Telling them to "no need to get worried" is not harsh, and saying to "Read the reports properly and then do a little research" is telling them the importance of reading things thoroughly instead of jumping to conclusions.

get a fckn life and stop bein a nerdy keyboard warrior know it all!

Who are you to tell me what to do with my life... bitch.

You so made me feel bad calling me a nerd/keyboard warrior and all... not. Seeing posts like that with you saying how you have a life and friends, blah blah blah only just makes me laugh harder since once again you are trying to make yourself seem more superior for the sake of talking someone down. Sure I've spent a lot of time on the forums here, but I work in an IT industry where access to a computer is fairly commonplace for most of the day. Anyways, I don't need to go on about my life because quite frankly, I know you don't give a s***.

And if u guys really think a fwd heap would beat a "REAL" Japanese built Toyota then next time u see a Supra at the lights give 'em a race and i bet it will still sh*t on ur Australian peice of crap!

I did race a Supra (for times) from a set of lights. I think you missed the point of my discussion on your other post:

Yeah, a member for 6 days and he/she (Miz = Ms?) decided to make their first post as that. They will be going far.

As well, even if you have a turbo, if you don't launch it properly or get you shifts right, the other guy is going to get a better time... and a race is a race for arguments sake.

This wasn't his first run either. Only really pay attention to the time slip. They had a reaction time 1.354 seconds slower than me hence why I get a couple of car lengths ahead at the start. Their trap speed indicates good power-to-weight which is why he caught up fairly fast. But first moments cost them the race.


^ That bad 60ft shown on the time slip (together with the fact you can hear the mishift/hitting the rev limiter in the video) is a good indication of a bad launch. Didn't exactly 'cream' the Aurion did it.

It's one thing to say your car is faster, but proving it is another. I'm not saying the Aurion is a faster car, I'm saying that just because your car is powerful in terms of specifications, if the driver can't drive it, then it isn't exactly as fast as it can be.

On a side note, this is what I've basically been saying in my previous statements in this thread. Launching the car well is critical to getting a good ET which is all the OP is looking for. It becomes even more critical when you are putting two cars up against each other that have similar power specifications as in the end, no one really thinks about your launch because they will simply conclude which car is faster because their power specs are so similar.

In the case above where I got a faster time than a Supra, this is a case where the subject matter of launching the car would definitely be brought up because the Supra clearly has more power than the Aurion.

... If you get what I mean.

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ROFL...........what the fck, i never said anything bout mine bein a stock Supra guys. So get ya tampons out of ur asses. And if u guys really think a fwd heap would beat a "REAL" Japanese built Toyota then next time u see a Supra at the lights give 'em a race and i bet it will still sh*t on ur Australian peice of crap! oh and Mick i neva stated my supra was the best car EVER that was ur call thanks though for the compliment =)

oh and DJ KOR, i have only posted a couple of times as i have a life and friends and dont spend it sittin in front of a computer shootin ppl down for there comments bout recalls and sh*t like u do, get a fckn life and stop bein a nerdy keyboard warrior know it all!

Holy dogsh*t, I do not even know where to begin with this... I mean really, your ignorance and stupidity has blown me away.

It could not give a flying fu*k if your supra is stock or not, its still a **** land barge and needs a stupid amount of horsepower to actually go anywhere, seriously... it probably weighs close to, if not more than an aurion... and if you want to go on about how much faster it is, how about you post up some qtr mile times...?

Now, as for your little aurion comment, how f*cking retarded are you? do you know anything at all about the aurion/its drive train? Here is a fun fact, every where else in the world (including Japan) the aurion is a V6 camry... and guess what, they even build them in japan.. wow.

I really hope you realise that the overwhelming majority of toyota's are FWD right, and the only people who rag on them are those that have no **** clue how to drive them properly.

Telling people on internet forums to stop being a nerd and get a life is rather ironic dont you think?

Here is a though, take your 'holier than thou' attitude and f*ck off.

Also, i sincerely hope you dont have children, the gene pool is dirty enough as it is.

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I was grouping this with the other post I made, but I would just like to isolate my comments in that case.


Time to call in the moderator im a thinking, perhaps revoke "her" which i doubt it is a her, no girl should have a mouth like that! or in the very least delete their posts.

As much as it's good to get some moderator action, a situation like this is one where it may not be a bad idea to keep the post/s there. A little banning I can agree with, but it's come to the point now where what's done is done and keeping the posts here in this thread won't do anyone any harm.

People get all too excited about how hard a car goes in a straight line a true driver much prefers to have a car flowing through the corners anybody can go fast in a straight line.

I completely agree with you there mate. One thing I find funny is when you have a look at those that race on the track. You frequently see times that give proof that having huge amounts of power doesn't necessarily mean you can go fast.

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Chill guys...no need to get so heated up over comments that I think everyone here agrees was intended to stir in the first place.

Whatever it is, as long as you're happy with your purchase, there's no need to try and justify it. Ultimately, both the Aurion and Supra are barges and require heaps of money to to make them quick..LOL.

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oh and DJ KOR, i have only posted a couple of times as i have a life and friends and dont spend it sittin in front of a computer shootin ppl down for there comments bout recalls and sh*t like u do, get a fckn life and stop bein a nerdy keyboard warrior know it all!

Yeah.... because the term "keyboard warrior" is not at all nerdy... :blink:

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Well that tread soon when to sh!t, how did it even go from comparing the two engines to some of the cars they appear in? Any comments or opinions on boosted engines are a bit pointless because really how long is a piece of string?

But im a firm believer that’s there much more to a car than how fast it can cross the quarter mile… anyway rant over…. next

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I'm with MizSupra, **** all yall Aurion owners. your all a bunch of fags that don't drive real cars. Got your back MizSupra, don't worry about these fools that don't respect your old rusted sports car.

Listen Mr Hidden Taco, no need for that kinda slang, lets get something straight here.

My stock camry can just about pown all yall Aurion and rusted sports cars with my 4 door Super Saleen Camel Camry Saloon.

Stock @ 97kw with NOS smokes yall anyday bro.

Try to Hide your Taco now baby.

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I'm with MizSupra, **** all yall Aurion owners. your all a bunch of fags that don't drive real cars. Got your back MizSupra, don't worry about these fools that don't respect your old rusted sports car.

Listen Mr Hidden Taco, no need for that kinda slang, lets get something straight here.

My stock camry can just about pown all yall Aurion and rusted sports cars with my 4 door Super Saleen Camel Camry Saloon.

Stock @ 97kw with NOS smokes yall anyday bro.

Try to Hide your Taco now baby.

Thems fightin words.

I have to say tho, the Aurion does go off like a frog in a sock.... If you think of what a frog would actually do when it is jumping around in a sock it fits perfectly with what happens when there is too much power and not enough traction in a FWD.

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...there is too much power and not enough traction in a FWD.

If we drove the car in reverse, does it make it rear wheel drive?

Ummm. Car is still FWD, but the driver now has a bum for a face.

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Can't remember who,but it was posted on here that the TOCAU forum was heading down the same path as the Boostcruising forum...after reading this thred i can see why some people would start to think this. :(

Edited by 1stKill
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I completely agree with you there mate. One thing I find funny is when you have a look at those that race on the track. You frequently see times that give proof that having huge amounts of power doesn't necessarily mean you can go fast.

Look at Doriftos ride peoples!! 60kw corolla show them all how its done at the tracks! love it

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oh oooh

also, might i add the highest powered 2JZ-GTE form Japan only made 206KW, so 6 more than the 2GR-FE, both specs are stock

Incorrect lolz...

280PS/206kW was for ****s and giggles... 2JZ-GTE made more than 300PS... WHAT NOW AURION BOY?!


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So i am incorrect in saying there was a "gentleman's agreement" in Japan that limited cars to 276HP?(im not saying it couldnt do higher or wasnt made higher) Which is approximately 206KW...feel free to correct me if i am wrong,

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So i am incorrect in saying there was a "gentleman's agreement" in Japan that limited cars to 276HP?(im not saying it couldnt do higher or wasnt made higher) Which is approximately 206KW...feel free to correct me if i am wrong,

You are not incorrect, there _was_ a gentlemans agreement but it was just that, an agreement. Both Toyota and Nissan published 206kw as their power figures for the Supra and GTR but in reality both were significantly higher - you could tell this as the revisions came in, stating the same max power but torque growing significantly and at high rpm (so it's not just a down-low improvement with the top end the same). I remember reading an article where a V-Spec Nur was put on a dyno and had about 220kw AT THE WHEELS completely stock, despite Nissan claiming it had 206 at the fly.

Don't believe the wiki article though where some fanboy has come in and said that the later 2JZs were putting out more than 500Nm and 300kw, that's just BS.

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So i am incorrect in saying there was a "gentleman's agreement" in Japan that limited cars to 276HP?(im not saying it couldnt do higher or wasnt made higher) Which is approximately 206KW...feel free to correct me if i am wrong,

There was once such a gentleman's agreement, but it was more about what power you advertised than what you actually put out. I assure you a great deal of the cars advertised as "206kw" actually put out a whole lot more than that.

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