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16 hours ago, Mervi said:


I was driving to work and after 100km got those lights on too. Cruise control stopped working too. Mine 2014 model with 240 000km on it. Due for service anyway... 😕

As another person mentioned back in 2014 further up the thread, it might even be the EVAP sensor, something like this. EVAP Evaporative Emissions Vacuum Solenoid Switching Valve for Camry Celica Rav4 | eBay I had the exact same lights pop up and the OBD scanner pointed the issue to that EVAP, only for me and a mate to find one of the two wires being snapped from the plug.  I had to get a replacement plug to transplant onto the wires, given the breakage was too close to the old plug. Costed me around $2 from the wrecker and the plug is shared with other late model Toyotas (albeit different colours depending on Japan, Thai or Aussie built).

The location is on the photo attached. Obviously an engine bay from a different car, but the location of the valve is thereabouts as circled.


  • 1 month later...

Hello to all the forum members.   I am located in the Southern Highlands.   I hope that someone can help with any suggestions for my issue.

Late yesterday I received the VSC and ABS lights on the dash of the Kluger.   This all started after we backed-up a box trailer into a friends driveway - the error showed only after we tried to restart the car to leave.  I have read about others who had backed-up box trailers and then received the VSC and ABS lights.   Whilst interesting and relevant, it didn't offer any solutions that matched my circumstances.

The Kluger is an auto and I cannot put it into any other gear as it won't budge from Park however, it starts up just fine and idles well.  I can only assume that after such an error, being unable to change into any other gear is normal.  

I ran an OBD scanner to identify the reason for the error, it shows that there are NO ERRORS on the vehicle.  I later read that the VSC error does not show any codes when scanned for, and that it cannot be cleared by the OBD scanner.  I disconnected the battery for around 15 mins but the error lights promptly return and I am still unable to put it into any other gear from Park.  We had to borrow another car to return home with the trailer.   

Things I have not tried and have recently read about on a variety of forums is the removing and reseating of the fuel cap, checking the connection to the EVAP sensor and the possibility of having to replace the O2 sensor - also, one other idea was to disconnect the battery for half an hour which had solved the issue and cleared the errors.   

Obviously, any reported error codes would have been very handy, but in lieu of those, would anyone else have any other suggestions for me that would help me discover what might be the problem.   Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

The Kluger will be towed home later today - thankfully it is only five minutes away - and I will recommence the fault finding to try out the other suggestions that I have discovered so far.   I will also post any changes to my situation as they come to hand.  Thanks in advance.


I have read that the electronic brake system may have something to do with this.
Apparently, the brake light circuit is wired into the skid control ECU, and If you have a wiring fault in the trailer or the trailer plug, it might be feeding back
into the ECU.

Try taking the trailer for a run on a quite road with the plug out, if you don't get the issue
then the problem is going to be in the trailer wiring.

18 hours ago, SAAB United said:

The Kluger is an auto and I cannot put it into any other gear as it won't budge from Park however, it starts up just fine and idles well.  I can only assume that after such an error, being unable to change into any other gear is normal.  

I am going to disagree that that is normal. When reversing did you notice any wheel spin? This would explain why the VSC warning light. 

Certainly sounds like the shift has locked and will need to be released.


Also support what Tony has posted about checking the trailer wiring and plug.

Please post back any developments. Helps the Forum and provides feedback upon what ended up being the cause and the solution.


3 hours ago, Tony Prodigy said:

I have read that the electronic brake system may have something to do with this.
Apparently, the brake light circuit is wired into the skid control ECU, and If you have a wiring fault in the trailer or the trailer plug, it might be feeding back
into the ECU.

Try taking the trailer for a run on a quite road with the plug out, if you don't get the issue
then the problem is going to be in the trailer wiring.

Realisations have set in with your reply Tony, thank you.   My trailer, I'm sure, was the culprit.   I hadn't remembered that one side of the indicator lights had fallen apart internally and I removed the broken parts but left the taping up of wiring, etc. for another day as we rarely use the trailer.  Naturally, I had forgotten, and didn't test it prior to departing due to the very short drive we were taking.

Also, thank you Campbeam for your offering.  We learned about the Shift Lock button last night when the tow truck driver returned with the Kluger.  He had used the Shift Lock button to release the gear shift and then drove it onto the tow truck.  It would have been handy to know that yesterday - you learn something new every day.

After the Kluger was returned I disconnected the battery and left it overnight.  This, unfortunately, did not clear the error lights on the dash.   The ASC and ABS lights remain on with the warning to check the brakes and ASC system.  I checked some fuses that may have been related to this but nothing that I inspected was blown.   The OBD scanner doesn't pick up any error codes, as stated previously.  This would obviously improve the chances of fixing this issue, I'm sure.   I had read that it was suggested that a Toyota dealership would have a specific scanner to be able to clear these specific errors - perhaps someone might be able to enlighten me on this point?

I remain uncertain of what exactly should be done to rectify this situation at this moment and would appreciate any further comments/help in light of the revelations about the trailer.

Thank you both very much for the useful and informative replies so far.  It is truly comforting to have the support of the forum.

1 hour ago, SAAB United said:

We learned about the Shift Lock button last night when the tow truck driver returned with the Kluger.  He had used the Shift Lock button to release the gear shift and then drove it onto the tow truck.  It would have been handy to know that yesterday - you learn something new every day.

Thank you for the feedback. One of the reasons for being active on the Forum is that you learn and re-learn a lot of useful things.

Hopefully, the tow fee was not too much.

Last time that I needed a tow was because I did not follow through with my back up plan of having a spare battery. Another one of life's lessons of not to assume that all was well.

Toyota Dealer should certainly be able clear the error codes.

A mechanic with a professional OBDII scanner is more likely to be able to clear those error codes than my basic low cost scanner.


Thanks Ashley.

I realised just now that I did not mention that the brake lights do not come on at all.   I haven't checked the bulbs as yet to ensure they have not blown as a result of the trailer fiasco, but unsure if they simply do not work due to the error alone.   Perhaps you could enlighten me on that one but I will go and check the bulbs anyway - it wouldn't hurt to do so.




A quick update - the bulbs are fine, both elements are as they should be - it would appear then that it is due to the error alone that the brake lights are not coming on at all.   If anyone can confirm this to be what they have experienced also then that would be good to know.




Last and final update, and what an embarrassment!   The VSC and ABS lights had me thrown initially as I continued to fear the worst for the Kluger.    I had even gone to the length of purchasing a, "Foxwell NT510 Elite Scan Tool" - which is an outstanding tool I must say.   Whilst remaining under the impression that this error simply needed clearing after the broken wiring on the trailer had initially caused the errors - I thought that I would be happily on my way.   I eagerly scanned the car for these errors once the scan tool arrived on the Friday - it specifically contained the "Toyota" software and promised to deliver on all error codes...I thought that I was set.

The scan tool delivered on its promise and picked up the codes for both the VSC and ABS errors.  The information it provided concerned me even more, but then there was an initial error that it had picked up, of which my last OBD II scanner DID NOT.  A problem with the brakes - P0504, if I recall exactly.  I had to recheck the brake light bulbs.   Upon initial inspection they seemed perfect, but this time around I gently tapped the bulbs and only then noticed one of the filaments broken on one of the bulbs.   At that point, I was almost too embarrassed to stand outside my own house with bulb in hand!

I installed new brake light bulbs to both sides, and cleared the VSC and ABS codes and expected it to be back to normal, however, the moment I started up the Kluger and applied the brakes, the codes reappeared and I still had no brake lights.   I certainly wasn't thinking clearly.   I then rechecked the fuses and found the "STOP" fuse (10amps) was blown - I had missed this too when I initially checked the fuses as the break in the filament was so small it was almost unnoticeable.   A quick replacement of the fuse proved to be the ultimate answer.   The codes cleared on their own and the brake lights were back to normal.   

Had I been more meticulous with the checking I could have had the Kluger back on the road without all the fuss and bother, however I do not regret having purchased the scan tool as it will be an obvious bonus for all future problems to come.   

Regardless of the embarrassment, I needed to update everyone on my experience in the hope that it will ensure that this is not repeated by anyone else - and a reminder to be a little more calm and diligent on the checking.   Thanks to those who had stepped up to assist - it definitely helped.

  • Thanks 1

Great to hear you got it sorted Mario. Don't feel embarrassed either. It's all a part of learning mate. It's much harder trying to diagnose these things via the internet I must say, but given you had given it some time figure it through means someone else here can benefit from your situation.

A decent scan tool is a must today as all our modern cars are computer driven to the hilt and you will need one sooner or later, so it's never a waste of money. 

Thank you for the update. Happy motoring :thumbsup:

  • 2 weeks later...

Strange that the car chucked a DTC for a blown globe, normally the dash just lights up it's own warning light for "blown globe".  🧐

9 minutes ago, ZZT86 said:

Strange that the car chucked a DTC for a blown globe, normally the dash just lights up it's own warning light for "blown globe".  🧐

I, too, thought it was strange.  I was stuck on other ideas for the problem as the error codes - and their explanations - did not elude to a blown bulb!   

I was happy that the issue did not seem to be concerned with the original error codes directly (still very confusing though!).   I would love for someone with more knowledge on the subject to be able to explain why it had thrown those specific errors after a blown STOP fuse.   


15 hours ago, SAAB United said:

I was stuck on other ideas for the problem as the error codes - and their explanations - did not elude to a blown bulb!   

I was happy that the issue did not seem to be concerned with the original error codes directly (still very confusing though!).   I would love for someone with more knowledge on the subject to be able to explain why it had thrown those specific errors after a blown STOP fuse.   

I totally agree. Error codes are a basic guide most of the time. Other times, what you see is not what you get and it can lead to some crazy shot gunning of parts.

What I would do, is read the code and what it says about it and then go off and inspect everything else connected to it. For example. You may get a code for an O2 sensor, then you go off and replace it at very considerable expense, only to have the sensor error code flash up again then realise it was a bad catalytic converter. 

This is the sort of thing that can happen. You have to think more laterally with the blinkers off when diagnosing modern cars. YouTube video can also be a great help too.

  • 1 year later...

Please help with CODE  U0101  $07E8 Generic ( Lost Communication with TCM )

2007 AurionZR6 Check engine and VSC light is on from last 6 months.

Harsh engagement when put into drive or reverse,

Driving in 3rd or 4th from last 6 months 4000 RPM while doing 100KPH. Thanks




Changed the TMC yesterday (220$) from wrecker,

all codes are gone N gears are smooth as _____  like before So Far.


47 minutes ago, JeeT said:


Changed the TMC yesterday (220$) from wrecker,

all codes are gone N gears are smooth as _____  like before So Far.


A DIY with photos would've been great so others can see and learn. 

Anyway, glad you got it sorted.


Hello all Prado120 drivers.  I have a Prado with a similar problem The traction conrol light is on ABS also, the buzzer runs permananently.

Brake power assitant has failed so the brakes will function but only with very hard pedal pressure.    Has anyone had this ?  Today, Totota Service centre quoted me $4,500 to repair it. 

Has anyone had this and if so can you adise me of the repair cost.  This vehicle has done less than 100,000km and the roughest driving is going over suburban speed humps.  hardly anything rough LOL   I am curious to know of the expereince of others.   Regards Rodoz 


Looks like the ABS pump is shot. That's not bad for a 2006 car. 

Toyota price will always be horrendous. Ask your local mechanic if he can assist. You'll definitely save $$$.

Perhaps you may be able to fit a good used one from a later year model from the same generation with low kays. Just an option.

  • 2 months later...

It's well worth checking the battery a low or almost flat battery causes this issue, sometimes people fit them with a slightly smaller battery so even if your battery displays a green charged light it's under preforming.

I had the same issue it took me 10 minutes to fix it, new battery, I live in Sunny QLD so cranking amps aren't a massive concern, if you live in the cold or leave your car out during the colder months spent the extra 70 bucks on the battery meant for cold weather and that's the correct size, either problem can cause the issue, especially if the car has been sitting for a while, it's a common issue with them all of that era 07-08 around there.


Best of luck to you all, a bit of leg work and some wrench time means we all end up with better running cars and save a lot of cash, I signed up because I read some bloke spent a fortune looking for issues and for his sake in a way I hope it's not just a battery, start small and inexpensive then work your way forward is how I work towards the problems that pop up for time to time.


I also noticed a lot of people call friends or the local mechanic and jump on forums, it's a smart move, but never hurts to call an auto electrician either, I did for a GM 6.0l saved me hundreds, I lost the left bank on my 6.0l V8 he told me to check a wire on the back of the head and sure enough that was the issue, the mechanic wanted to replace the ECU coil packs etc I am glad I didn't listen and decided to call a few places, cost me 2 hours of time and some tape.

  • 4 months later...

Hey legends,

This error came up when I was driving home today. When I restarted the engine, the VSC error disappeared but the engine light stayed on. Any idea what to expect when I see my local mechanic next week? TIA!


12 minutes ago, Vix said:

Hey legends,

This error came up when I was driving home today. When I restarted the engine, the VSC error disappeared but the engine light stayed on. Any idea what to expect when I see my local mechanic next week? TIA!



Just turned on the car again. VSC and all the warning lights are back. Drove 1 lap around the neighborhood, turned off the engine and then turned it back on...everything disappeared.


Hi Vix, I would ask my mechanic too run a code scan to see if anything has listed that needs attention. As they came back have cleared again it is worth the peace of mind to have it looked into a good mechanic will do the scan and be honest about what shows so I only allow 1 mechanic to touch our "Faye"

Let us know the outcome mate


1 hour ago, KAA said:

Hi Vix, I would ask my mechanic too run a code scan to see if anything has listed that needs attention. As they came back have cleared again it is worth the peace of mind to have it looked into a good mechanic will do the scan and be honest about what shows so I only allow 1 mechanic to touch our "Faye"

Let us know the outcome mate


Thanks for the reply mate. The error came up again in the middle of when I was driving to and back from work. But it didn't come up when I went for 2 short local shopping trips tonight. Hopefully it comes back when I take the kids to school tomorrow lol? But anyway, I did manage to see my local mechanic after work ...he didn't have the time to scan but he did mention it is most likely has something to do with o2 sensor as he had similar problems before. I've only brought this car july last year as 2nd hand with 130000kms on the clock. It's near 150000kms now...maybe it's time to replace the o2 sensor?

  • Like 1

O2 sensor could do it or a multitude of other faulty sensors or damaged wiring even. A scan read of the cars onboard computer will tell you more info & roughly where to look.

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