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Everything posted by Foss

  1. Whacked a post under "what did you do to your car today" and included half a dozen images linked from Photobucket. Shrunk them all down to 250px high, but when submitted the post they just blew right back up again. Edited and re-shrunk, save the edit, and they blew right back up again. Broken? Or am I just hopeless?
  2. Coz this is the first time in a while I've actually jumped on TOCAU after having done work I'll bang up a few weeks worth of updates. :D Month or 2 ago finally got the eyelids installed. Few weeks ago, painted calipers metallic blue. Fitted an Ultra Racing Front Strut Brace last Monday. Had the cheap and tacky stock 'chrome' muffler tips chopped off on Friday and replaced with 3" double-walled stainless tips. Ripped apart the interior over the weekend and sprayed all the silver bits (apart from climate control unit and head unit facia) in a metallic black, high gloss, clear over base finish. Put the clear coats on early this afternoon, so now to let them sit til tomorrow or Tuesday night when I can sand and cut/polish them, and then get my interior back together and stop driving around like i'm a povo with a commodore. Edit: Apparently you can't shrink your photos in 'Quick Reply'! Dammit!
  3. Foss

    SPAM Thread

    You absolutely should. That look effing awesome! Also, in the interest of unrelates spam... how hard does it have to be to get the batter cover off an N97 mini? Seriously, my finger nails aren't made of steel! WTF were they thinking!!
  4. @VF-X: That looks tidy as. Kinda makes me keen now! @Adamsy: Bugger the weekend, midweek like we always do! haha

  5. Foss

    JOKES !!!!

    What do you do if a bird sh!ts on your car? Never take her out again!
  6. Foss

    JOKES !!!!

    The only way to pull off a Sunday afternoon 'quickie' with their 8-year old son in the apartment was to send him out on the balcony with a Mars Bar and tell him to report on all the Street activities. He began his commentary as his parents put their plan into operation: 'There's a car being towed from the parking lot,' he shouted. 'An ambulance just drove by!' 'Looks like the Anderson's have company,' he called out. 'Matt's riding a new bike!' 'Looks like the Sanders are moving!' 'Jason is on his skate board! After a few moments he announced, 'The Coopers are shagging!' Startled, his mother and dad shot up in bed! Dad cautiously called out, 'How do you know they're shagging?' 'Jimmy Cooper is standing on his balcony with a Mars Bar.'
  7. The Stig and his anonymity is a big part of TG. By not revealing who the Stig is, its fun to have the audience forever guessing, and it allows for a presenter/test driver to serve his purpose without bias. As with any celebrity, Ben Collins will have his supporters and his haters as a racedriver in his own right. But even if you're against him, its hard to judge and dislike the Stig when you don't know who's in the suit.
  8. If you're in Melbourne this NYE, I'm massively, massively jealous of you right now! You absolutely need to get along to see this! Armin Only - NYE Armin Van Buuren, massive 9hr set @ Etihad Stadium. I'm booked to play a club down here NYE, so I can't go! F@%#ers! :( (We seriously need a bawling your eyes out emoticon!)
  9. I pay my tax as I go (well, my employer does). Also, my own business generally runs at a loss, so no tax to be paid on that, and I defer that loss so I can offset it against any profit I might make in following years.
  10. Fracken great! Like it doesn't already take long enough to get paid by the ATO.
  11. Foss

    JOKES !!!!

    The funniest part was that he's still a virgin at 22.
  12. Foss

    SPAM Thread

    ***** I need a day off! Weekends aren't nearly long enough. lol yeah its a beer adm throws crap in to the water and it turns into a ski boat and stuff then at the end hepushes his gf in th water haha i rate that, the other half didnt find that part overly funny though haha I think they got some complaints about that, because they've got a new one now where he pushes his missus in, then she gets out and pushes him in too. Its not half as funny now.
  13. Foss

    SPAM Thread

    Because all water tastes like crap, and should only be consumed when mixed with coffee or cordial, or frozen.
  14. I've got an AV receiver in my lounge I've just had shipped down from Sydney. Was working fine before it was sent, but due to Australia Post being Australia Post its probably been thrown around during transit because the display module no longer works. Everything else works fine, just nothing shows up on the VFD. I'm hoping the display has just become disconnected internally and needs reconnecting. I've just been reviewing the connections diagram in the service manual and I'm not sure on the meaning of a couple of things. Circled in red is the display module and its associated connections. What I'm unsure of is what type of connection each (circled in blue) signifies. My assumption is that those like CN803 are ribbon cables and those like WH123 are solder points? Or perhaps I should just cash out and actually pay somebody that knows what their talking about?
  15. You mean these? I've always assumed they're just that - a cover. So if you have the 'clear' hybrid lights, you clip these over them for a different look.
  16. Foss

    SPAM Thread

    " shakes head" lol trust you fostaaaaaaa will it make an apperance on the 3rd? fairly sure you need a lighting designer for the night :) Doubtful. Can't find an appropriate remix. I do have an appropriate remix of Ghostbusters that I'll probably drop though. I always try to play a head-shaker of some sort. lol, I reckon LQ would have automated lighting, but if its done manually I reckon Coxy will be doing it as usual. lol i have a "sweet as legendary* remix of a Hanson song your more than welcome too ahaha. Remind me to put that disc under the wheels of a LC200 lol. mmm nah for something like that I'd like to think they'd have a engineer/designer behind the console all light so it looks spot on! Not dodgy gobo shakes or chases in slow songs and still beams in fast ones Don't know if LQ is set up to allow for manual control, or if it can only be preprogrammed like the Warehouse.
  17. Foss

    SPAM Thread

    " shakes head" lol trust you fostaaaaaaa will it make an apperance on the 3rd? fairly sure you need a lighting designer for the night :) Doubtful. Can't find an appropriate remix. I do have an appropriate remix of Ghostbusters that I'll probably drop though. I always try to play a head-shaker of some sort. lol, I reckon LQ would have automated lighting, but if its done manually I reckon Coxy will be doing it as usual.
  18. Foss

    SPAM Thread

    And on the topic of Rick Astley... I regularly Rickroll the crowd at parties... I'll be playing to a full dance floor and randomly drop a Rick Astley remix.
  19. Before I bought mine (used), the spare wheel well had a pool of water in it and there was mildew built up on the rim and tyre, and the wheel cover and boot mat were damp. I made them fix it for free or I wasn't buying it. Apparently there are rubber seals between the spoiler mounts and boot lid, and these were knackered for some reason. They replaced the seals and cleaned out the boot and fixed it all up. Had no trouble since, and my car lives outdoors in Tassie with our crappy tassie rain.
  20. That turned out real good, HT. Very impressive. Same way, but not sure how good it would look considering the lack of other chrome.
  21. Dunno bout getting robbed or car stolen, but I've had people try to get into my car on King St and surrounds on Sat nights after I've denied them a lift. Out of interest, what safety benefits are there to locking your doors while you drive? Like others have said and I have said, it just doesn't feel right. You wouldn't leave your house doors unlocked 24/7 would you? Pretty much, yeah. If I'm home, my front door is almost always unlocked. I lock it when I go to sleep or take a shower, and of course I wouldn't leave my house and not lock it, just as I wouldn't leave my car without locking it. But if you are driving through dodgy areas then I get where you're coming from. If I'm driving the streets late night/early morning, I hit the lock button at the sight of rowdy d!ckheads, but thats about it for me, and I unlock it as soon as I'm out of the trouble zone. Pretty sure theres an option for that on the Aurion. Its disabled by default but I think you can enable it if you hook it up to an IT. Someone (DJKOR??) posted up a list somewhere a while back of all those options, like door locks, headlight sensors, timers, etc.
  22. Out of interest, what safety benefits are there to locking your doors while you drive?
  23. Thats coz it is. That badge under your right-hand taillight says so! :P
  24. Finally fitted my eyelids over the weekend. Goddam drivers side one still doesn't look like it fits quite right, but looks good enough for me to leave it on. Plus its kinda sikaflexed there, so its not going to budge too easily anytime soon if I wanted to! Also painted my front calipers metallic blue. Bloody Tasmanian weather made that a tough job to do outside, and prevented me from doing the rears at all. Next few weeks I'll get her up on a hoist indoors and do the rears.
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