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Everything posted by Andrew357

  1. Regardless of what the official stance is, the new Anti-hooning laws in QLD will not be good for the enthusiast. Considering the cessation of mods and the possibility of selling.

    1. Hiro


      Or just move to NSW? Granted we aren't much better off down here...

    2. dwee.


      I think majority of people are considering that too Andrew. I know a few that have already done so. It's sad what it's coming to.

  2. The MCV/ACV30 that is Non-AU is likely to be H7. The MCV/ACV36 series are much different. From memory the Australian Gen5 Camry has something like 75% locally sourced parts. Powerbulbs will do an exchange for you.
  3. That's a H4 bulb, dual filament. You can remove the grommet if you wish but it is not necessary (but it does make it easier). 1) Grab the connector as close to the bulb as you can from the sides (ie; not the top bottom and grip as far away from the cable as you don't want to pull it out). 2) Squeeze and wriggle the connector and it will come loose. 3) To remove the clip, push on the unhinged side (that will be the side that is facing the outer side of the car) so you are pushing it towards you in a downward fashion. 4) The bulb should just pop out. 5) Insert the new bulb and pretty much do the reverse. I have the mechanical know how of a Neanderthal and the dexterity of one as well, but even I can change my bulbs; hopefully this helps.
  4. Romeo's soliloquy comes to mind.

    1. juvenile


      You horny?

    2. Andrew357


      Yes, but that has nothing to do with it.

    3. Kenshin X
  5. Ahh ok, that's wierd. I wonder which filament it is using.
  6. Facelift was mid-late 2004 but going from the OP's pic, it's a Pre-facelift model.
  7. 21W will be the actual brake/stop light element, 5W will be the tail light element (aka the dim red light that comes on when your headlights are on) The 21 and 5 are referring to the wattage of the globe, so the brake light should be roughly 4 times brighter than the tail (21/5 ~= 4) OP: Is the replacement bulb you bought a dual filament bulb? Ian's comment got me thinking about mine as the Gen5 uses a 5W T10 for the tail light. I pulled out my stop light and it's a single filament T20-21W bulb.
  8. Tell you about what? It's an Aurion. Not a Ferrari. Anyone can service the thing.
  9. 'The dealer'. Which dealer? There are many in Brisbane. Just don't take it to that one. Southside Woolloongabba has been no nonsense for servicing my dad's Yaris.
  10. It's 106 miles to Chicago, we've got a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark and we're wearing sunglasses.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Andrew357


      Me and the Lord, we got an understanding.

    3. Hiro


      country AND western

    4. Andrew357


      You better think about what you're saying. You'd better think about the consequences of your actions.

  11. You are annoyed the owner didn't tell you something that he has no moral or legal obligation to tell you? You can order EBC pads from the crew @ http://www.gslrallysport.com/
  12. Why not buy local from an Australian manufacturer and keep the money in Australian hands and buy Kings? Also, be careful buying stuff labelled for a 2002-2006 Camry. Most of the stuff that just list the parts for 2002-2006 is usually for the 30 series Camry which is very different from the 36 series Australian built (over 75% of components for the 36 series was sourced locally) Camry.
  13. The front, especially the grille section is hideous. I do like the lights though
  14. In summary: Toyota Genuine pricing is ridiculous and generally absurdly expensive.
  15. They will sell it to you for the RRP whatever it is, TRD owner or not. I have bought: - TRD Aurion front brakes - TRD Aurion rear brakes - TRD Aurion front brake pads and they didn't blink an eye... besides at the price.
  16. What;s your problem with King springs? I love bro science! What in the name of Jesus is bro science?
  17. You should probably get projector lenses solely because they stop you from looking like a tool when it's dark.
  18. Unless you have projector lenses I would recommend that the only HID kit you buy is none.
  19. Yes, you are not able to replace the battery. Just buy a new unit for $60.
  20. Nice car. Clean mods and nice colour. Keep the Sportivo grille, I reckon it looks good. edit: Oh, if you want to spend some serious $$$ let me know. I have lots of things you can do to your Gen5 to keep you spending money for ages.
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