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Everything posted by Silver-Aurion

  1. Wow, interesting. Thanks for the really good information. I never knew that. It's like killing two birds with one stone.
  2. I love it how you can make everything look so good with a camera. Nice stuff man. Can you now come and install a subwoofer and amp into my car
  3. If someone gave me that car for free I'd take it but I would never buy it. If I were to spend that much money on a ford I'd get something better like a beamer/merc etc.
  4. My foot has gone a bit heavy. I don't think I'm babying it like I used to. It's 90% of the time hitting 3000RPM off the lights. Maybe your heavy foot has rubbed off on me DJKOR. In fact I aint afraid to push it harder after seeing you push a Aurion like no one else does. Your SX6 was still running like a beuty even nearing 100,000 and from being on the track countless times
  5. Wow, awesome video thanks for sharing. Props to the guys who conducted these tests!
  6. Cheapest day my *****! I paid about 1.40 for BP98 today compare to 1.35 last week. Today I put the floor mats back in once they were dry and I gave the outside of the car a wash and cleaned the engine bay with a lot of degreaser. You should of seen the driveway, it was like a rainbow because of all the oil and grease that ran off the engine. Then I attacked ALL the plastics in the engine area with meguiars tyre shine gel, looking heaps good. Then gave the whole car a wash wax etc. Then went for my big cruise on my own. The road, myself, my music jamming and the car :). Love a good cruise after such a big clean.
  7. I've been thinking about this for a while so please excuse my ignorance but do we have to change the diff oil in our Aurions as well?(FWD). I know that it should be changed on RWD at around 90K. I know that in FWD drives its harder since everything is so tight and no room to play with so is it a mammoth of a job to do? How much is the average to pay a mechanic to get it done? I'm not planning on getting mine changed any time soon but just wondering for future reference and the more you know the better :) Thanks.
  8. Correct. When I pull my dip stick out its clean. But when I wipe it with a white tissue the oil on the white tissue is darker then on the dip stick and you can see the black oil particles.
  9. Where did you get that from!? By the way, love the car. So immaculate.
  10. Very good day today. I had a nice one on one session with the car today. It feels so good working on the car yourself. Finally got around to flushing the power steering, refilled with fresh fluids. The steering does feel better and no more noise. I had that motor noise from the power steering when turning, that is gone. I guess it was because I was also kind of low on power steering fluid so this flush and fluid topped up to right level made everything run so much better. I'm glad I done it. Then after cleaning up the big mess of oil I started cleaning inside the car. I gave the floor mats a really good steam clean and they are now drying on the line and the carpet inside a deep vacuum. I used meguiras leather cream on the seats and wiped down the dashes with the amorall spray. Everything is cleaaaan as. Tomorrow spending my lazy sunday washing, degreasing and hosing down engine compartment, claying, polishing waxing, fueling up with BP98 come back home and sit back and look at her :P
  11. That pull is torque steer which can happen in FWD's. http://www.google.com.au/search?hl=en&safe=off&client=firefox-a&hs=2AO&pwst=1&rls=org.mozilla:en-GB:official&&sa=X&ei=PTwvTKqVOtGLkAXF5uSCBA&ved=0CBcQvwUoAQ&q=torque+steer&spell=1
  12. Help! Which one is the return hose? Big one or small one?? I also take out the hose under the car right?
  13. I swear it could be someone. I had the EXACT same problem. I used to park my old car outside and every few days I would find screws in there or the tyre completely deflated. I took it to the tyre place countless times. I was so sick of it and got suspicions so I parked the car inside the garage. Low behold no more flat tyres. Till this day if I still ever find out who it is I think I'll put a nail in there head :D
  14. I wish someone could record the dash rattle. My Aurion was an ex fleet so I highly doubt the owner prior give a **** about fixing it and I've never experienced the said rattle. Closest I experienced was the front dash hitting the front window and "squeaking, cracking" noise each time it made contact and lost contact, that was a quick fix with some sort of chux wipe folded up and wedged in to make it tight, since then I've removed it and it no longer touches. So I guess it's select Aurions that have this issue? I've got 62K and its a 07. Also OP, would you like to share which dealer? They sound decent :).
  15. I went to Autobahn yesterday and spoilt myself a bit For those who aren't sure the oil is for my power steering flush :). Can't wait to use the new wax
  16. Because of this thread the terrorists have won.
  17. one thing i use when it's got an obvious coat of dust is the leaf blower...you can actually see the dust fly off Hey, you stole my idea I do this too sometimes. Full blast of the petrol blower and you can see a thin layer of dust come off the car.
  18. And with the amount of KM's you do, it was a recipe for disaster. Team silver FTW :P
  19. California duster? I heard about this from a detailers car forum on how to safely remove dust with minimal swirling from dusting.
  20. You can if you want to, but I usually advise against having the engine running when you are flushing the PS fluid. Following the instructions I have given will flush most of it out anyway. There is this pretty neat thing that happens... it's called siphoning. If you really want to be anal, you can get a basic key cut (not the transponder key that you normally use), and when your return line is disconnected, you turn the key from ON to START for a few seconds or more. This is turn the PS steering pump with the aid of the starter motor only but won't have the engine running because the engine doesn't start with a basic key like that. But realistically, you don't have to go that far. Thats pretty innovative Thanks for the help!
  21. Great instructions man. I'll have this handy with me when doing it, but during the initial turning of the steering, since you are emptying the oil should the car be running? I read somewhere that to just leave the key on the ON position but NOT to turn the car on while locking the steering to flush it out.
  22. I've decided I'm going to do the flush myself. How much ATF fluid do I need to use after a flush, it does not mention on the owners manual. edit: Also, which is the better method? 1. Remove the return hose and turn steering wheel left right to flush it out. 2. Suck out the fluid without DC'ing the hoses but again move the steering left right so oil gets back into its reservoir to be sucked out? I'm guessing the second option would be the cleanest Cheers.
  23. Mate the reason they are telling you there is no genuine fluid is because all the power steering uses is your every day DEXRON II or III automatic transmission fluid.What ever fluid you change to and use, make sure its compatible with the originally used auto fluid ( DEXRON ) as chances are you wont get every last drop out on replacement, and if the new fluid is not compatible,you will cause more trouble than its worth Thanks mate. I'll be then changing with this: http://www.penriteoil.com.au/products/automatic-transmission-oils/atf_dx-iii Hope its okay since it is a ATF DX III.
  24. Hi, just called two dealers for power steering fluid, neither stock genuine fluid. Apparently toyota does not have its own genuine fluid for power steering fluid. why is that? edit: anyone have any good recommendations for a quality power steering fluid? would this stuff be okay? I really don't want to be putting in the wrong oil http://www.penriteoil.com.au/products/specialty-automotive-products/power_steering_fluid
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