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Everything posted by CAP

  1. That's quite good. Just make sure the service history is sound. I don't think you can have too many problems with these, someone correct me if I'm wrong but 2nd gear syncro may be a problem if the car's been abused. Also it's not uncommon for these to leak a little oil at the rocker cover gasket - no problem, just a change of gasket which you can probably do yourself.
  2. Welcome My dad has an AE92 sedan and yes, as standard the suspension is quite soft so it does pitch and roll, but it's quite easily fixed with a new set of springs. In regards to the engine. The Auto's will cruise at about 2000rpm at 100km/h so they're quite relaxed on the highways, the manuals cruise at around 3000rpm at 100km/h, but all the same there's no reason why the engine wouldn't last. Highway driving is much better than stop start city driving. But this model is getting a little old now so it wouldn't be easy to find one with low km's on the original engine, but as with all the 4A series engines, they're robust and do last if looked after correctly.
  3. Yes I would stay away from large open cruises, they tend to attract a fair share of idiots not to mention every TOG officer available on the day. So do I hear you say a night cruise to destination X soon ... ?
  4. Another thing that may also help you is to look at www.realestate.com.au From this you can look at house prices and also rent prices all around Australia.
  5. Look up ozeparts.com for fog lights. I purchased and had mine installed for $450.00, check my garage and budda's too, they look no different to the Genuine ones.
  6. Updated ... 1 negatron CONFIRMED 2 eddy_torrez CONFIRMED 3 IZZ-FE CONFIRMED 4 BlkZR CONFIRMED 5 motoman CONFIRMED 6 gOODbOYz CONFIRMED 7 lucio libre CONFIRMED 8 omn1potent CONFIRMED 9 E-gene CONFIRMED 10 Danz (Will you humble my 1zz again?) 11 Ilivfor6 CONFIRMED Please be ready at 8.30 12 ktse1881 CONFIRMED 13 FLAMEBOY (ozmazda) CONFIRMED 14 2fst4U CONFIRMED 15 TAKA (ozmazda) CONFIRMED (Now Maybe) Please be ready at 8.30 16 Dantze CONFIRMED 17 unco (ozmazda) CONFIRMED 18 kthl (ozmazda) CONFIRMED 19 stress less (ozmazda) CONFIRMED 20 Triptizine (ozmazda) CONFIRMED 21 SABBAI (ozmazda) 22 vyets CONFIRMED 23 Danz (7th gen Celica) CONFIRMED 24 vman (ozmazda) CONFIRMED 25 2zzrolla (Come along and meet the boys & girls) 26 shane (cujo_71 - astra turbo OPEL CREW) CONFIRMED 27 joe 1.8 astra CONFIRMED 28 Johnbu astra turbo CONFIRMED 29 carra ba xr8 (shanes cousin) CONFIRMED Please be ready at 8.30 30 Andy S15 specR CONFIRMED Please be ready at 8.30 31 Peekay CONFIRMED 32 unit vl calais turbo (shanes mate)CONFIRMED Please be ready at 8.30 33 steve nissan silvia (shanes mate)CONFIRMED Please be ready at 8.30 34 andrea sv6 vz (shanes mate)CONFIRMED Please be ready at 8.30 35 chaz (S15) Maybe Get out of bed early for a change 36 R2RO (VY S) Maybe You too
  7. Pretty Funny. But depressing I want a GTi :(
  8. Honestly, if you're using wheels for road use only, I really don't think you can go too wrong even if they're made from lower grade materials, start getting on the track and then it's an issue as you don't want something heavy and prone to stress fractures in the spokes. The only big problem to look out for is purchasing a particular wheel design in a larger size than it was ever designed for. Eg, If a wheel was originally designed to be made in a maximum 16" size, but the copy uses the same design in an 18" application, the original design doesn't have the engineered strength to cope with the larger size and can break. When I purchased my wheels I almost purchased a set of Lenso S7's for it. But upon advise of a couple of retailers who told me the quality of them was so so because of the materials they're made from I settled on my ROH Adrenalins (The price difference was negligiable so they weren't trying to rip me off). BUT, I see many cars on S7's with no problems, so I actually do regret not getting the S7's.
  9. I've already advised ozmazda that RWD is expected to start at 8.30 and FWD after they finish. But, I don't see any reason why everyone can't start turning up at 8.30 like Lucio, Eddy and I and be ready to get on as soon as the RWD's that show up finish. Last time we wasted a fair amount of time in the morning because the cars weren't queued and ready to go first thing one after the other. This time, as soon as you turn up, queue your car (from around the back as before) and head into the front office to make your payment.
  10. It's a low kit isn't. The car doesn't look lower than mine and the front looks like it would snag on anything.
  11. Torque is also down ever so slightly, but I don't think it would be noticeable driving it. Power reduction is due to the new emissions reduction measures installed on the engine from Late 05 which restrict the engine more than before. They also introduced the drive-by-wire electronic throttle body too, again, in a bid to reduce consumption and emission output.
  12. <_< I don't like you anymore... :P Nice car and good to hear you're driving it as it should be driven :D
  13. I'll let omn1potent and E-gene elaborate on how much they use lift on our favourite mountain pass. :D
  14. Where you move to in Australia really depends on the lifestyle you want to have. Brisbane QLD, Has fantastic weather for most of the year, fairly easy going, lots of beaches and things to do and see and cost of living is quite affordable. Many businesses moving to QLD so employment is good. Fantastic tourism industry too. Sydney NSW, Biggest City in Australia. Considered the business hub of Australia with many Large Corporations based there, but not so much anymore, High Cost of living which heavily offsets the generally larger incomes and weather not as nice as Queensland but on average not as cold as Melbourne in Winter. Big population and very busy, but lots of nice getaways a short drive out of the city. Melbourne VIC, Second biggest City, but not very crowded and a bit more slow paced in comparison to Sydney. Considered to be the most multicultural city, Weather is very Seasonal, Hot summers (30-40c days) and Cold Winters (10-15c days) But it's common to have four seasons in a day. Cost of living used to be very affordable but now creeping up to near Sydney levels. Tasmania, Tucked away on it's own, it's where you can really get away to a very very quiet life. Unfortunately it's isolation means employment opportunities aren't too great unless you're happy to work in a call centre. Adelaide SA, Not a very large City, but close to fantastic wine producers, quite affordable to live in. And good work opportunities. Some good beaches just watch out for the sharks. Perth WA, Considered to be very cosmopolitan and a very nice City to live in. Distant from other cities but affordable living, good weather and good employment opportunities. Again great beaches and things to see. So every major city Centre is quite diverse, just research which best suits the lifestyle you want to lead.
  15. That's your parker bulbs. It should be the standard W5W (5 Watt Wedge). You can change these with the blue vision parkers, BJ Union parkers Tangcla is selling or the appropriate LED.
  16. A couple more people not able to make it, but still a great number of attendees. List updated. 1 negatron CONFIRMED 2 eddy_torrez CONFIRMED 3 IZZ-FE CONFIRMED 4 BlkZR CONFIRMED 5 motoman CONFIRMED 6 gOODbOYz CONFIRMED 7 lucio libre CONFIRMED 8 omn1potent CONFIRMED 9 E-gene (Will White Lightning be there?) 10 Danz (Will you humble my 1zz again?) 11 Ilivfor6 CONFIRMED 12 Gascan CONFIRMED 13 ktse1881 CONFIRMED 14 FLAMEBOY (ozmazda) CONFIRMED 15 2fst4U CONFIRMED 16 TAKA (ozmazda) CONFIRMED (Now Maybe) 17 -[ez]- (Maybe) 18 Dantze CONFIRMED 19 unco (ozmazda) CONFIRMED 20 kthl (ozmazda) CONFIRMED 21 stress less (ozmazda) CONFIRMED 22 Triptizine (ozmazda) CONFIRMED 23 SABBAI (ozmazda) 24 vyets CONFIRMED 25 Danz (7th gen Celica) CONFIRMED 26 vman (ozmazda) CONFIRMED 27 2zzrolla (Come along and meet the boys & girls) 28 shane (cujo_71 - astra turbo OPEL CREW) CONFIRMED 29 joe 1.8 astra CONFIRMED 30 Johnbu astra turbo CONFIRMED 31 carra ba xr8 (shanes cousin) CONFIRMED 32 Andy S15 specR CONFIRMED 34 Peekay (Will the project Accord make an appearance?) Where's TRD_141 ? :D 27 Confirmed.
  17. Parkers should only be a twist to release and to re-insert as per the manual. Once you have your fingers on it simply twist and should feel it come loose. Then pull it out. There's no clips for parkers.
  18. CAP

    JOKES !!!!

    Irish Ghost Story This story supposedly happened in a little town in Ireland, And even though it may sound like an Alfred Hitchcock tale, it's real! It was the middle of a very dark and stormy night, a guy was on the side of the road hitch hiking. As the night rolled on, cars were scarce, and no lights lined the street. The storm was so strong he could barely see a few feet ahead of him. Suddenly in the distance he saw the head lights of a car coming towards him and without any reason it slowed to a stand still beside him. Without hesitation, the guy hurriedly gets into the car and closes the door only to realize there is no one sitting behind the wheel. All of a sudden the car begins to move, the guy looks at the road ahead and notices a sharp curve coming his way. Scared, he starts to pray, begging for his life. Still in shock, but just before he hits the curve, a hand appears through the window and turns the wheel. Paralysed with terror,the guy watches how the hand appears every time they approach a curve. Gathering all the strength he has, the guy grabs the door latch,rolls out onto the pavement and runs as fast as he can to the nearest town. Dripping wet and in shock the guy runs into a crowded local bar, asks for two shots of whisky and begins to tell everybody about the horrible experience he just went through. Everyone is glued in silence and amazement as they notice the guy shaking, crying but clearly not drunk. About half an hour later two guys walk into the same bar and in amazement one says to the other. "Look Mick, that's the @sshole that got in the car when we were pushing it!" Blonde Revenge... Two bored casino dealers are waiting at the crap table. A very attractive blonde woman arrived and bet $20,000 on a single roll of the dice. She said, "I hope you boys don't mind, but I feel much luckier when I'm completely nude." With that, she stripped from the neck down, rolled the dice and yelled, "Come on, baby, Mama needs new clothes!" As the dice came to a stop she jumped up and down and squealed.... "YES! YES! I WON, I WON!" She hugged each of the dealers and then picked up her winnings and her clothes and quickly departed. The dealers stared at each other dumfounded. Finally, one of them asked," What did she roll?" The other answered," I don't know - I thought you were watching." Moral - Not all blondes are dumb, but all men are men. Always pay your rent... A middle aged business man met a beautiful young large breasted girl and she agreed to spend the night with him for the agreed price of $500.00. So they did in fact spent the night together, certainly enjoying the reasons for doing so. In the morning, before he left, he told the very sexy young girl that he did not have any cash with him, but that he would have his secretary write a cheque and mail it to her, calling the payment "Rent for Apartment." On the way to the office that morning, he regretted what he had done, realizing that the whole event was not worth the price agreed. So, he decided to send a cheque for $250.00 and enclosed a note: Dear Madam: Enclosed find a cheque in the amount of $250.00 for rent of your apartment. I am not sending the amount agreed upon because when I rented the apartment, I was under the impression that: 1. It had never been occupied. 2. There was plenty of heat available. 3. It was small enough to make me cozy and feel like I was at home. Last night, however, I found out that it had been previously occupied, that there wasn't any heat, and that it was entirely too large. Upon receipt of the note, the girl immediately sent back the following reply: Dear Sir: First of all, I cannot understand how you expect such a beautiful apartment to remain unoccupied indefinitely. As for the heat, there is plenty of it if you know how to turn it on. Regarding the space, the apartment is indeed of regular size, but if you don't have enough furniture to fill it, please don't blame the landlord. I will expect full payment due immediately or I will be forced to hire someone to remove your furniture.
  19. They're mounted similar to the parker bulbs. The wire is attached to the plastic bulb-holder, simply twist the plastic with wire and all anti-clockwise and then it should come out. When putting back in, it may be easier to work with the lights on because it will illuminate the space you're hands are working in.
  20. I lost count of how many times I swore trying to get the passenger side one in... It would have been alot easier if Toyota had designed the openings directly behind the bulb.
  21. I'm all for projector retrofits for HID's. It looks neater and works better. But At the same time, I've seen some HID kits on Corolla's which seem to produce little or no glare and others which produce ridiculous amounts of glare in the same model headlight unit. This makes me think it's also dependant on whether you purchase a set of bargain basement units or a good quality set. Also, the previous model GS Lexus had HID's without projectors.
  22. If you're just changing the colour, I really don't think there's any need to actually powder coat the wheels. As long as you have no scratches, a good baked enamel job would look neat and be approx $50 per wheel. FYI, when ROH wheels offer their products in either a Silver or the darker "Shadow Chrome Finish" for $100 extra per set of four, the Silver is powder coated, the shadow chrome is the powder coat, then covered with a thin layer of black chrome paint.
  23. As the forum sh!t stirrer, Bill has field day with everyone and anything :D :P And damn it's funny :D
  24. CAP

    Whats a good TV?

    I recently picked a HD DTT receiver/recorder for Apple 14" ibook, it's awesome, and completely portable so I now have a 14" TV for my car whenever I want :D
  25. CAP

    Karma !

    A girl recently backed into my car (My old stationwagon) at the train station, I was in a hurry and on my way to work so I we quickly exchanged details and went on our way, looking at the car closely in the evening the bumper was only slightly mis-aligned (Good old steel bumpers :) ) and I straightened it myself and let her know the next morning that I wouldn't be claiming or anything, she then asked me out for lunch :D
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