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Everything posted by Speedz

  1. there is no excuse for ******* driving...
  2. farkin tossers... tell that to the police imagine if he hits a person instead of side swiping your car...
  3. how did you find the road noise after sound deadening the back seats?
  4. thank god he is a authentic yank and not a chinese yank lol...
  5. *jizzed...* oOoooOOh your hot rims!!!!!!!
  6. Meguries gold class trim detailer could be use on the exterior trims.. :P
  7. IP: Telstra Bigpond Cost: farking alot... Problems: Bandwidth 25 gig u/d counted Reason for joining: No alternatives available, live too far from the exchange & Telstra unwilling upgrade exchange or install new ones... Pros: pretty quick speed... Cons: its Telstra FFS!!! :P
  8. if i have my way i would use a steam cleaner as i want to avoid the chemicals based cleaners ones as much as i can... :P
  9. dont know why but the rear vent (cosmetic) it reminds me of this... ;) abit more pronounced but its nothing bad i suppose...
  10. tbh if Australia has more population comparable to USA, then we could guess our cars could be alot cheaper due to bigger markets and competition... all those big price tags for japanese performance vehicle just makes would be converters stay with their local variety...
  11. i always rev my Yaris so its isnt sluggish... (its a manual... :D)
  12. ahhhh... tbh i rather have a spring loaded tap than a rubber insert lol... (my yaris has neither so hated carring the Vs around opened while driving lol... )
  13. 29 AAMI Rating 1... $550 full comprehensive for my Aurion 2008 and same price (why...) for my Yaris 2005...
  14. lol steering wheels looks right to me, i doubt they are suppose to be leaning to the left... the Dunnies look like it has been pull backwards lol tbh... so was my Yaris aftermarket rims from Tempe Tyres... :P
  15. well we (QLD) do have the most rip off rego in aussieland... :P
  16. ^ +1 wat the hell is Daryl doing 6am in the morning on a Sunday!
  17. Spotted a white Caldina GT4 with a nice kit having a ball from Mains Road all the way to Beaudesert Rd south bound... the only problem is i was looking at his ***** for the whole time... Yaris is just way tooooooo slow to drive quickly enough to see the whole car!!!
  18. ^ well price, well optioned... crap quality... sounds like a Holden/Ford!!! :P
  19. is the car a actual workin model? i like the interior but this car doesnt look cheap maybe at least a 45k - 50k car...
  20. this post is worthless without pics... :P
  21. i read one of this baby will cost you $700k in Aussie bucks on road...
  22. neat...! now if you could do the rest of the central console too :P
  23. man your tax refund must be alot given so much km you actually travel!
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