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Everything posted by STYLSH

  1. Just browsed through ebay and found a matt black helmet! :P Stealth helmet?
  2. Sorry guys, the rain is coming next week because I washed the car today

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Kenshin X

      Kenshin X

      yeah freaking HATE it when it rains just enough to ge the car dirty and u just cleaned it... >=[

    3. DemonRolla
    4. diamond white

      diamond white

      come to perth no such thing as rain

  3. Yes the light output will be different as they are designed for a LHD car as opposed to our RHD cars. They will light up the wrong side of the road and thus blind on coming traffic and give you little visibility for the curb side.
  4. For me it usually slides from the bottom of the screen and stops at a random spot in the top half of the screen
  5. thinking about washing the poo off the car.

    1. Andrew357


      Did a hoppys run last night and the car is dusty as due to the wind. I need to wash all my washing gear before I head out again.

  6. Hey at least it doesnt do the rev cut and actually let you rev all the way to redline still unlike my cel experience before the annual meet last year :P. And gave andrew an idea which he is researching right now. :P
  7. Hope my driving didn't scare steve too much. And I have decided, no more fog from me. :P
  8. If you are really worried about the scratches/stone chips etc, you can always apply a film of book contact on the front bumper, bonnet and the mirrors. Remove when you are up here and give it a quick wash afterwards. This was advised by our resident detailer SB! And I'm sure he will be able to give it a nice clean on Friday at his work.
  9. Just passed mr yap on the way home on kessels road. Saw the blue* headlights and then the plates at the lights coming off Nathan campus.
  10. Why do you need an adaptor? Can't you just buy a din pocket and use the standard brackets?
  11. Ahh yes, forgot about the other advantage of having bigger rotors is that the braking torque is increase. Having gone from 275mm rotors to 323mm rotors, I certainly felt the difference in actual stopping ability.
  12. The small track there is actually better as you get to see your friends drive around instead of being all alone up the front or back.
  13. Are we going to meet at hoppys on thursday night instead then? Probably going to take that day off or swap shifts so I dont have to finish at 8.
  14. Yeah I saw how he left too. Least he could do is go through the entrance instead of through the grass. And we found out kumhos are way more smokey it seems.
  15. Get a Whiteline rear sway bar. It will transform the car's handling. or get good tyres
  16. Should come to the annual meet, there are sydney people coming up.
  17. Just put a bid for some goodies for the car, let see if they accept my best offer.

    1. Andrew357
    2. STYLSH


      Lol they didn't like my lowballing them. Well technically I wasn't low balling, they were just expensive. I offered them the same price that was asked from the manufacturers themselves.

    3. Andrew357


      Bugger them to hell! Just get Trevor @ CES to make a set and I'll get another in HPC coated.

  18. Dad works at market square at coffee square. I wouldn't recommend a meet there as the car park is like world war 3.
  19. With the wheel off you will see 2 bolts holding the hub on to the struts, undo those. (14mm iirc) Then undo the bolt that connects the strut to the sway bar. Pull the hub off the strut. Undo the top 3 bolts holding the strut to the car. Reverse the order to put new struts in. hint: Use a jack and jack the hub back into the new struts as it is hard to do by hand while trying to line the holes for the bolt.
  20. Dad works there :P Inside knowledge I guess :P
  21. Andrew beeped me at Sunnybank Market Square. Awesome place for carpark wars and watching incompetent asian drivers trying to park. Hope the dinner recommendation was good.
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