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Everything posted by STYLSH

  1. Most parts of the sound systems in the toyotas are made by Fujitsu ten (Eclipse). The upper models arent too bad for stock. Usually they aren't very powerful and 15w would be a good estimate, however I ran mine 80w rms and they were a lot better and they didnt blow up either.
  2. Considering they should be dropping the box from the bottom anyway and hence they dont really need to muck around with the supercharger other than add fluids into the hidden reserviour lol.
  3. Bad luck mate. As Andrew said the excess is there with all insurance companies. Just need to find one that is cheap enough in terms of premiums and least amount of excess. However once you mod the car be prepared for heftier premiums as they know not a lot of options is out there for you. Gotta pay to play :). Shannons is good if you are above 25 and have a nice driving record. Paying 900 a year and 500 excess with lots of major mods.
  4. ^^^ need to come out more often as does Corey and other tocau oldies :P . The stories are AWESOME!!
  5. Didn't eat out of your hand tho :P. Ate out of D's hand last night. Chip and Dale? :P Actually we should call him "Mentos"
  6. We need something like this for QR :D!!!!
  7. Not sure if I am going to bring the LSD. Really dont want to get mugged lol!
  8. Ignore this if it doesnt seem relevent guys :) From an interstater who went to the annual last year in sydney, I personally think the Villawood carpark isn't the best place for a car meet of our caliber. It did not seem safe at all and this sentiment was shared by all the other qlder's. I think it was the dodgy looking randoms that come around looking at the cars (getting a shopping list maybe) walking towards Macdonalds. For the guys that came up this year to the annual, you might understand the big difference between the meeting places. We are blessed with our meet spot as it is quite secluded with no traffic and hence also no unwanted attention from the po po's and other randoms. But as I say, ignore if it has changed since last year and this post isnt relevant
  9. Tonight has proven that I need an LSD. Seriously spinning the wheels in a big part of 2nd gear down the uber sticky drag strip is a pain.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. STYLSH


      Lol really can't be THAT loud lol

    3. DJKOR


      I wonder how the TRD would be with an LSD.

    4. Andrew357


      It was loud man. I was parked in the cooling area and I heard you screaming.

      Daryl: Imagine the TRD with an LSD and an E153...!

  10. On the 1100m track, my best was a 60.8sec but I never managed a proper clean lap lol. Always a problem with a corner.
  11. Yup Quaife diff. It is a heavy mofo!!! Now I just need to wait for my other little parts to make things happen...
  12. :) lol No more single peggers soon!
  13. Damn it! My speedo drive gear and bolts aren't coming in for 2-3 weeks............ Now i have to wait another 3 weeks before I can get the toys installed!!!!! So tempted to do tha paint but I know they will scratch it when they do the gearbox!

    1. Andrew357


      Just wait young Padawan. I can't afford the roof-respray yet.

    2. STYLSH
    3. Andrew357


      actually; I need to see what Adrian wants to charge. Let me know when you're going to visit.

  14. How much fuel for Willowbank?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Andrew357


      That low? I'm about 1/3 remaining; but I bought an extra Liqui Moly. Worst case scenario, fill up 10L @ that Mobil and chuck 1/3 of the Moly in.

    3. DJKOR


      I have 480km of fuel left as shown on the dash and I have another 440km to drive up until I get to Willowbank. I'm trying to hypermile at the moment.

    4. Andrew357


      You're nuts. I'll remove the spare tomorrow as well.

  15. STYLSH

    The Sexus

    Willow bank wednesday? :P
  16. Wait till my respray which will be after my LSD install? Which btw, Adrian is really excited about because this is the first time he has done a whole car and not just a single panel here and there. He is going to a couple of test panels with different degree of satin for me to choose. Just had to fire an email to the Toyota NZ people to see if they have some parts for the LSD install.
  17. Found out one reason why I get this funny knocking noise when I go on/off throttle and why it is so hard to launch the car. The engine/gearbox managed to clean tear the front gearbox bracket mount into 2 pieces. It was only still on the car because of the top bolt holding both pieces in place! Got TORQUE!!!!
  18. If you want something that can rival the JL W7, go for the Image Dynamics IDMax 12. This sub has been used in many instances for car audio competitions (we are talking sound quality not DBDrags) and has won lots of them. Although they are build for SQ, they can still go very loud and tight. I've had mine for about 8 years and it's still going strong. They don't need lots of power to run 400-500w rms to to sound decent, but if you want to go loud, the more power the better - about 1000w rms range. Mine is being powered by the TruTechnology Hammer H1 which does in excess of 1000w rms. These puppies goes for about $900. Have a read on the net about it.
  19. LOL at the person -1'ing my posts.

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