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Status Updates posted by MrRob

  1. Long time no see

  2. New shoes.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Kenshin X

      Kenshin X

      slammin'! i thought u got rid of the plates???

    3. MrRob


      I did Duy, old plates were ZR6XY. Just added the number 3 to make it $390 cheaper per year.

    4. Kenshin X

      Kenshin X

      omfg. 390... :(

  3. Idiot makes anti "hoon" status. 2 days later gets done for hooning.

    1. Andrew357
    2. jeffy


      hahahahahahah !

  4. Anyone interest, pics from showcased are here. Gotta be on Facebook of course https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.396708490393921.89989.181929448538494&type=1

  5. Just a few more weeks till happiness.

  6. Hurry up tax. I want my AccuAir.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. 4ABHGE


      +1 just with less accuair and more go-fast bits ;)

    3. Defyant


      Just googled! WOW very nice Rob that's a pro lookin setup. whats it setting you back?

    4. MrRob


      We all know there little if any performance parts for the Aurion thats why I'm going for the show pony look.

      Luke its is gonna cost me around $1800 for the AccuAir set up. Well worth it and I should have got it in the first place.

  7. One Direction can straight up E.A.D

  8. ZR6XY has moved on.

    1. JDM-GTFour


      You still have many, many photos to remember them by. :)

    2. MrRob


      Yeah I've got a few


  9. Bye bye ZR6XY

    1. Kenshin X

      Kenshin X

      no more custom plates??? :(

    2. MrRob


      They have arrived at the RTA. I'll pick them up when I pay my rego which runs out on the 12th March

  10. Fbooker need to read all the comments on private numbers Camry uploaded on Just Stance http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=356793377686974&set=a.129378403761807.14284.104434632922851&type=1&ref=nf

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. private number

      private number

      haha agreed. **** is just way to funny. People are mad over something so small across the other side of the pacific. wow hahahaha

    3. Andrew357


      I've said my bit. I like how your Camry rolls (even though it probably scrapes more than it rolls).

    4. private number

      private number

      to be honest its not as bad as people think haha

  11. Take a look at some of my shots on Flickr coz fb quality is lame http://www.flickr.com/photos/rlh85photography/sets/72157629313632537/

  12. What are your views on Nissan joining the V8 Supercars? Personally I love the idea and its only a matter of time till Toyota joins in.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. MrRob


      I'm guessing its the new G35 they'll be using.

    3. dutchie101


      Well, i think the chassis will be the new generation shared by all, just their bits n body will be the difference...

    4. Hiro


      maca_10 no need to imagine, Nissan already run a 3.4L V8 RWD R35 GTR in SuperGT....

  13. Farkin $899 for rego and thats not including green slip. Might get rid of my plates.

    1. Kenshin X

      Kenshin X


    2. Pah


      sux stupid rta thats what stopped me getting personal plates costs enough to register as it is

  14. Possible Hot4s feature.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Kenshin X
    3. JDM-GTFour


      isnt yours a 6cyl? I thought it was for 4's and rotaries? I havent seen one of them mags for ages..congrats!

    4. Seby123


      ^ thats fastfours&rotaries youre thinking of, but even they do 6s and up.

  15. I want a Cappuccino for a daily, they look so fun to drive.

    1. itsmehuey


      I want a pimped out segway.

  16. The racing community loses another great driver. R.I.P Jason Richards.

    1. Noodle Boy

      Noodle Boy

      i was shocked when i read that in the Herald Sun just then.

    2. Pah


      +1 to that

    3. Pah


      Yeah he was a great driver and will be missed

  17. MOFO of a boss. 8 yrs and 2 months and all of a sudden my services are not needed at work anymore. But no the useless c**t that started 3 months ago remains.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. VF-X


      Sorry to hear it Rob. But bright side, better now than after new year. How would u start a new year with getting sacked?

    3. 1stKill


      that sux Rob...ohhh well a new chapter in life is about to begin,good luck buddy :)

    4. MrRob


      Thanks guys but I had 3 weeks holidays coming up anyways so would have been better to finish off the year then say I won't be needed next year.

  18. Why is it that the wet weather brings out the stupid in some drivers or maybe they're just stupid.

    1. dutchie101


      Mostly always stupid, it just shines thru when its wet...

    2. 1stKill


      and because normally their sh!tboxes dont wheelspin in the dry so when it's wet they gather in numbers....

    3. Pah
  19. Just putting it out there but I think SEXSPEC is gay.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. dutchie101
    3. MrRob


      Yeah and just disgusting over sized chrome dinner plate wheels

    4. Kenshin X

      Kenshin X

      i like disgusting over sized chrome dinner plate wheels. its the only plate that can fit what i eat each time and is incredibly stable. :)

  20. I am finished doing up my car.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. MrRob
    3. JDM-GTFour


      Time to sell it and move on to a new project then. :)

    4. MrRob


      Nope, gonna stop putting money into it and concentrate on saving and those damn bills.

  21. Tragic week in motor racing. Lets hope things don't come in 3's. R.I.P Dan Wheldon, R.I.P Marco Simoncelli.

    1. maca_10


      Hope not too. RIP

    2. juvenile


      I saw Rossi run into him too, he'd be gutted too being best mates and all..Terrible

    3. 1stKill


      Tragic....RIP both souls

  22. Not proud of this but my new record for filling up petrol is $95.21.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Foss


      Bargain! My record in the ZR6 is about $120 from just on the fuel light.

    3. jeffy


      Mines $100.11 (91ron too)

    4. Kenshin X

      Kenshin X

      i remember when fuel was 33 cents for LRP :P that was like err... 10 years ago

  23. My car is gonna be so out of place at Supernats this weekend.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. cruzer


      And it will be the only one to drive in there :P ahaha

    3. dutchie101


      ALl the best with the weekend too, do us proud!!

    4. MrRob


      Thank you gentleman, I'm doing it for all us Toyota guys.

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