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Tony Prodigy

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Everything posted by Tony Prodigy

  1. I don't see anything wrong with my stock headlights to warrant fancifying them to be totally honest. Driving at night has become annoying to me because of those high power bulbs on many cars these days. Don't kid yourself, they are blinding and should be banned.
  2. I suspect the sump pan may be different (hence the smaller oil capacity) on his "battleship" with the 2GR-FE and the manual provided may be a generic across the board type with reference to the 6.1lt full capacity. This may not necessarily apply to the Jap Tarago. Like Trent said. Trust the dipstick regardless how ridiculous the manual seems.
  3. Trent hit the nail on the head. That's where I would go. Sometime a wrecker receives delivery of a written off Presara or Prodigy, (Presara and prodigy share the same wheels), with say 2 or 3 wheels damaged and two left. The one in the boot ( always the most desirable) and the remaining one on the vehicle. Or you may opt to put a new set of mags on it... not my cup of tea, but each their own i guess
  4. Don't you hate how some O.Ps keep you high and dry ?? Pun intended.
  5. LOL ! A single post from the O.P and never heard back. Why in anyone's right mind would you want to remove the speed limiter on a Kluger of all things ??? Even if it WAS possible, that would be a reckless and stupid thing to do, not to mention the endangerment to others who share the roads. You want to go flat out in your Kluger ? Go do it in the desert.
  6. The image shows the spots typically where the garage mechanic would lift your car via hoist. Like campbeam said, I use the cross members. Solid as a rock. Good point by Trent too. Make sure you chock the opposing side wheels very well. Safety 1st ! Take your time to set it up safely and then attempt the repair.
  7. I doubt a crack in the windscreen would allow that much water in. I'd check the fresh air intake as Campbeam suggested. Too much leave litter in the plenum chamber can block drainage holes and it will overflow quickly.
  8. Sorry to hear about the car and your personal situation. Time to move on I guess. I found these TRD Aurions for you: https://www.carsales.com.au/cars/trd/aurion/
  9. What a time capsule. That is extraordinary ! Get it sorted and keep it.
  10. It was in the family. Belonged to his dad.
  11. Maybe, but I think it's more the picture quality. Not all 40 series Aurions have the melting dash issue yes ?
  12. Haha. I was waiting for that one to pop ! I did watch this Peter. John Cadogan is spot on Just wondering what experiences others have had in regards to this Global debacle.
  13. I have heard about this monstrosity over the last few years and thought it may be a good topic to touch upon here. 1st Question would be. Are our Cars affected by this Rogue design ticking time bomb of an air bag ?? If so, which models ? Question 2. Is anyone out there still waiting for their bomb to be replaced ? All comments welcome.
  14. Hahaha !! Sometimes it's the most simplest things right ? I wouldn't expect a 2014 model to have electrical gremlins so soon in it's short life. Always a good idea to do a thorough search of the car itself before thinking the worst. These are pretty sweet and reliable cars.
  15. Looks Beautiful Mate ! Matt or Gloss doesn't matter, still looks fantastic. I would take it as the Matt on the trim being matt as an offset to the Gloss on the wheel as one would expect the wheel finish to wind up glossy after years of usage. Get my Drift ? Very Nice
  16. There are a few on ebay. Try to find the least Cheap and Nasty type. Pay a bit more for a better quality product. If something is cheap, it's cheap for a reason and the seller couldn't give a hoot. He just wants your money. Here's a good one. https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/Dash-Mat-Suits-TOYOTA-AURION-2006-2012-GSV40-MODELS-BLACK-Posted-in-box/291954237760?epid=1476740987&hash=item43f9d42140:m:mH3ylq62TIlPAIBYnS4v-Sw
  17. DIY can be fun. Yeah what the hell. The OP can have a crack I guess. Nothing ventured, nothing gained perhaps. If he's not too fussy about the finish, why not. In the end it's really up to the individual. We can only advise. I would like to see the end result if he decides to tackle it himself. I hope it all works out well.
  18. You up for some new front pads there Pete ?
  19. Yes. They have updated the 4 cyl with an all new engine to keep inline with Mazda's Sky Active 4 cyl engines that utilise the high compression to give them some more power and torque. Good if you are into 4 cyl cars. For me, I prefer the dynamics of the V6. It doesn't chew much more than the 4 cyl, and it can actually get better mileage than a 4 Cyl if you drive it smoothly. The added benefit of the V6 is all that reserve power on tap. NiiiCE !!! If the replacement V6 is even more refined than the current (outdated 2GR-FE), then it should be a very sweet Camry V6. I will keep my Aurion for a while yet. We are still enjoying it immensely. Maybe one day a Japanese Built Camry V6 will be parked in my driveway..
  20. That's good news mate !. Nothing worse than having a ticking time bomb. The PCV valve could be the culprit and can account for the massive oil loss now when I think more about it.
  21. Good call mate. Let us know what they find.
  22. **** happens I guess. The supplier got the formula wrong so it seems. It's not Toyota's fault totally, but they are responsible the end product. Just like the air bag debacle.
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