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Theres not much that can get me ****** off more than being racially discriminated against.

I have to put up with a lot of sh!t from the kids I teach so Ive grown a bit of a thick skin when it comes to kids calling me Nobbi or asking me to write in Jap/Chinese coz there arent many Asians in my school... I can easily forgive my students for naive stuff like that.

Anyways, I was having an ok day today and I arrived home early from work, so I decided it was a good idea to take my father in law, my wife n kids to my local driving range for some fresh air and a chance to practice my golf swing. Anyhoo, after we were done at the driving range, on the way out of the driving range I had a car in the right lane trying to turn right. I was turning left. The traffic was a bit thick so both of our cars were pretty much stuck waiting for a gap in the traffic to get through.

Anyways, the kids (12/13yrs old or younger) in the other car were acting up. They could see I was looking through their car in order to see the traffic coming up on the right side. Meanwhile, the kids in the other car were waving their mobiles in the air trying to block my view, so I ignored it and drove forward a bit to get a better view of the road. Seconds later, the kid in the front passenger seat decides to open up his window and start screaming some bloody football chant on the top of his lungs. Im concentrating on the traffic, so I just think "retard" and ignore the little idiot. Bout half way through his song he got ****** off that I didnt react so he goes and yells "F*CKING CHINESE C*NT!!" and SPIT on my car, hitting my window which was only 1/3 of the way up! If i had the window all the way down, the spit would have definately hit me! I yelled back "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?! YOU SPIT ON MY CAR YOU IDIOT!" the old man behind the wheel took notice and whacked the kid on the head (why didnt he do that when he was yelling out of the car?!!??) Then I yelled "SETTLE DOWN" before driving off(thats what I normally tell my students when they get too loud)...My brain was somewhat in teacher mode since this was only a kid I was yelling at, so I tried to ignore my more natural instincts in which I would have jumped out of the car and grabbed the little idiot by his neck.

Thinking back on it now, it only seems like he said that because he got annoyed that I didnt react to his stupid behavior earlier... but still.. Ive had to grow up with ignorant comments like that being said to me all the time! I still remember racist comments directed at me by my teachers back in year 1! Even back then I knew somehow those comments werent right! and to be spat on by a damn kid calling me a Chinese C*nt just a few hours ago.. like being Chinese somehow considered a bad thing in the first place... just does my head in.

end of rant.

Edited by J_J
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=_= i have personally experience 2 situations 1st hand..what a load of BS!!!

u have very good temper J_J

i just dont get it..does it really matter who we r..where we come from..n what colour we r ?

we r all the same beneath the skin..

i really hope that THOSE ppl will experience it one day themselves..

i belive in karma..

racist ppl = low life

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Australia used to be the multicultural country, but since stuff like the Cronulla riots in 2005, there has been absolutely no evidence of this. Most people are tolerant (as they should be) but there is a growing minority of foul mouthed dumb-as-dog-***** bogans who would much rather than anyone without sandy hair and fair skin would "go back to their own country".

I see things like the southern cross stickers on cars as a sign of people taking patriotism too far.....

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I find dealing with racist pr1cks similar to dealing with Diarrhea - painful to deal with at the time and often gives you a sick feeling, but onces that ***** has passed and they go back to joining the other turds, you feel a whole lot better, and with a short passing of time, you'd have forgotten all about it. :lol:

I find comfort in the fact that they actually have to say something utterly offensive to get a reaction from me. Meanwhile, all i need to do is merely exist for them to burst a blood vessel - i spend less energy for a reaction, therefore I WIN! :lol:

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I cant say i have experienced any racism directly... (maybe because i am white, LOL) but I have quite a few friends of different backgrounds (mostly Asian) who cop s*it from ignorant f*ck heads because of the color of their skin. There is no one in this world more ignorant and stupid than racists... and anyone who claims they are just being patriotic is even stupider.

I have nothing against patriots, I love my country too... but one of the things that makes (made...) Australia great was the 'melting pot' of different cultures... every culture has something positive to contribute... but there are alot of stupid, ignorant people out there that don't see that.

We are all human, grow the f*ck up and learn to get along with your fellow people, no matter their race, gender, age, sexual preference, etc.


Edited by mick.wheelz
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I cant say i have experienced any racism directly... (maybe because i am white, LOL) but I have quite a few friends of different backgrounds (mostly Asian) who cop s*it from ignorant f*ck heads because of the color of their skin.


although it's usually my eyes that people destinguish rather than my skin :lol::lol::lol: I think my yellow-brownish skin is an upside, especially in today's tan-crazed Australia. :lol: so any pale skin chicks that wanna hook up - you may not be able to permantly change your skin colour - but think of the next generation! As Russell Peter's said, We're all eventually going to be beige anyway. hahaha

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There is nth wrong being patriotic :D

Everyone should be.. :)

I just really hope that those racist ppl get a taste of their own medicine ey..

Once on the bus..my fren got scolded for no reason by this aussie..

The bus driver who is an aussie too got really ******..n told him to STFU or get off..

:) Y cant we just love everyone :) :P love esp ur enemies :P they hate that :D

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Kudos to you, J_J for keeping cool under a moment that would have challenged most people's reactions.

I seriously can't believe things like this still happen to this day. A serious question poses as to why the old man who was driving didn't perk up when the kids started saying ''F*CKING CHINESE C*NT!!" ?

Did you manage to get the rego number of the car? I'd lob a hand grenade and report that stuff to the cops.

Personally I don't mind the Southern Cross stickers on cars, just sometimes the mind set is not quite there...However, as a teacher, maybe you could use this experience to teach the younger generation 'what not to do'. ?

Myself and a few mates are part of the Defense Force, but none of us actually have 'Aussie' backgrounds. There is are a few Turks, a Viet/Chinese, a Polishman, and a few Germans. So how do you think we feel on Anzac Day? :D Proud Australians.

Edited by RME1
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my reaction would hv been worst.. i will smash the fkn window and drive off if i was in a similiar situation .. like rme1 said.. good work for keeping ur cool!

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J_J, I applaud you on doing exactly the right thing and ignoring it.

Sure it feels like ***** sometimes but you need to remember that in most cases these people are only making noises to get your attention and to get a reaction from you.

The saddest part of all this is that it was a kid being rude... he had to learn that behaviour from somewhere

Kenneth - your response would have only created more hatred and escalated things.

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While working in Asia I received a lot of racist remarks and attitudes. I can see that it would still be no where near as bad as what some of the whites dish out here.

It seems a lot of people forget that everyone is a human, exactly the same as they are.

qkslvr: I think tan's look stupid, makes the skin look like leather. Don't confuse that with natural skin colour.

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thanks guys, glad 2 know that others think i did the right thing. but yea, i typically ignore most other distractions while im driving. the kid did recieve a good whack on the head for his efforts.. not by me, but by his dad/granddad (unsure) who was behind the wheel at the time. all the time at school i get asked by the kids "what nash are you?". at first i ALWAYS say australian! but then i add "my parents were born in the philippinez if thats what you were trying to get at".

If youve never been insulted because of the shape of your eyes or colour of your skin/hair.. or worse, if you are someone whos actually gone and done this sort of stuff to someone else in the past... youve gotta realise that its a heaps low act.

I was born aussie. To be treated like i should "go back to my own country" when I was born in sydney.. ffs.. words cant explain the frustration... it cuts deep.

Anyhoo.. I think its time i got that spit stain off my window.. its still up on there

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lols damn thats pretty bad, esp. since its a kid whos saying that to you

thats why you should move to my area LOL, freshies off the boat everywhere you look

however when i was back at my first highschool (Cerdon College) there was only about 10 asians in the 200 something grade, i dont recall once ever being treated unfairly because of my nash (even tho im part russian)

lols i still remember when i was in yr7, i asked my friend (whose lebanese) what nash i looked

LOL her response was "asian" HAHAHA i was like huh ?, lols for some reason not many people know that theres actually different countries in asia

hahas sad but true, they usually stereotype asians to be either Chinese or Japanese LOL anyone else noticed that or is it just me?

hahas anyone see big brother on how Terrance (old man) & Terri (old woman) said they could blindfold Nobbi (jap guy) with a shoelace

but yes well done J_J, i think i would have gone psyhco

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was in the same boat 2 weeks ago. got sworn at on parramatta road buy a young guy probably in his mid 20's cause i pressed the horn and looked wog. anyways think he was trying to be a hero in his mazda 3 with his girlfriend by his side and started callin me a fukn wog, stickin his finger up and all kinds of other swearing and actions. and was quite upset and angry that day and decided i would blow up on this guy so i walked out of the car with nothing in my hand and tried pulling the guy out of the car to give him a well deserved beating as he stepped on the throttle with half his body outside and also with my number plate. then later on i received a phone call from a police officer and said i was gonna be charged for bashing someone but after i explained myself and told the officer i had nothing in my hand was given an official warning for road rage because i persued the argument and got out of my car. not really worth it as it can get you in some real trouble.

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While working in Asia I received a lot of racist remarks and attitudes. I can see that it would still be no where near as bad as what some of the whites dish out here.

Unless you where in Thailand and a few other countries, you tend to get that feeling. As long as you're a minority, no matter where you are, someone's always going to treat you differently - it's impossible to escape stereotypes so i usually don't bother. Embrace it!. This is to everyone; if you're Anglo, feel comfort in knowing that you speak the language of the internet. If you're black gloat in the fact that everyone knows you're hung like a stallion. if you're Chinese - YOU KNOW KUNG FU. If you're Japanese, well, one word for you: SONY!. If you're European, YOU OWN MOTHERF'ING MERCEDEZ - be happy people! :lol: :lol: :lol:

qkslvr: I think tan's look stupid, makes the skin look like leather. Don't confuse that with natural skin colour.

Only when they're spray-on, and only in the mornings, my friend. hahaha

NOTE: none of what i say is to be taken seriously. If you're Chinese aren't, infact, a Shaolin master OR you're African and aren't as endowed as stated, please don't take offense. =)

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2 week ago at carlingford court. i was waiting for a parking spot and the car that was comming out at the back of it was another car moving out so the other side the dude like a oldish male driving this van move it and took my spot and he got out i look and him and he turns around "WTF u lookin at you nip" i was shocked like WTF. and then i turned around and said "you stupid ***** u should always look on the other side" and then he goes "oh i'm sorry i was on the phone" ppl like them ***** me off just because i look asian doesnt mean that they can walk all over me. and whats the point of having hands-free or not talking on the phone like the P plates. Ppl like them don't get in crap for it but for us P platers get a fine and lose points??

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I agree with many of the sentiments on this thread (J_J, MR22ZZ, RME1, etc..). If it's any consolation, I use to get bagged in primary school and early high school for being TOO WHITE! Ok my skin was pretty white, but most kids that age aren't tanning or anything to begin with.

Kudos on the teaching, btw. Most of the teachers I had were pretty shocking I must say, but I have great respect for teaching as a profession. Education is absolutely the only way such dispicable attitudes can be transformed, and I am glad for it.

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you know what i woulda done (also in the circumstances of stupid driving/parking), i would memorize the number plate of the vehicle, go home and tell about four - five people and call up EPA (friends calling seprately each of course) and say...

"OMG, this car just threw a maccas bag out the window and its hit my front windscreen, I've got food scraps all over my front windows and i nearly crashed! something should be done about this kind of behaviour!"

"Did you happen to see the registration sir?"

"Yes indeed, it was [ENTER HERE]"

LOL, of course the same maccas bag can't work on all 5 different vehicles, other stuff works like maccas drinks, beer bottles, ciggarette butts etc.

but yeh.. major admiration points to you buddy for keeping your kool, i woulda lost my temper the moment they tried to block my view with their fones lol

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I agree with many of the sentiments on this thread (J_J, MR22ZZ, RME1, etc..). If it's any consolation, I use to get bagged in primary school and early high school for being TOO WHITE! Ok my skin was pretty white, but most kids that age aren't tanning or anything to begin with.

Kudos on the teaching, btw. Most of the teachers I had were pretty shocking I must say, but I have great respect for teaching as a profession. Education is absolutely the only way such dispicable attitudes can be transformed, and I am glad for it.

ahh being too white, i know that pain. it cuts deep*

*well actually not, id rather be called too white than some racial slur

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Oh well... there has been a very bad racism going around in aus isnt it? i feel it with some people all the time. some car chucked eggs at my bro while he was walking, it happens like 3 times already T_T and sometimes in shops or something... i can see that those racist people loook at you and talk to you differently... they are just gay!! seriously Fkin gay!! :angry: :angry:

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About 3 months ago I was walking to a training session after work. An asian guy in an Aurion was parked in a Loading Zone. A Caucasian Aussie guy in a courier van drives up and stops behind him, gets out the car and confronts the Asian dude saying something and pointing at the Loading Zone sign. As the Courier guy walked back towards his Van, he yelled out :F***ing g00k" and got into his Van. Asian guy gets out, and takes a good look at the sign and approaches the guy sitting in his van. They start saying stuff to each other and all of a sudden, the Asian guy starts going mental... screaming out all this stuff that everyone from a mile away could hear. This was right in the middle of the CBD as well so everyone (literally hundreds) just stood and watched. Asian guy gets back into his Aurion and Courier guy drives off.

What happened was the Asian guy was in the right and the Courier guy was in the wrong as Loading Zone times ends after 5pm or something like that. I was disgusted. I called up the Courier company the next day to put in a formal complaint. Got a call back in the arvo saying the Courier dude was fired and not working for them anymore.

Before this incident however, I hadn't encountered any racism or seen any for a very long time.

I reckon racism will always be around no matter what. They are generally uneducated and ignorant people. Half the time, they don't even say the racist remarks properly like calling a Chinese a g00k or a Viet a chink LOL. These sort of people get no where in life anyway so you'll at least know they're screwed later on no matter what.

Racist remarks sometimes hurt even if it isn't directed towards you, so just ignore it, don't think about it and let karma do its job :)

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These sort of people get no where in life anyway so you'll at least know they're screwed later on no matter what.

This statement is so true. I recall going back to a 10 year high school reunion and the racists kids back then never showed up and on asking those that attended, they either served time in prison for drug/theft related crimes etc... either way they weren't successful at all.

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you know what i woulda done (also in the circumstances of stupid driving/parking), i would memorize the number plate of the vehicle, go home and tell about four - five people and call up EPA (friends calling seprately each of course) and say...

"OMG, this car just threw a maccas bag out the window and its hit my front windscreen, I've got food scraps all over my front windows and i nearly crashed! something should be done about this kind of behaviour!"

"Did you happen to see the registration sir?"

"Yes indeed, it was [ENTER HERE]"

LOL, of course the same maccas bag can't work on all 5 different vehicles, other stuff works like maccas drinks, beer bottles, ciggarette butts etc.

but yeh.. major admiration points to you buddy for keeping your kool, i woulda lost my temper the moment they tried to block my view with their fones lol

If i were you, I would've follow that car and find out where he lives.

And @ Dawn, get back to the place, make an OBVIOUS scratchy and pin a fkin nail to its tyre + pee on it or the windscreen..


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