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Everything posted by Foss

  1. You can relocated the badges.. and use superglue to stick them back on? lol and yes, you will corner much better umm this may be a dumb question but... how can relocating the 20g badges to the side skirts assist with turning??????? Yeah.... um... I think (hope) he was taking the p!ss.
  2. Foss


    This might seem like a silly question, but when you say 'DJ programs' I assume you want something for mixing music? Or are you after something for making music? I ask because the general misconception seems to be that a DJ mixes music and makes it. Unfortunately, either way, you aren't going to get much for free. If its good, it costs money. Copies of software are always downloadable via torrents, etc, but of course I'd never actually recommend you pirate the software. It can be expensive (especially the music production software) but like xoom said, if its worth using, its worth paying for. If you're looking to just mix tunes, go for Virtual DJ or Traktor. I found Virtual DJ to be more user friendly, but Traktor is better for external control so if you think later you might want to get an external USB controller to control your tunes, Traktor will probably be your better option. Either way, software is really no substitute for proper DJ hardware. I used Virtual DJ for years and it just doesn't compare to actually mixing with hardware. The techniques you learn to mix with software mostly don't translate when you start mixing with CD players or vinyl, and whatever you do avoid using the waveform in Virtual DJ, and thing like auto beatmatch functions. They take the skill out of the art, because you aren't doing anything except pressing play. If you are looking to make your own music, the eJay series are a good starting point. Well, they were 10+ years ago when I started out anyway. I'm not sure what the eJay stuff is like nowadays because I haven't used it for years. When I used it (back in the days of Dance eJay 2) it basically gave you thousands of loops, and you could layer up to 16 of them together to create tunes. The downside, at least back then, is it wasn't much chop if you wanted to write your own loops, so when the time came that I decided I wanted to write everything from scratch I switched to a program called Fruity Loops, or FL Studio as its now called. This is a full blown studio program which lets you create your own sounds from scratch, make loops from them, layer them (much like in eJay) and even layer FX over them to create songs. It rivals (and personally, I think is far better than) much more expensive programs such as Cubase and Pro Tools, and is much more suitable for dance music production, although I also work with rock/metal and r'n'b artists and find it works great for that as well. All of the above cost money to aquire legally, but are worth every penny. Good luck, and happy mixing.
  3. Sometimes I'll bite and fire up just to humour them, but mostly I'm over it. I don't need to say anything. My tailights say it for me. ;) This is the best part of all. One of the guys at work gives me plenty about it and on our road trip he brought his HSV Maloo along and in the wet conditions it was bloody hopeless and slow as all hell, easily the slowest car of the bunch. It really bit him on the **** bad when we told him to hurry up your holding a bunch of glorified Camrys up lol :) Good day, good day His first words to me on Saturday night were "Take your Camry home." Soon wiped the smile off his face when I responded with "I would but its stuck following your Maloo."
  4. Has anybody tried painting their calipers in a regular 2pack finish? I want to do mine in a specific metallic color, and talking to a reputable local car paint supplier apparently they can't do hi-temp to color codes. The fella said he's used standard 2 pack on calipers before and they've lasted a while. I wanted a second (and 3rd, 4th, 5th.....) opinion on this. I don't really like the idea of my brakes spontaneously combusting. Has anybody ever done this? Is this safe
  5. Foss


    My favourite place to download random mp3s is iTunes. The application itself sh!ts me but the catalogue is huge. Everything else I go to my local CD store or order it on vinyl from the UK.
  6. Out of interest, what would happen if I just connected a button to the existing wiring without a resistor?
  7. Right... so... If I were to get 2 momentary buttons and insert the appropriate resistors into the line after it, then I would just need to reroute the wires behind the headunit to a circuit that can measure the resistance on those wires, whice then triggers a specific action when it detects the appropriate resistance? What if this action was to momentarily close a circuit (eg. pushing the power button of a computer)? Or am I way off base here?
  8. I was worried you'd say that. Is there anything unused in there I could connect up to or am I going to have to sacrifice some of my audio controls? Edit: Scratch that, overlooked that last sentence and the image didn't render the first time.
  9. I want to add some extra custom controls to my steering wheel. Does anybody who's familiar with the Sportivo wheel know if there's any unused wiring there (perhaps for other models that have bluetooth/aircon controls) that I could use? I assume it'd be impossible to run new wires to the wheel without modifying/replacing the clockspring or making up some sort of slipring contact? Hence the want to utilise existing spare wiring if available.
  10. Yeah.... because the term "keyboard warrior" is not at all nerdy...
  11. http://www.news.com.au/breaking-news/toyota-issues-massive-worldwide-recall-of-vehicles-including-luxury-lexus-and-crown-sedan/story-e6frfku0-1225887134860?from=public_rss
  12. Foss

    KRudd vs. JGill

    She's Welsh, so she gets points for that. Since when does the PM ever get voted for by the public? The PM whoever they party in power votes it to be. Personally I think our PM should be voted like America's president. Vote for your governing party, and then vote independently for the PM. Motion seconded.
  13. On that thought, and I couldn't find anything in those pages/PDF, I seem to remember the new ZR6 has a carpeted rear parcel shelf? Does anybody know if this is in the ATX, SX, or Prodigy as well?
  14. Haha, not on your life :P Actually, you should do it. I reckon the TRD style would look awesome in Carribean Blue! Bah! Reciprocating saw FTW!
  15. How do you plan on spreading the bullclip to clip it on? Once its glued, won't that make it kinda impossible to fold back the ears and squeeze to open? What about getting some sort of T section, sticking your strip to the flat side, then screwing/gluing the T to the middle part of the grille? I get what you mean, if the bull clip is too strong it might be difficult. In that case I would probably have to take the grill off and wedge a screw driver in there to flex it open while I push it on. But I am hoping I can do it without taking the grill off again. The T section is a great idea. But I want the least invasive (least damage) to the bottom grill plastic as possible.) If I can source a T section of plastic this is the option I will most likely pursue as it will have the most integrity. Alternately, if you can't find a plastic T-Section, an aluminium one might do the trick. Ullrich Aluminium and Capral Aluminium (page 5) both carry it, but you'd be looking at length price there because I don't think they sell it in cut lengths. It shouldn't be hard to find an aluminium fabricator or even a glazier that deals with one of them, so they may be able to sell you just the amount you need.
  16. Nowdays she lives in my driveway, out in the elements. Used to get parked in my garage, but then by the time I put in the pool table, weight gear, and then decided to carpet it, it isn't really car-suitable anymore
  17. How do you plan on spreading the bullclip to clip it on? Once its glued, won't that make it kinda impossible to fold back the ears and squeeze to open? What about getting some sort of T section, sticking your strip to the flat side, then screwing/gluing the T to the middle part of the grille?
  18. And the fact that you can't pull a Citizens Arrest on a cop for a traffic offense (AFAIK, at least in Tas), and cops take full advantage of this.
  19. Dunno about everyone else, but for me night time is a condition that restricts my visibility to buggery. Driving with my 'fog' lamps on as well as my headlights improves my visibility greatly.
  20. lol i feeling the sikaflex is going to make an appearance very soon! - oh been pulled over yet? Haha, yeah, the intention was to sikaflex them on tonight, but we decided that the lip needed filing first. Bad move, that. Haha, nah not been pulled over yet. Nobody's even flashed me! I'm surprised, coz those foggies do seem brighter.
  21. Figured out why they wouldn't fit properly. On the narrow side (the bit that goes around the side of your light) there was a slight lip at the top and bottom, which was causing it to fit funny. A warning to any future buyers, make sure you check for lips and test fit them under bright light before you spend the money, time and effort painting them, because if they have a lip like mine did you have to file it down. I learned the hard way that no matter how careful you are, the paint will chip, will flake, and now I have to sand them right back and completely respray the f**ken things. Oh, and despite their boomerang-ish shape, they dont come back when hurled across your garage.
  22. I bought 2 cheap kits off ebay to do my low beams and fogs, and paid $100 including shipping. So for the price of the piece of mind for your Philips kit, I can replace mine 8 more times. Surely the Philips kits aren't 9 times better? i never said they were "9 times better" by all means the ebay kits seem to be working great!i have never disputed that... but as i wrote in my statement, its for YOUR OWN PERSONAL peice of mind... at the end of the day as has been quoted on the forum numerous times when it comes to HID's, people will spend what they feel comfortable spending... some will be more than happy spending sub 100 per kit whereas others will feel the need to spending a bit more to satisfy their own needs/wants. no one is the same.. i personally wouldnt want to have to even worry about changing mine out 8 or 9 times, id rather do it once and leave it, which is why i opted to go for the genuine kit and have it professionally installed. Oh, of course peace of mind is a major factor, its different for everybody (I wouldn't spend $1000 a year on insurance I don't ever intend to use if not for peace of mind). I wouldn't wanna have to change mine out 8 or 9 times either, and I don't expect I will. Thats my point, that of course you'd pay more the Philips ones and the peace of mind of having the reputable brand, but they're bl00dy expensive for that bit extra you'd get from them. But, as you say, people will spend what they feel comfortable spending. Its all down to personal preference. If you can afford that sort of outlay, then why not. But if thats gonna be a stretch, the experience of many here has shown that sub $100 ebay kits aren't to be sneezed at.
  23. I bought 2 cheap kits off ebay to do my low beams and fogs, and paid $100 including shipping. So for the price of the piece of mind for your Philips kit, I can replace mine 8 more times. Surely the Philips kits aren't 9 times better?
  24. Bumper off..... 6000k HIDs fitted in foggies and lowbeams..... bumper on.... quick spin round town..... $100 well spent! :D
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