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Everything posted by Andrew357

  1. It's a chick. You have to say hello.
  2. But DJKOR!!! I only press the handle 1/2 way so less air gets into my tank.
  3. Umm... He didn't complain about the fuel usage or the service intervals (which seems pretty standard at 10k). In fact, he likes the fuel consumption according to the OP. Holy **** some of you Corolla Owners are as fanatical as some Celica owners!!!
  4. Yup, that or the 'you drive a Camry' rant. I guess it is Corolla Owners turn now.
  5. Yeah. I don't know if the Celica Car Club of Brisbane still 'operates' anymore. We don't cruise much, we might do a Nebo run from time to time or head out somewhere for the day; but we do sit around and chat alot.
  6. 666 degrees Celcius: Oven temperature for roast Beast.

  7. I haven't seen much regarding 2gr engines and sludge issues, how long between oil changes?
  8. Man. You need a BBK now. Factory brakes look too small.
  9. Just avoid Lee. Edit: He'll blow the head gasket on your car when you are away then charge you money for the 'work' he's done and hold your car for ransom when you won't pay him.
  10. As Steven has said; such is the cost of being a trailblazer.
  11. Looks kinda gimmicky. Why would you try to make it look like a BMW?
  12. Pretty much. You see cars running about all day with illegal modifications like hideous poke, tinted headlights (why???), dumped to the floor, ear shattering exhaust volumes (plus more) and cops will drive right by them/next to them. If you get a cnut, that's just part of the game. I personally don't trust to luck/chance.
  13. 665.95 - The retail price of the beast.

    1. juvenile


      hahahahhahaha excellent

  14. RTA in NSW state that: - Fine for not displaying plates is $232 and 2 demerit points - Fine for More than 10km/h but less than 20km/h, P-plate or L-plate holder, NON-school zone is $243 and 4 points. If you are on your P1 you've technically lost it, if you are on your P2 you're dancing on thin ice.
  15. I got a Grow Your Own Loofah kit from a friend the other day. It contained a clay pot, soil, seeds and a few other things required to nurture your plant. He didn't realise it was such a bad gift. I think the clay pot hit him the hardest.

    1. 69.NIX


      someone has been watching too much jimmy carr :P

    2. Andrew357


      I don't like Jimmy Carr; he's a little too vulgar for me.

  16. A claybar may be able to remove the bits you can't remove. You may need to buy an aggressive clay.
  17. I agree. This looks very cool.
  18. Heaps of options out there. You'd probably benefit from going to your local and having a chat. Avoid hotdogs/cannons cause they look Shiite on a Gen5 (and from what I heard sounds pretty bad as well).
  19. Call them and specify a size. The only reason I can think of why they are asking you to come in is because '17/18"' isn't enough information.
  20. Brushless car washes are useless unless you are using it a couple of days after waxing your car. Without the use of friction (ie; a mitt), it will leave dirt behind. It will not give you bling.
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