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Everything posted by Adamsy

  1. Camry can legally tow 1200kg but yeah not sure how keen i would be to tow much more than a box trailer or small boat with a FWD
  2. I think we has being covered once before???. I two have the TRD badge on the back of my car but i left the Sportivo ZR6 badge on the right hand side. People need to remember what TRD actually is... TRD IS NOT like HSV, FPV, BMW M-Division or MB AMG that take certain cars and goes nuts on them to turn them into something special. It is simply the upgrade performance parts "hot up shop" for Toyota by Toyota. in no other country will you find a car leave the factory with a TRD badge and TMCA used the TRD name plate as it make good business sense to buy and use a nameplate what was already familiar to the public. All TRD do is make performance parts for just about everything in the Toyota line up. HSV, AMG, M Division Audi RS etc do not do this for their respective brands. SO just like when you put a Walkinshaw or Harrop, Herrod, APR, Whiteline, Ultra racing part on your car it's more than acceptable to put one of their badges or sticker on your car why is it any different for a TRD badge or sticker?
  3. Short answer is No lol. The brackets are different and of course if you were to tow more than the 1200kg braked capacity of Camry you would be doing so at the cost of your insurance among other things. :)
  4. Looks like camry will be the more agressive looking vehicle
  5. LOL I’ve actually being waiting for you to spot this and ark up like a cat haha :) but at least you agree that we ARE RIGHT ( can i get away with a "as usual"?) lol. Although we do have a young girl in our Tassie club that is very careful with her car and it's always clean the couple of times I’ve seen it.
  6. Lol I’ve never let gf's or ex gfs and their friends get drunk but have let them drink before because well sometimes being a guy is hard when you should be saying no but you just can’t because you have a car load of hotties lol.
  7. Aurion IS a 5 Star Ancap rated car, the passenger seatbelt reminder has being in the car for a couple of years now. As is the Camry and HSD Camry (became 5 star a few months ago) Aurion like all Toyota’s have the crumple zone from the A pillar forward including a front reo and foam absorber. Aurion is designed to fold to the front A pillar taking all the energy from the impact slowing it down and directing it through the Global outstanding assessed (GOA) body and high strength steel Safe-T-Cell, Aurion also has beams running through the door to aid structural integrity in a side impact involving the doors. Aurion’s k-frame and powertrain are designed to slide under the vehicle in a serious head on accident as opposed to you ending up with it in your lap. Toyota designs all its vehicles to meet the toughest standard on crash safety as many countries are tougher than others. Remember when the Monaro was exported to the US and Middle East they had to redesign the rear of the car and its fuel tank so it would meet rear end safety standards? The Camry and Aurion were designed from their initially briefing to pass all these test they didn’t need altering. SO make NO mistake the Aurion has the highest levels or both Passive and active safety features making it a very safe car to be in an accident in if such a unfortunate thing was to happen.
  8. +1 Except I find that the vacuum din't particularly effective at picking it up on it's own. I usually have to pick it up by hand off the carpet. I've had the "it's just a car" statement before. Was not exactly pleased considering I had just spent ages cleaning it. Yeah it truely is a biatchh! and yeah your right the vacuum cleaner does struggle to suck it up so your try for a second then give up and pick it up and drop it down the cleaners hose. HOW do they loose so much though lol
  9. yeah they really are shockign for it.. BUT you just have to train them to respect your car then your right. has mostly worked for me :)
  10. Well Mines a pretty short list, - 1992 Toyota SV21 Camry CSI wagon (very last of the breed) - 2008 Ford BF MK11 Falcon XR6 Turbo Turbine Edition - 2008 Toyota Aurion Sportivo ZR6 Torn between the Camry and the Aurion, although the XR6T was an animal id was a dud and flawed. Camry was my first car and never put a foot wrong was a great reliable car and i looked after it just like i do my current ZR6, BUT after spending a few days away from my car in the Golf it's actually struck me how much of a "bond" I’ve made with the Aurion, therefore is my favourite.
  11. Girls a defiantly worse for this too, because it's just a car to them they really couldn’t seem to care too much... ever seen a girls car that is clean?? lol although i do have to give my mates credit they do keep mine pretty tidy and they realise I’m pretty particular with my car so when we all head out for big night where things might get rowdy we take on of their cars so mine doesn’t get trashed and things. Another thing that gets everywhere is girl’s long hair! I’m forever sucking it up in the vacuum cleaner in the rear seat and foot well lol
  12. Absolutely spot on i was using your great example. :) & I’m very pleased to hear your dealings with us have being excellent ones :)
  13. Not at first glance! only and only upon real close inspection and then it was only cause i looked inside the door gaps.... other wise you could never tell, flawless job. Yup you got it mate sure was, surry hills! i recon there would only be one. Ya recon? you got a 100k+ to throw down on a car surley a 2-3k MAX imo is the way to go? rather then spend 3k on permanent painting? He drives the car he likes to see, then peels it off in the end to show a nice shiney paint job and gets max price back. surley thats win win. LOL Yer there was a nice white bird ***** on it :P but you could see that it would wash right off. Yeah right surrey hills hay lol. we was just walking along opposite the cruise ship/ocean liner terminal and i heard this real meaty burble coming from behind and i turned around and spotted this big bad menacing Lexus looked awesome. Actually pretty sure i think i messaged you Foss about it?
  14. I guess to e fair to the new car we'll have to wait until we can touch, feel and drive it until we make our final decisions lol. :)
  15. Now that is a real pity... Hopefully they have already picked up the changes that were made by TMCA last time. btw my ZR6 is white and I had to wait from October until the middle of Feb to get it. Maybe they were in the middle of a LHD run... lol that is strange? White is a very common Sportivo colour, did yours have the sunroof by any chance? And nah it isn’t anything to do with LHD/RHD. the Toyota production system and the Altona plant is so advanced that a Thai spec left hand drive Camry could be built followed by a RHD Aust Spec Aurion Sportivo. Camry and Aurion in all their different specs are built on the same line at the same time.
  16. don't know about you but i just wanted to get the chalk out lol.
  17. Guess it's a personal thing. But im with DJKOR on this one. i prefer the fastest car over having slight more feel from pushing a clutch in. guess that makes me sit of the side of the fence that says why do you want the slower car when it’s all meant to be about performance? But of course it's each to their own but how many people would buy a normal manual if the Dual clutch option was a no cost one?
  18. Because the next gen Aurion truely is just a V6 Premium Camry, it has no design input from Toyota Design Australia. Our next Aurion is really what the rest of the world see's as the "premium Camry" there will be some subtle changes but the car wont be as different as the Current Aurion as that had alot more Australian input in design etc.
  19. the DSG system VW use in the sports models (Passat R36 Golf GTI, R & Sirocco R and Porsche’s PDK and Ferrari’s dual clutch systems are spot on the money. i couldn’t fault the gearbox once in the last few days. even when driving around town in D you'll never find it in the wrong gear because how dual clutch boxes work it’s in there DNA to rev/speed match and just like how they short shift under normal acceleration (the R is in 5th @46km/h) they quickly drop gears too so you always have good drive when you want it, that’s the whole reason for their design and creation. Adam Gowans my boss and successful race car driver just slots the Golf R in Sport mode and leaves it these days, He doesn’t touch the paddles as he found the gearbox was so spot on that when he did use the paddles the gearbox would select the next gear at the same time as he was selecting one on the paddle resulting in up shifting twice at the same time. So if the gearbox can shift exactly when a race car driver wants it too then i can’t see how people that don’t have the ability to get the best out of a car could have any dramas with it being in the wrong gear lol.
  20. Was this car in Sydney by any chance? When we were there in November i seen one just like this in the circular quey area. Was just working along the street and seen it rumbles past and i said to Cara quick look at that ISF "the what? The black car just there! " oh yeah what about it? lol blonde look at the colour of the black paintwork!
  21. slightly scary moment when you miss a call from your boss and then you get a voice mail to txt that says" who said orion turns in" and i straight away think oh fark hes crashed it in the wet :-\ calls back and hes like this thing is amazing big suprise!, cant unsettle it. Phewww lol

  22. mmm yeah you think the GTi is good, try the R. As mentioned earlier i have one to drive for a while and it's just amazing. the straight line speed isnt even something that catches your eye, it's not because it isnt quick but because the rest of the package is just so impressive! the brakes are very strong and powerful and stop the Golf hard on its nose all day every day without fail, the engine pulls hard and strong and the DSG gearbox does its bit to keep you moving quickly, running off perfect clean crisp fast shifts bang, bang bang one after enough (coming back down through the gears is more fun though :P)but its the nimble handling. Body control and fast sharp steering that really gets you. The R just does not do Body roll! i has a nice stiff chassis alive steering with sharp turn in with firm suspension that really lets it hold the road. The 4Motion AWD system quickly suffers power and torque around to where it needs it and the extended electronic differential lock works a trick! i didnt manage to get her our on the super twisty Targa Tas roads as this time of year there quiet icy and i really didnt want to put my bosses car into a bank or off a cliff lol but the roads i did cover were mainly fast flowing ones with a few sharper 25kms sign posted corners and it has to be said the R always felt like it was doing 40kms less then you was actually doing, it never even felt like it was half trying... more than a couple of times i looked down at the speedo and went crap! and then jumped on the brakes. You need to be very much be on the wrong side of the speed limit to even feel like youre giving it a go other than that it feels like your going for a Sunday drive thats how smooth, quiet and capable the car is. If thats a good thing or not Im still yet to decide lol. Means keeping up with your mates is a cinch but you never feel that rush you get when youre driving a car really well on a nice road. To get it youd need to be going very silly which of course if you did get it wrong youd be going off very very quickly and of course you wont have a license long if you get busted. Will be keen to see what its like in some really tight and twisty stuff.
  23. WELLL just so happens that a DSG equipped AWD Golf R is sitting in my drive way at the moment. And personally for me id go the DSG every day of the week. there is nothing this gearbox can’t do when compared to a manual, it awesome on the upshifts and the noise it make as it blips the throttle and double clutches the downshifts is simply awesome and possible along with the media centre and brakes handling is my favourite part of the car! sure a manual will still offer a more hands on feel but the DSG gives you 90% of the same hands on feel but with superior performance and fuel economy and even when driven around in "D" it’s hard to fault the box, downshifts perfectly when you jump on the brakes so you always have plenty of punch when you get on the right pedal again. Really can’t fault it, so yeah personally id some up the extra 2k with this car every day of the week!
  24. They would be the 2 3500S's we sold out of my dealership :) sad that one does not get treated very well at all... infact last time i drove it when they were having issues with it i could not believe somebody would lay out such money not to look after it... and the tyres.. it could not get traction to save it self. just dont understand some people :-/
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