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Everything posted by dutchie101

  1. @ dyslexik, Sorry if it sounded that way. It wasnt actually aimed at you really, just the general workplaces crap thats been floated. (crap for some, not all) No problemo man, i just didnt want you to think i was slaying what you said, that wasnt the case. I am opinionated, no doubting that, but didnt mean to aim it at you directly. All good, virtual handshake! B) Saying that, i can only see two votes displayed, im one.
  2. DJ, you also have to look at who that smaller parties preferences go to, like Greens is going toward Labour at the end of the day. Just vote as you see fit for YOU, not what you hear, have herd or media hype. As long as you make the decision and are happy with it, thats the best vote. B) Edit, Damm! trying to watch the new return of the jedi cut scenes released by Lucas arts on 9msn and keep getting spammed to todays election vid! Conspiracy!! Jedi's must be on par with masterchef! :D
  3. Just relax dude too! B) Just stating that there are different sides to the story. Not saying one party is that much better than the other... just trying to communicate that not all is doom and gloom. I knew this would end up in a sh*t fight and knew i shouldnt have opened up. I am bias as i run my own company. Not hiding that. What i should have worded better is that people still have power when it comes to work choices, a position i too didnt think would happen or believe but was proven wrong a few times which is why i thought i would share it. I think i mis-communicated my point, or you misunderstood, sorry about that. Thats been happening long before the term "workchoices" was instated, its called business. Lets separate ***** bosses from legislation. There will always be rotten apples that use any opportunity to throw their weight around. My abouve statement should have been worded better, i meant to say that the managers/owners actually binned the agreements, not the staff. I also stated that i would feel the same way if Gillard didnt know everthing about the super dooper internets, it wouldnt surprise me in the least. Sorry if i seemed a-hole like, thats not what i meant to put across. Ive pulled my head in now.... or was i to pull it out?
  4. Heya peeps, As we are looking for more and more goodies to add to our ZRE's, i have come to notice the Auris Luxury and premium floor or VIP checkered mats on JahhwhooJapan/Rakuten and Ebayz. 1. JDM Auris floor mats are fixed differently to the floor hooks than the Aus Spec design. The JDM Auris mats are fixed to the seat bulkhead, not the hooks we have in the floor. 2. The holes are in different locations. 3. The mats shape is spot on, no differences between the JDM and Aus spec. See Auris mat here: If you wish to order these aftermarket mats, the bulkhead hooks are required as is cutting the flaps in the carpet. I assume the threaded holes are there still. Part numbers: 08211-00570 08211-00580 If your interested in any aftermarket VIP/JDM style checkered mats, I have worked with EarthMonster to make Aus spec pattern for the drivers side inc correct hole position for the Aussie release floor hooks. Pm me me and ill pass on the email of the fella i worked with at EM. Optional EarthMonster logo
  5. Would you expect someone to understand such a complex system in the 4 or so weeks that he has been on the campaign with all the other bullsh*t going on? Abbott is not a computer/communications systems analyst. At least he admits he doesnt know and doesnt try to bluff his way thru. I would say the same thing for the opposition tho if this was the case. Telstra pulling swifties is more likely when you cant get your ADSL connection... Telling other service providers that exchanges are full etc when the arnt and trying to get maximum market share. Ive personally never had any problem with work choices. If you cant sort out what your willing to do or want from a job or a prospective employer, then you better start learning what your worth. These proposals go both ways and they can be negotiated. Ive seen plenty of cases that the proposed work choices drafts were thrown in the bin when the staff didnt agree to the proposals put forth. Do you ever hear of that? No! Just the trumped up media garb that grabs headlines.
  6. Shouldnt there be more parties to choose from in the opening poll?
  7. Null voters, dont winge when your stuck with tards for leaders. What a waste.. Coalition FTW, running our country is a business, best let people who can actually run it that way have power. So true.... The only reason Julia is there is because of faceless pricks scheming behind the scenes. They know dumb ***** people and especially women will vote for her simply because she is a woman, not what she stands for or her parties line. "Errr ive voting Juila cause i would like to see a woman PM" She already is, and whats happened so far? Sweeet FA. I cant believe Kevy Kev is still hanging around.. Man they must be paying him off big time... (the above statement is not sexist, its the sexist view of the people behind the scenes that have set this all up as we see it today)
  8. +1 for VIP STYLEZ. Welcome to the club B)
  9. I think the 2.4l Blade or Master G 3.0l would be released here before a yankie version.
  10. Genuine reverse tilt from Toyota, here and auto fold back here too. Looks like the auto reverse only supports facelift.
  11. Yep looking into Dynamat myself. If you dont want to add around 12kg to your ZRE, im looking at the Dynamat Superlight, Its almost half the weight as the Extreme Dynamat and onloy around a 20% drop in performance.
  12. Pretty sure there are a myriad of tail light upgrades from Japan. Also plenty of front lips, skirts and rear skirts too. Have to start scouring Jap sites. Moar Piiiics! Considering the ZRE moonroof was only 1500, i would expect HID's in the top build.
  13. Does the 2010 have volume thats controlled by the speed of the car? IE the volume increases as the car goes faster to compensate for road noise? IE auto volume control? this could have something to do with it..
  14. Very nice. Cant wait to see more mods n wheels on. You tellin me build 3 doesnt come with HID's?? Maaan they gettin slack..
  15. Sorry i had it confused with another model from Japan, more sedan like.. Dam cant remember the name of it for the life of me.. Hiro, you know? I remember seeing a full wide body... Ahhh an Axio! dont mind me...
  16. Its true in some ways, and ive often discussed this with people over the years. Look at the old rockerbilly rod rats, the 60-70 muscle cars, 80's and on to modern day tuning. It will in my eyes always remain in on form or another, legal or not. Thats the way humans or more so car enthusiasts are. We still mod our cars knowing it will be defected, knowing emissions and excess fuel consumption. Even if we get sick of defects, we generally move on the more modern ways of applying our style or vision. We are a minority, and as long as we share our info and pride with others, this thing we have will keep keeping on. No matter what the cost. I think most of us here can appreciate the funds that we pour into our loves, most times blindly, to fulfill our vision and ideals. The new generation of modding is already starting, there are a few jap tuning houses already working on increasing hybrid outputs, aero kits etc and Porsche and Ferrari are building some **** hot crazy powdered electric/hybrid beasts. As long as WE continue to love our rides and strive for better, this thing we have will always live on. Only when the heart disappears, the art will follow.
  17. Would be nice if we got it here, its released in Japan and US, avail in 1.8 and 2.4
  18. Most have eco modes as well. So they are actually more fuel savvy if operated correctly. Or its far easier to stall with such slow response!! :D
  19. From Japan, made the same size as the ZRE/Auris hub with 72 or 73mm(cant remember and tired tonight sorry) . No more small diameter slip ons, these are full face same diameter spacers. Bloody exy tho.
  20. I think your realistically looking at near 30% drop from the fly to wheels, Thats what my last dyno showed, and the tech seemed pretty comfortable in saying the same thing.
  21. I tooo wonder who actually owns of of these units (apart from Jap) and can say from actual experience. I gather this unit is the same theoretically as my Blitz full auto throttle controller, no different except for the fact that the blitz unit also has a learning mode. I understand where you are all coming from and i know this argument all well. One thing people tend to forget, i think it was mentioned in this thread, is that the controller will register and improve throttle control quicker than the movement of the foot. Especially as the signal has boosted the initial output, the simplicity of saying "put you foot down quicker" is bull and defunct. Your foot will never beat the milli-second amplification of the input signal. No foot is as quick as the processed/ amplified electrical signal outputted by the unit. If a smaller throw of the pedal gains a higher signal input, this IS faster than the foot. I do have a blitz full auto controller, not to make my car quicker, but to enjoy it more, not having to stab the pedal to the floor, having more power accessible at a shorter throw of the foot is what im looking for. No snake oils, no wishing. If you take a look at formula one or any other high end racing systems, you will see how sensitive the throttles are. This isnt for optimum car control, its for optimizing split second reduction of human physical movement or leg lag :) Why travel 100mm when the same throttle position can be gained in half or less than that? Like Jap said tho, no need to get upset if your not interested in one.. Its just like a high rez gaming mouse...
  22. Simply excellent! black powder, fuse and fun! what more can one ask for!
  23. Updated pics today, crappy weather but not too bad: Pretty close to sig pic, bout 5-10mm lower front and 10-15mm rear would be spot on Whitestivo Rear adjusters:
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