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Status Updates posted by Silver-Aurion

  1. Please people if you are going to upload a picture to TOCA plllllllease reduce the size!! I hate it when I click on one and it so huge it does't fit on the screen and takes a crap load amount of time to load such a huge file..

    1. Buff Hamster

      Buff Hamster



      get a bigger screen :P

  2. yay.. bought bp ultimate for 1.48 last night. still 20 cents more expensive from when i used to buy it at 1.28 few months ago :(

    1. Branno


      I got mine for 1.51 today. stupid expensive-ness

    2. LFT-OOF


      ive been putting in the caltex 98 and been getting it for like $1.30 thank you woolworths for your discount

  3. Is it true that in NSW there is no law on how much you can lower your car?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ascendant Rice

      Ascendant Rice

      infact you need an engineers cert when you lower your car

    3. MrRob


      Can't go lower than 100mm

    4. Silver-Aurion
  4. back from surgery. removed all three wisdom teeth. everything went well. just biting down on two gauze pads atm or else my mouth fills with blood. the numbness in my face is annoying. not looking forward to the pain to come afterwards :(

  5. If you are selling your 18" Kappa wheels, hit me up.

  6. shiiiiiiiiiiiit, I've got a full tank of BP Ultimate in the Aurion. It's been over a year since the fuel gauge was over the FULL line. :P

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Synthetic05


      Me too unless i dont want anyone driving my car while im away :P

    3. 1stKill


      i think it's time you came to a meet...don't you?

    4. Silver-Aurion
  7. drove an 07astra today. I literally flat sticked several times and it no go. lol. such a difference from a v6 aurion in power :|

    1. Adamsy


      lol you think there gutless the new cruze cant move its **** to save it self! what a dog and talk about harsh and unrefined very poor powertrain and the seats god what aheaps of crap. was so happy to put my bum back in the HSD Camry drive car lol

    2. Kenshin X

      Kenshin X


  8. She never nags, she never causes me any trouble, she's always there when I need her the most, she gets me through the day. Yes, my car is the best :D

  9. i wanna drive a TRD -_-

  10. Just a quick update on my tooth. Since I got 7 replies on my status so people seem interested:P. I went today and I'll be having all three wisdom teeth removed. My lower right was removed three years ago.Going into surgery in two weeks:(. though going first class all the way with private cover :P

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Kenshin X

      Kenshin X

      tank it :)

    3. Tash


      Doing it via private health insurance is the best, I went under to have my wisdom teeth out when I was 17 (they were coming in basically horizontal) and had a great recovery.

    4. Silver-Aurion


      Thanks tash!! :))

  11. My lower left side wisdom tooth has erupted through my gums and it's frigging KILLING me :(.. Hurts so much. Going to the specialist at 10am today to get it looked at :(

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. KIRIUS


      you have a partially erupted 38 there, odds are if its just broke through the gingiva(gums), you'll be given painkillers, antibiotic scripts and sent home, unless of course you have mandibular crowding and the molar is impacted, but i doubt that.

    3. KIRIUS


      **** i hate my job seriously, anyone wanna trade, you can be a dentist and ill be a mechanic :D

    4. DemonRolla


      WHY DO YOU HATE YOUR JOB?? i want to become a dentist! hahah still on my first degree.. process of getting is so damn hard.

  12. If I had a red TRD the first mod I would do is this: http://tiny.cc/fqasf - I can't believe no one has attempted this look! It is ****ing HOT.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. RedSportivo


      Seriously you think its ugly i reacon its nice well people have the own opinions i guess

    3. Silver-Aurion


      lmao... djkor, that does happen a lot bro :P

    4. juvenile


      Is that the motorshow prototype? everyone loved that car,it's just missing the R mesh

  13. Hehehe, getting $100 worth of itunes credit for $40 is definitely FTW :D

    1. RedSportivo


      how'd you do that :P haha

    2. Silver-Aurion


      I'm surprised you're the only one to ask! LOL. Well I got that $100 all legit so don't think there is some amazing way to get free credit haha. The first $50 my cousin gave to me as she won it from a work raffle. And DSE is selling $50 cards for $40 dollars and bought one. So essentially I got $100 credit for $40 :D

  14. I can't believe it's been one year already! My yearly log book serivce is due which I booked in for wednesday. Wow, I've been on these forums for a while now and had my Aurion for a while too. How does that time fly by!! :)

  15. Defjay.com and Defjay.de are the best online radio stations ever!

  16. received my TOC sticker in the mail today :)

    1. Steve
    2. VF-X


      How come I haven't receive mine?? =(((

    3. Silver-Aurion


      thanks steve! surprised to see it's totally different from the ones i've been seeing here on peoples cars. is this a new updated one?

      it's completely metallic silver which is pretty damn sexy since my car is also the same colour :D

  17. my car is filthy as. with the recent freezing temperature and rain and mud everywhere and birds crapping on my car. uuughh.

    1. Buff Hamster

      Buff Hamster

      Same apart from the bird crapping. No point washing the car as it keeps raining all the time.

    2. diamond white

      diamond white

      bee ******* is my problem...should go out now n thumb scratch it all off (45min job)....can't be bothered at the mo being Sunday n all lol ;0)

  18. Quick question to TOC supporters. I thought that once we are paid members that no longer are our swear words are 'stared' out? (****) ?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Silver-Aurion


      Well I have no clue what djkor and vfx are talking about :|

    3. Kenshin X

      Kenshin X

      u gotta learn from the master to know how to do it :P

    4. Silver-Aurion
  19. oh my god, I could eat one million Kinder Buenos and never ever get sick of them. So yummy

    1. DJKOR


      I bet you couldn't... LOL.

    2. Kenpo


      You'd get sick of them after 5. I know it.. I've tried >.<

  20. BAAhh, my yearly BOOK service is due this month. cbf spending money. lol

  21. So since I'm a TOCAU supporter now. When can I expect my sticker/s? :)

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. VF-X


      2 months...still counting. Steve hasn't even read my pm.. =(

    3. Silver-Aurion


      Some customer service :(

    4. Tash


      Well mine have been a bit so I PM'ed Steve again (as I didn't get a reply to the original either) about a week ago and got the response they were on their way so hopefully won't be too far away :) I signed up in January. So I just keep patiently checking the mail each day :)

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