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Everything posted by Silver-Aurion

  1. Yeah, the plastic used on the Dunlops are very hard plastic. My car is on 65500K now and the tyres are still going strong. I just can't wait until they wear out enough for me to have a reason to go buy tyres which are more quiet.
  2. Learn from my FAIL. Don't put a red bull in the back of the Aurions cup holders. Now, because I cannot clean exterior of the car since its pouring down rain everyday, I finally decided to clean the inside: BEFORE: AFTER: BEFORE: AFTER: In addition to giving the interior a vacuum I applied a generous amount of Meguires Leather conditioner on all the seats with my applicator pad. Looking pretty good, loving the smell and how clean the interior is now. Feels like a weight has come off my shoulders.
  3. Yeah we had a old Holden that would draw itself back as soon as it went over the set limit. The Aurion seems to be a late tardy when it comes to reducing speed down hill, 99% of the time I have to intervene to slow down.
  4. You show them Daryl :P! I'm sure mine was replaced because I had to wait over two weeks for my part to come in from Japan AND before I can even say where the knocking sound was coming from the dealer said it himself, 'yeah mate its the shaft'. lol!
  5. and there goes the thread......but I thought the same too.... +1111111111111. I was thinking it was another ebay link and some cheap crap claiming to turn your car into a V16
  6. The new one for sure. The sharp lines have really grown on me. Especially the ZR6. The amount of new features is amazing and it actually looks damn nice and even better when its modded with some nice eye candy
  7. Heaps of LOL @ the TRD gear knob price. HOWEVER, if I had a red Aurion I would be very tempted to get it because it does look nice Also, the liberty link I gave. In a track race, who would win out on top?
  8. Whats stopping me from getting this? http://www.carsales.com.au/all-cars/private/details.aspx?R=9186415&__Qpb=true&Cr=2&__Ns=pCar_YearMade_Int32|1||pCar_RankSort_Int32|1||pCar_PriceSort_Decimal|0&keywords=&__No=0&__N=1216%201246%201247%201252%201282%204294963801%204294963605%20413%20903%201518%201621&SearchAction=N&silo=1011&PriceTo=413&seot=1&tsrc=allcarhome&__Nne=15&trecs=159&__sid=12859536E319
  9. Djkor must be so ****** off right now Repeating himself ten million times. This sort of thread seems to be a weekly occurrence. If I was OP I would buy them all and daisy chain them so you get ultimate POwERrrrr. Edit. I'm at the doctors now and I seriously cannot stop grinning. Trying to hold the laughter back. Djkors and the lemon post cracked me up LOL
  10. Good ol' tassie! http://failblog.org/2010/08/19/epic-fail-photos-fail-headlines/#comments
  11. Looked at the Aurion. She is so dirty lol. It's been now I think a month since cleaning her. The weather in Melbourne has been crap all month. Last night when parked outside the gym when I came back the whole car had a layer of frost on it, its freezing here. And its been raining heaps so lots of mud all over the joint. Not happy jan. When weather starts drying up and heating up shes going to get a complete detail.
  12. I had a riced up Astra try to race me today. Why does everyone try to race the Aurion FFS.
  13. Yeah that reminds me, gotta hit up the pools as well.
  14. No, not at all. In the end its just all personal preference and what makes you sleep better at night.
  15. Who cares! If they keep putting up prices like that it's good that you left because of their greed customer's are leaving. I pay $13 a week for my gym and I love it! Free personal trainer that you can book, free monthly plans, restaurant/cafe, decked outdoor eating area, brand new equipment, sauna, showers, ladies gym is seperate, lockers and upstairs facilities for martial arts classes and boxing(this cost's a little bit more for these services), three huge indoor courts for soccer, tennis, basket ball and I can use any facility for only $13 a week.
  16. You know why I didn't click on it? My awesome laziness :P Someone said they clicked the link and it didn't work so I didn't bother. By the time I came back to check out the thread someone said it's that rick rolled crap. Laziness FTW :P
  17. Yep, exactly same issue and area. I've fixed it by wedging a cloth between the glass and dash. I want to take it to Toyota to get a whole dash fix but I so CBF!
  18. Thanks guys. Those are very detailed posts and I appreciate the help as always. I think I'm just still a bit touchy with fuel consumption with A/C/climate control because my 97 slug of a camry, when I would turn the A/C on the car would drop from 4cylinders to 2cylinders. I had to turn off the A/C when stopping at red lights because the car was so gutless to accelerate and if I left it on it required so much acceleration that I could see the petrol needle drop ever so slighty.
  19. As per title, does using climate control in the Aurion use extra fuel? For example one side 30 degrees and other side 25 degrees(with aircon off)
  20. LOLOLOLOLOLOL That stuff smells nothing like new car. It's good to see that I was not the only one thinking it doesn't smell like new car but its better then ambipur stuff that smells like toilet spray
  21. This was mine compared to the new filter I bought:
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