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Everything posted by sportiv

  1. what azza meant by lift was in relationship to what our sportivos do when they change cams.. similar to V-Tec and nothing like what mazda has created yet..
  2. You could always opt for the most acoustically pleasing way of installing audio visit this link: install if it doesn't work cut and paste,, sorry http://forums.vwvortex.com/zerothread?id=2028826
  3. positive camber.. not a good thing sorry to hear about it..
  4. isn't there an open and closed circuit that allows the ECU to either keep learning or stop and stay where it is set, if this is the case get a custom loom for the power FC connect tune it and close the circuit than it will stop learning and will only stay the same as the power FC tells it to
  5. Get White,, nice base colour for your custom respray :P
  6. at the moment it looks like i should be sweet to come.. seeing if kyle will make it aswell :BELLBOWRIE: Represent... ummm whats the deal do you just come and go as you please or are you in and then your in for the day.
  7. that looks phat,, and yes would look excellent on a black car,, did toyota ever release a black sedan
  8. IFS - shell optimax + 10% ethanol.. only avaliable at select locations.. does wonders :D
  9. didn't i come second in the end,, **** all that effort for a measily 3rd place :P "respect biatch"
  10. fourrry sick day.. :D :D :D "RESPECT"
  11. YIN / YANG you say,, nah already been done
  12. ELE15 is long gone.. she's upgraded to an EVO8 (slow as) and runs everything stock.. but your right its always important to have alot of power to run everything.. amps are the most important part of the audio gear in my opinion. but of course the components are very significant.. without them there'd be no sound... :D
  13. craig i shall assist you with your installation.. i have questions for you..
  14. thought trevdash,, said he'd put a total of 15 on
  15. bull**** wei,, better be meat.. hehe
  17. i'll think you find that without brendan and craig, the cat back system from CES would never have been created or been in existance... so personally they may take offence to theyre developed product being called a dud... No fights intended. my peronal opinion
  18. Did Trevor at CES even fit this to your car???? if he didn't fit it.. and you got some random dude to fit it, trevor is not going to give 2 ****s.. he makes the system and fits it and when he does everyone gets a gain..
  19. put the kicker solobaric in.. you will not be dissapointed.. these things pump. .. do it , do it, do it.. so much bass
  20. if you read the specs of your splits or component speakers it will give you a description of where the splits should be placed in comparison to the actual speaker, for rears.. it will more than likely say to put them withing 20cm of the actual speaker..
  21. rubber is rubber, we are not on a daily basis running around on a track reaching speeds in excess of 200km.. "designers of tyres dont design them to hurt the customer" and with this in mind if you are willing to pay less, do it.. just like shopping at target instead of Targeat.. its rubber when you light it up it will still smell the same... Thank you thats my $0.02
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