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Noodle Boy

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Everything posted by Noodle Boy

  1. those machanics who work at dealers shouldn't even be hired. hasn't any of those guys ever received a complaint before, because a lot of people aren't satisfied after a service according to many threads on this site.
  2. good buy buddy.planning on doing anything special to it?by the way, what are the places that the previous owner didn't bother getting to in your car?
  3. Noodle Boy


    looks a bit better than before :) and i agree with you on the set of wheels.
  4. :) congrats on your purchase Dave.hope you enjoy driving it in the years to come. ;)
  5. my aurion has the same engine as the klugers and ive tried shell vpower without any problems(including rotten egg smell), even with hard driving. however, i personally think that mobil 98 or bp ultimate would be the best fuels to go with due to its performance.
  6. 4wds do a lot of ks these days. 112000km after 2 years seems insane for me-i average about 10000km per year only.
  7. a goalkicking contest/penalty shootout after a drawn gf wouldn't be a bad idea either-nice and quick. it's been used previously in a drawn EJ Whitten legaends game.
  8. i bet the rest of the world would be laughing as well at this. but he's given up all and it's about time he did.
  9. i'm surpirsed to have seen the commonwealth games committee choose india as the host country in the first place. don't be surprised everyone, this games is going to be a disaster.
  10. geez, that's a little bit too harsh to tell your mum to shut up... :)
  11. in what way isn't it working?because according to my audio system which is similar to the sat nav type, the ipod should pair up with the system once you press something like pair-up mp3 player or something like that and then enter a passkey.
  12. if you want to stick with the stock size, than the michelin PRIMACY LC would be a good option, as it's a much quieter tyre than the michelin mxv8 that i assume you currently have on your aurion. otherwise there are the sp sport from dunlop, which i hear is quite noisy, or there's a type from Goodyear which i can't remember its model name, and finally theres 1 or 2 types offered by yokohama(c-drive and s-drive i think) which offers great performance. all of these tyres are available in the same size as your current tyres. personally, i would go for either the michelins or yokohamas for there performance.
  13. a caterpillar and a turtle have run out of beer. the turtle offers to go out and get some more, but the caterpillar says that the turtle will take ages, therefore he offers to go instead. the turtle let the caterpillar to go to get some more beer. after a few hours not seeing the caterpillar come home, the turtle decides to search for him. he opens his front door to see that the caterpillar was still putting on his socks and shoes.
  14. in your dreams buddy. i'm a carlton supporter by the way, and boy, was i extremely surprised to see him win the charlie after seeing his overall performance for the year wasn't as good as dane swan's.
  15. it looks interesting, though I'm not a fan of it. it's looks somewhat beefy, with the back of a Prodigy or Presara, body kit similar to the TRD here in Aus like what Adamsy said, the doors like the prefacelift models and a sportivo grill used here in Aus in a different colour. oh well, at least they're having a go at something...
  16. for an extra $5 or so per tank, you get better economy, about 0.5 ltr less per 100km, therefore it won't hurt your wallet that much. it also provides more power, that's why i use it.
  17. that's possible, because my friend had his car written off(wasn't his fault) and he was able to pick some bits and pieces from his old car before they tow it to the wreckers.
  18. Ronnyboy,the new model of the Aurion just came out on September last year and a new model is unlikely to be released for the next 2 years.
  19. don't risk not having comp insurance kenshin. your corolla is still worth a decent amount of money, therefore you wouldn't want to risk having to pay expensive fees to repair or even having to get rid of it. i think you can ring up the company you're insured with and have your policy converted to full comp if you want to. not sure if there's any extra fees, but i doubt it.
  20. how come your hilux only came with one key? i thought that every car sold comes with a spare key as well. anyway, $500 seems quite expensive even considering that toyota has to set up all the central locking connections and everything.
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