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Everything posted by MR22ZZ

  1. yep, that was me, on my way to Toymods Dyno Day
  2. Had this done on my car on Friday... all I can say is $$$$$
  3. just as long as you buy it for more then what is being owed. eh thats what a meant Mr Dyl.... you never know whats owed, and if the person wont tell u, fat chance the bank will. that's why you ask to see the most recent statement.
  4. wrong... what you do it make a cheque payable directly to the financier for the remainder of the loan, and the rest to person. It's not that big a deal buying a car with money owing, just as long as you buy it for more then what is being owed. But the engine does seem sus, usually changes in engine number get registered though the RTA.
  5. http://www.fensport.co.uk/fensportcars.htm
  6. it's the rear hand brake, not the suspension, and mine's always done it.
  7. im with this 99.9% the only problem is 1k thats a total bomb i think i would say 5 to 6K will get u a nice looking car, and that will do a great job...remember u will have it for a year or so, i would rather spend a lil more money and have a nicer looking car that wont brake all the time. i had and still have in my garage a 1993 Charade....no injectors and 3 cyl 1.3ltr engine, no power steering well no power anything lol..ok it was slow but it did the job...i learnt how to drive a real car without all these power acc's, tune to engine and fixed most problems that came up. it looked nice not like a bomb lol just cause u are on your p's doesnt mean u have to drive a bomb that look like a bomb. :D The 3cl charade is a 997cc engine. My girlfriend bought a Suzuki swift to learn in for $2000 with the same engine and it's a great little car. Runs off an oily rag, easy to park and steer despite no power steering, very difficult to get into trouble with because it struggles to go much faster then 120 km/h, easy to fix if things break and parts are pretty cheap too.
  8. My brother is up in Sydney this week from Adelaide so I picked him up from the airport and we went to the Lowenbrau for dinner... I live 3 kms from the Uni at Wollongong so any time I get to drive my car I like to enjoy it ;) :P and my car has only 67,000 kms on it too... it's not like I'm up in Sydney and back every day.
  9. Budget is the #1 decision maker...
  10. I was parked next to it at the rocks last night too @ around 4:30. It's a 2ZZ with twin exit exhaust that pokes through the skirt... looks kind of ghey IMHO.
  11. like I said... $$$$ Brash Boys charge an arm and a leg over the PFCs worth for that thing...
  12. It's a 2ZZ dash, but he's got an auto which may be the reason he has the sucky rev limit. All our cars are manuals. Changing the ECU won't work because it's an auto and the manual ECU won't run the transmission properly I think. You'd have to go aftermarket. Which means $$$$$$s in order to have something what will control, VVTi, Lift and talk to the transmission computer.
  13. Nore did he need to... to be fair, every car that Massa overtook was 1.5 or more seconds a lap slower then him so I would expect nothing less then what he did. He himself managed to pass the Renaults and Heidfeld's BMW in the pit strategy too and not on track.
  14. assif.... stalling on the grid is -ve points IMHO... Kimi was drive of the race for sure, the laps he put in before his first stop won him that one.
  15. As if the Hammond role would ever go to a blood-nut :P which counts both you goons out... that role is mine people :P
  16. considering it's all the same Journos does that really surprise you?
  17. I saw it, the last season was actually pretty good because they had a segment in each episode where they tested out a 'real world' car (I think they called randoms off the Shannon's customer list actually) and made them do 1/4 mile and full circuit runs at Calder Park as a bit of a competition. There were things like old VW beetles, some Volvo that had been stripped and club race prepped, etc, it was pretty interesting. The rest of the show I worry about though... The Dutton Rally specials are worth catching though.
  18. ok gonna ask to take that day off i wanna see the simpsons movie too can we make that part of the cruise? or maybe a pre cruise thing? Mish, as much as your kids rock, I wouldn't want to share a picture theater with them... :P
  19. best of both worlds... get a wagon, though they are harder to find.
  20. I bought some RDA slotted front rotors for the sportivo 2 days ago which cost me $165 for the pair, it's not as expensive as you think if you are prepared to shop around.
  21. it never came factory with the 20V... the GTi and SX both came the the 16V smallport engines and I always call my Sportivo the shopping trolley because that's exactly what it is. It's a practical car with a but of mumbo...
  22. check the rubbers for defects and notches, make sure it's completely clean of dirt and leaves etc. failing that, replacement blades aren't too expensive.
  23. It really depends on that your taste is... hairdresser or shopping trolly?
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