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Aurion average fuel consumption approximation


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Eh i dunno. Lately I've been paying attention to my fuel average. And it is VERY MOODY.

I mean one time i got it to go up to 30L/100KM, But that was for a brief while. A few days back, Right after i filled her up with fuel, I floored it at the turn that leads me to the main road, And it went from 13L/100KM to a whopping 28L/100KM, And it stayed there for a short while, Then got reduced to 26L/100KM. Then i drove slow for a good while and it eventually got below 20L/100KM, But it took a while. I really don't get it.

I have NEVER gotten 9.9L/100KM, And i only got 10L/100KM ONCE or TWICE. Ever since i got the car, When i drove it, it was always 14 - 18L/100KM average. Then one day i let my friend drive it And i was AMAZED when i saw a 12L/100KM on the fuel average listing. Guess it has something to do with the way i drive =/.

Right now i have 15000KM's on the car, And the fuel average is at 13.8L/100KM. Before i NEVER got 13's. I noticed i started getting these low readings when i let my friends drive the car :D

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Almost traveled 10,000km. Last fill 57.2 L after 695km = 8.23L/100km and potentially 850km on one 70L tankful. (Although Aurion computer told me I had zero km to travel when I filled and I can't see any need to attempt using more than 50 to 60 L before filling). 500 of the 695km was fully loaded with two adults and two teenagers and requisite luggage, remainder with driver only. Also of note is that the on-board computer calculated 7.6L/100km average for tank, as I drove into the servo'.

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My wife drives locally around home going from home to work about 10kms radius. She drives economicaly as i showed her yet the best she (and I)can do is 13.6/100km. :angry:

It doesn't matter how calm we drive that is the best we can do. I did have this thing that i bought on ebay ages ago installed and she was getting 12.1/100kms. (keeping in mind this is not highway driving)

I took it out before taking the car for its first major service just in case the dealer said that i shouldn't have it on but i haven't had a chance to re-install it.

I just noticed the trouble i'm having getting better than 13.6.

Any one else has this problem or uses that fuel saver and notices the same problem??????????

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im sorry, but i have GREAT trouble believing that those 'vortex' things work...

if you think it works, then good for you, but i just cant see how it could decrease your consumption...

i must say though that 12-13l/100km is a LOT for a non trd for city driving...

for the last tank of fuel, i've been driving like a grandpa (ie, a normal human being), and my fuel economy is sitting at 12.1ltr/100km... thats 100% city driving too..

my usual fuel economy sits between 18-19ltr/100km for city driving though...

its amazing how much difference driving normally makes!! hahahahaha

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im sorry, but i have GREAT trouble believing that those 'vortex' things work...

if you think it works, then good for you, but i just cant see how it could decrease your consumption...

i must say though that 12-13l/100km is a LOT for a non trd for city driving...

for the last tank of fuel, i've been driving like a grandpa (ie, a normal human being), and my fuel economy is sitting at 12.1ltr/100km... thats 100% city driving too..

my usual fuel economy sits between 18-19ltr/100km for city driving though...

its amazing how much difference driving normally makes!! hahahahaha

Yeh I understand where your coming from' i thought or think the same thing. It was only $15 so i thought i'd try it.

I'm on annual leave for 3 weeks at the moment and i'm driving the aurion around alot and I to am struggling to get the fuel average down.

My wife just commented that it hasn't gone below 13.6 since I took it out.

So ill put the thing back in tomorrow and see if the average comes down or not.

If it doesn't work there might be another explaination for it. 13.6l/100 just seems a bit high :huh:

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im sorry, but i have GREAT trouble believing that those 'vortex' things work...

if you think it works, then good for you, but i just cant see how it could decrease your consumption...

i must say though that 12-13l/100km is a LOT for a non trd for city driving...

for the last tank of fuel, i've been driving like a grandpa (ie, a normal human being), and my fuel economy is sitting at 12.1ltr/100km... thats 100% city driving too..

my usual fuel economy sits between 18-19ltr/100km for city driving though...

its amazing how much difference driving normally makes!! hahahahaha

That's not fair...=(

I got 15-16l/100km.. And a Non-trd..=((((

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Sorry, but I think you guys who are having high fuel consumption must have bad driving styles or something!

I have an Aurion SX6, I don't crawl along the road, I like to get to the speed limit (and a bit beyond) as fast as is possible on occasions and I do high mileage both town and country.

My car is 10 mths old and I have done 32k so I think you would agree I am in it a lot.

I only buy the highest octane fuel, I have a Dual Fuel Card (Shell\Caltex) which means I can use Shell Vortex or Caltex Super Unleaded. Because my company requires the receipts they track the fuel consumption and have been very happy to see that mine very rarely exceeds 10.1l\100km for the invoiced period. I have recorded 8.8l\100km on some long open road trips.

I don't drive like a Nana, I use the sequential more than not and I have 245x35x19 Mags with Falken soft compound tyres. I check my tyre pressures regularly with a digital tyre gauge and the car is serviced by Toyota at the required 15k intervals.

So in conclusion I believe the advertised mileage data is accurate (for me at least) and still amazes me how so much power can still give economic running.


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Sydney City Driving with set of 20s, never go above 50km/hr, never pull it hard, pretty much driving like a grandma. What i mean by city seriously is in the city, so traffic light almost @ evry block, jams. My style is ok, just wonderin how can other people drive with average consumption like 10-11. It's not like evrytime i got 15-16, it's d worst case. I drove to Canberra before and got 8.4l/100km. So that should prove nothin wrong with my car.

And i assume when people said city driving, it's like my situation.

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Moderate road trip yesterday, 95% at highway/freeway speeds 105-120kph.

Super unleaded, tyre pressures at 34psi.

Calculated at 7.7 litres per 100 ks, or 13ks per litre.

That'd give me a range of 900ks or thereabouts.

Damn good. :)

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Now thats got me stumped. :huh:

I drive cool calm and collected and i cant get my aurion under 13.6 driving around home probably getting to 80km/hr for around 5-6 kms the rest 50/60 km zones.5 maybe 6 traffic lights in ammoungs all that.

Tomorrow if i get a chance ill call in to the service dept and have a chat with them.

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Just got back from Bathurst to Wagga trip 320k's each way, air con on both ways outside temp 33 to 37. Three people in the car, boot full, 36 psi in tyres and a nice head wind on way there. Speed 105 -110kpm with cruise set, distance 644.5 k's, computer says 7.6 lts/100k's, distance remaining 105 k's, fuel gauge sitting on 1/4 indicator. Will fill it up tomorrow and see what the bowser says (for those who don't think the car knows how much it actually uses).

OK filled the car today here is the info 653.8 k's first click was 48.47 lts = 7.4 lts/100k's, filled it to the max 52.93 lts = 8.1 lts/100k's. Distance to travel by car when refilled 718 k's (computer estimate) then the low fuel light will be on, approx 15 lts in tank when this happens usually.

Edited by fuel miser
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Now thats got me stumped. :huh:

I drive cool calm and collected and i cant get my aurion under 13.6 driving around home probably getting to 80km/hr for around 5-6 kms the rest 50/60 km zones.5 maybe 6 traffic lights in ammoungs all that.

Tomorrow if i get a chance ill call in to the service dept and have a chat with them.

its not how calm you drive, but not often you brake

if our family didn't go anywhere that week, we do about 13L/100km too

like all the car did would be shopping or to the train station

driving in the suburbs there is nothing you can do about traffic lights, stop signs, giveaways, and 90 degree turns

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Wow, some of you must be REALLY lead-footed. I've never exceed 15L/100km in my car, and average is 12.6L/100km. This is with driving from suburbs to work and back every day, so a fair amount of idling in traffic jams and city driving. These were my real-world figures over 2 months:

Odometer Litres Filled Cost Date Price Per Litre Distance Distance Per Day Mileage

25435 48.75 $81.75 11-Oct-08 1.68

25866 51.01 $76.97 15-Oct-08 1.51 431.00 107.75 11.83526682

26280 52.49 $79.74 19-Oct-08 1.52 414.00 103.50 12.67874396

26667 48.89 $72.31 25-Oct-08 1.48 387.00 64.50 12.63307494

27089 53.18 $76.53 31-Oct-08 1.44 422.00 70.33 12.60189573

27405 36.67 $49.43 2-Nov-08 1.35 316.00 158.00 11.60443038

27682 34.22 $52.06 6-Nov-08 1.52 277.00 69.25 12.35379061

28033 52.34 $68.51 11-Nov-08 1.31 351.00 70.20 14.91168091 <--- obviously had a bit of fun here! :D

28503 53.29 $68.16 16-Nov-08 1.28 470.00 94.00 11.33829787

28845 44.99 $53.50 22-Nov-08 1.19 342.00 57.00 13.15497076

29199 42.74 $49.10 26-Nov-08 1.15 354.00 88.50 12.07344633

29549 44.73 $48.09 30-Nov-08 1.08 350.00 87.50 12.78

29907 47.30 $55.29 5-Dec-08 1.17 358.00 71.60 13.2122905

Edited by TRD Aurion Owner
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Now thats got me stumped. :huh:

I drive cool calm and collected and i cant get my aurion under 13.6 driving around home probably getting to 80km/hr for around 5-6 kms the rest 50/60 km zones.5 maybe 6 traffic lights in ammoungs all that.

Tomorrow if i get a chance ill call in to the service dept and have a chat with them.

its not how calm you drive, but not often you brake

if our family didn't go anywhere that week, we do about 13L/100km too

like all the car did would be shopping or to the train station

driving in the suburbs there is nothing you can do about traffic lights, stop signs, giveaways, and 90 degree turns

I understand what your saying here tekkyy, the more my car sits idling at lights or anywhere else can give you a bad reading. I suppose like it was quoteed somewhere else it depends on how city driving is defined. Your consumption is simillar to mine so my mind is at ease

Wow, some of you must be REALLY lead-footed. I've never exceed 15L/100km in my car, and average is 12.6L/100km. This is with driving from suburbs to work and back every day, so a fair amount of idling in traffic jams and city driving. These were my real-world figures over 2 months:

Odometer Litres Filled Cost Date Price Per Litre Distance Distance Per Day Mileage

25435 48.75 $81.75 11-Oct-08 1.68

25866 51.01 $76.97 15-Oct-08 1.51 431.00 107.75 11.83526682

26280 52.49 $79.74 19-Oct-08 1.52 414.00 103.50 12.67874396

26667 48.89 $72.31 25-Oct-08 1.48 387.00 64.50 12.63307494

27089 53.18 $76.53 31-Oct-08 1.44 422.00 70.33 12.60189573

27405 36.67 $49.43 2-Nov-08 1.35 316.00 158.00 11.60443038

27682 34.22 $52.06 6-Nov-08 1.52 277.00 69.25 12.35379061

28033 52.34 $68.51 11-Nov-08 1.31 351.00 70.20 14.91168091 <--- obviously had a bit of fun here! :D

28503 53.29 $68.16 16-Nov-08 1.28 470.00 94.00 11.33829787

28845 44.99 $53.50 22-Nov-08 1.19 342.00 57.00 13.15497076

29199 42.74 $49.10 26-Nov-08 1.15 354.00 88.50 12.07344633

29549 44.73 $48.09 30-Nov-08 1.08 350.00 87.50 12.78

29907 47.30 $55.29 5-Dec-08 1.17 358.00 71.60 13.2122905

'TRD Aurion Owner' , well done with these readings .Ive been meaning to do this for some time but my wife sometimes forget to reset the milage button.

I noticed you fill your tank at an average of 3-4 days ,on mine we fuel up around every 2 weeks being driving to and from shops, schools, etc not alot of highway driving.

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Wow, some of you must be REALLY lead-footed.

You're telling me. LOL. I just can't help it. Anyways, I would hate to think what my fuel consumption would be like if I had the TRD. Speaking of TRD, I see you are sporting some new decals underneath your side mirrors. Saw you parked near the cinemas last night.

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I had previously posted into this forum my method of getting the consumption down to average 9.4L/100

-Fuel type. Shell unleaded 95, NOT Caltex 95, NOT Mobil 95, NOT other crap 95.

-Control your acceleration. At the traffic lights, accelerate at around 2000-2300rpm. You will lose to the punk P-plater driving a Hyundai Getz next to you but this thread is about fuel saving isn't it.

BTW i don't work for Shell.

Edited by joelau007
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I'm not sure if you guys with a trip computer have an average speed reading but I think even if you are calculating manually this would give a good idea of the kind of driving that you are doing.

Sera709 it's clear that if you are doing 300-400 km every 4 days, then I'd think that some of that would have to be freeway driving, (unless you're spending 2 hours each way driving to and from work)

I think people who are averaging 14-15 L/km will probably be doing true city only driving and that might be demonstrated by an average speed of 25-30km/hr over a tank. Whilst people who consistently claim to be getting 9-11L/km are probably getting closer to 40-50km/hr average speed over a tank.

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Now thats got me stumped. :huh:

I drive cool calm and collected and i cant get my aurion under 13.6 driving around home probably getting to 80km/hr for around 5-6 kms the rest 50/60 km zones.5 maybe 6 traffic lights in ammoungs all that.

Tomorrow if i get a chance ill call in to the service dept and have a chat with them.

its not how calm you drive, but not often you brake

if our family didn't go anywhere that week, we do about 13L/100km too

like all the car did would be shopping or to the train station

driving in the suburbs there is nothing you can do about traffic lights, stop signs, giveaways, and 90 degree turns

I understand what your saying here tekkyy, the more my car sits idling at lights or anywhere else can give you a bad reading. I suppose like it was quoteed somewhere else it depends on how city driving is defined. Your consumption is simillar to mine so my mind is at ease

Wow, some of you must be REALLY lead-footed. I've never exceed 15L/100km in my car, and average is 12.6L/100km. This is with driving from suburbs to work and back every day, so a fair amount of idling in traffic jams and city driving. These were my real-world figures over 2 months:

Odometer Litres Filled Cost Date Price Per Litre Distance Distance Per Day Mileage

25435 48.75 $81.75 11-Oct-08 1.68

25866 51.01 $76.97 15-Oct-08 1.51 431.00 107.75 11.83526682

26280 52.49 $79.74 19-Oct-08 1.52 414.00 103.50 12.67874396

26667 48.89 $72.31 25-Oct-08 1.48 387.00 64.50 12.63307494

27089 53.18 $76.53 31-Oct-08 1.44 422.00 70.33 12.60189573

27405 36.67 $49.43 2-Nov-08 1.35 316.00 158.00 11.60443038

27682 34.22 $52.06 6-Nov-08 1.52 277.00 69.25 12.35379061

28033 52.34 $68.51 11-Nov-08 1.31 351.00 70.20 14.91168091 <--- obviously had a bit of fun here! :D

28503 53.29 $68.16 16-Nov-08 1.28 470.00 94.00 11.33829787

28845 44.99 $53.50 22-Nov-08 1.19 342.00 57.00 13.15497076

29199 42.74 $49.10 26-Nov-08 1.15 354.00 88.50 12.07344633

29549 44.73 $48.09 30-Nov-08 1.08 350.00 87.50 12.78

29907 47.30 $55.29 5-Dec-08 1.17 358.00 71.60 13.2122905

'TRD Aurion Owner' , well done with these readings .Ive been meaning to do this for some time but my wife sometimes forget to reset the milage button.

I noticed you fill your tank at an average of 3-4 days ,on mine we fuel up around every 2 weeks being driving to and from shops, schools, etc not alot of highway driving.

I'm not sure if you guys with a trip computer have an average speed reading but I think even if you are calculating manually this would give a good idea of the kind of driving that you are doing.

Sera709 it's clear that if you are doing 300-400 km every 4 days, then I'd think that some of that would have to be freeway driving, (unless you're spending 2 hours each way driving to and from work)

I think people who are averaging 14-15 L/km will probably be doing true city only driving and that might be demonstrated by an average speed of 25-30km/hr over a tank. Whilst people who consistently claim to be getting 9-11L/km are probably getting closer to 40-50km/hr average speed over a tank.

TO CLEAR THINGS UP :whistling: . I never said that i do 300-400kms every 4 days

I said that TRD AURION OWNER does 300-400 kms every 3-4 days according to his figures he quoted above.

I said that i fuel my car every 2 weeks which the majority of Aurion drivers would get anywhere between 300 and say 500 kms to a tank.(roughly)

I'm sure i would be aware if i am driving freeway or around town. As i quoted before "i cant get my aurion under 13.6 driving around home probably getting to 80km/hr for around 5-6 kms the rest 50/60 km zones 5 maybe 6 traffic lights in ammoungs all that." Not to and from work and Not freeways. On freeways I get alot better reading obviously :) :

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TO CLEAR THINGS UP :whistling: . I never said that i do 300-400kms every 4 days

I said that TRD AURION OWNER does 300-400 kms every 3-4 days according to his figures he quoted above.

I said that i fuel my car every 2 weeks which the majority of Aurion drivers would get anywhere between 300 and say 500 kms to a tank.(roughly)

I'm sure i would be aware if i am driving freeway or around town. As i quoted before "i cant get my aurion under 13.6 driving around home probably getting to 80km/hr for around 5-6 kms the rest 50/60 km zones 5 maybe 6 traffic lights in ammoungs all that." Not to and from work and Not freeways. On freeways I get alot better reading obviously :) :

My bad, I was looking a your post and disregarded the fact that you were quoting TRD AURION OWNER. I too am getting similar 14-15L/100km but on the Aurion but our car gets next to no freeway.

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My wife drives locally around home going from home to work about 10kms radius. She drives economicaly as i showed her yet the best she (and I)can do is 13.6/100km. :angry:

It doesn't matter how calm we drive that is the best we can do. I did have this thing that i bought on ebay ages ago installed and she was getting 12.1/100kms. (keeping in mind this is not highway driving)

I took it out before taking the car for its first major service just in case the dealer said that i shouldn't have it on but i haven't had a chance to re-install it.

I just noticed the trouble i'm having getting better than 13.6.

Any one else has this problem or uses that fuel saver and notices the same problem??????????

As I said in this quote above I have re-installed this thing on Friday afternoon. My wife has been driving around on the weekend (i haven't had a chance) as she normally does that is locally to the shops, her mum's etc... all around a 6 km radius starting and stopping with traffic lights and the tank average has come down to 12.7/100. Without that gadget (I am not promoting this thing just testing it) i was getting 13.6 no matter what my wife or myself did. :angry:

Almost 1 litre better i suppose thats better than nothing. ;)

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Date, Max Fill, Fill (L), ODO (km), ODO Cycle, Eco Cycle

20080617 Y 40.16 650 287 13.99

20080701 Y 45.91 977 327 14.04

20080722 Y 52.80 1331 354 14.92

20080805 Y 44.03 1636 305 14.44

20080819 Y 41.41 1943 307 13.49

20080902 Y 52.43 2342 399 13.14

20080909 Y 17.97 2460 118 15.23

20080923 Y 49.36 2842 382 12.92

20081023 Y 51.98 3223 381 13.64

20081104 Y 46.62 3598 375 12.43

20081121 Y 50.00 4018 420 11.90

20081209 Y 45.55 4377 359 12.69

20081221 N 9.82 4801 424 ?

20081224 Y 51.98 4887 510 12.12

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Date, Max Fill, Fill (L), ODO (km), ODO Cycle, Eco Cycle

20080617 Y 40.16 650 287 13.99

20080701 Y 45.91 977 327 14.04

20080722 Y 52.80 1331 354 14.92

20080805 Y 44.03 1636 305 14.44

20080819 Y 41.41 1943 307 13.49

20080902 Y 52.43 2342 399 13.14

20080909 Y 17.97 2460 118 15.23

20080923 Y 49.36 2842 382 12.92

20081023 Y 51.98 3223 381 13.64

20081104 Y 46.62 3598 375 12.43

20081121 Y 50.00 4018 420 11.90

20081209 Y 45.55 4377 359 12.69

20081221 N 9.82 4801 424 ?

20081224 Y 51.98 4887 510 12.12

I take it Tekkyy this would just driving around home no freeway cruising? If it is its pretty much the same as mine.

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