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I dont understand how people are continuly going to Toyota for servicing. Most of the people on the forum complain about the treatment they receive and the bad service they get yet many people keep returning.

Toyota has only seen my car 3 times, 4th will be next thursday. The 1st was at 1000km, 2nd was for a faulty shock and the 3rd was for the ecu recall. The 4th will be to have the door seals replaced and thats only because they wont give them to me so that my mechanic can do it for me. I had my clutch adjustment done at my local mechanic, $20 later, i had no questions asked, no badgering and the job was well done!!

In my opinion your better off going to a local mechanic that can do new car servicing and if its going to be a few dollars to get something adjusted you end up on top anyway because they service your car for cheaper anyway.

(My log books have been stamped every 5,000km by my mechanic as well)

The reason i go back to Toyota is i dont see why i should have to pay (even if its $20) to fix a problem that my WARRENTY is suppose to cover.

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Well if you have time to sit there and argue go right ahead....I tried and it fell on deaf ears, so i go to my mechanic and if something needs fixing that is under warranty i get him to write a letter. The only reason that i got him to do the clutch adjustment was because i know for a fact that he will do a much better job and i am quite happy to part with a minimal amount for that

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Boys and Girls...

its a miracle....

I can now shift from first to second with out a problem....the new raised clutch pedal will take abit of getting used to....

but its just fantastic...!!!!

by the way...i think Western Toyota keeps tabs on our forum....because their service for the rest of the day was exceptional...

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Toyota should not charge for warranty items... I did not get charged and if they even think of giving me a bill I will simply walk out and tell them to stick it (take me to court I don't care) and I will go else ware.

Some of these dealers sound like cowboys, don’t put up for there crap, you spent the money, make sure you get what you paid for!

Southside Toyota MtGravat seems ok (although there techs are a little unexperienced I think) but them seem to want to fix the issues! I have not had any crap run over me as yet like I did at Woolloongabba (don’t go there they are all talk and negative action)

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it's not warranty, adjustment of the clutch pedal is not a warranty item, and if I'm not mistaken it's not listed on any of your factory service schedules. Some dealers will do it through goodwill, others will charge for it.

The clutch is a wear and tear item, you can't expect to get a free adjustment on a car that's got over 5000km on it... How are toyota to know how you drive or treat your clutch?? You could drive like Northy and kill clutches quicker than a female that can't drive a manual ;)

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Hi rollamods

Understand where you are coming from but when it seems to be an issue many people are having with there car (Sportivo) and they have released an official clutch adjustment procedure – News bulletin, how can they honestly charge for something that is a design fault?

If it was designed correctly in the first place we would not be going back to get it fixed.

I for one can’t stand taking time of work to get stuff in the car fixed, it’s extremely annoying and a complete waist of time, I expect when I buy a brand new car for things to work 100% and if they don’t I expect them to be fixed/replaced free of charge.

I fail to see how a clutch adjustment is something that could have been abused? Unless the clutch is physically bent/warped how can they charge you to position the clutch where it should have been when the car was purchased?

Another thing I can’t understand is I believe the clutch adjustment article was distributed some time in 2004? (correct me if I am wrong) but why is my car with a build date of 2005-08 not got the correct measurements of the clutch height? Toyota should get there act together, admit they have stuffed up fix the issue and keep there current customers happy so they might thing about purchasing another Toyota as there next car… how they fail to see this I don’t understand.

If Toyota do give me a run around I will be submitting a report on the Not Good Enough website “http://www.notgoodenough.com.au/”, I would recommend some people in this forum that have been trying to sort there issues out for a long period of time do the same as this will surly force Toyota to pull there act together unless they want free negative publicity.

Well that’s my 2cents worth any way... :lol: :D

Just an update guys...


Has had not got any outstanding issues with Toyota all issues have been sorted out!

This means that every one that has ever complained about Toyota has had there issue sorted out by Toyota through Not Good Enough...

So looks like it defiantly is worth a try for any one that has got ongoing issues with Toyota and is struggling to get things done!

Hope this helps some people... :-)

Let us know how you go if you do use it...



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are you aware that the clutch plate wears, and when it wears the pedal height/engagement point changes?

Did you report the issue at the 1000km service? If so it should be documented on the service report, then if the issue is persisting you can get it actioned for free.

Toyota have thousands of service bulletins about items that need alteration or adjustment, I've personally seen them and have had a mate who works for Toyota bring around old bulletins so I could scan some "known issues" on older corollas aswell. All these bulletins are NOT warranty items, just bulletins to let the service tech's know how to fix the issue if a customer reports the issue, as not all cars are effected. Remember not every sportivo owner in Australia is a member of these forums, and you only ever hear from the whingers, the people with good cars rarely comment about how good their car is... That's the same with ANY type of product or business.

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Hi rollamods

Understand where you are coming from but when it seems to be an issue many people are having with there car (Sportivo) and they have released an official clutch adjustment procedure – News bulletin, how can they honestly charge for something that is a design fault?

If it was designed correctly in the first place we would not be going back to get it fixed.

I for one can’t stand taking time of work to get stuff in the car fixed, it’s extremely annoying and a complete waist of time, I expect when I buy a brand new car for things to work 100% and if they don’t I expect them to be fixed/replaced free of charge.

I fail to see how a clutch adjustment is something that could have been abused? Unless the clutch is physically bent/warped how can they charge you to position the clutch where it should have been when the car was purchased?

Another thing I can’t understand is I believe the clutch adjustment article was distributed some time in 2004? (correct me if I am wrong) but why is my car with a build date of 2005-08 not got the correct measurements of the clutch height? Toyota should get there act together, admit they have stuffed up fix the issue and keep there current customers happy so they might thing about purchasing another Toyota as there next car… how they fail to see this I don’t understand.

If Toyota do give me a run around I will be submitting a report on the Not Good Enough website “http://www.notgoodenough.com.au/”, I would recommend some people in this forum that have been trying to sort there issues out for a long period of time do the same as this will surly force Toyota to pull there act together unless they want free negative publicity.

Well that’s my 2cents worth any way... :lol: :D

Hmmm Good call!!!

i'm due for my 10K service next week tooz....hope to get clutch squeaking prob fixed as well as the gear change prob and the sticky accelerator...

fudgebottom, totally agree wit wat u say man.

I bought a brand new car for hassle free driving...2 years in the waiting prior to getting my car i was dead set on getting a DC5 Type R. Lolz i know a lot of TOCA won't like to hear that, but its the truth. Took me just two weeks to change my mind on car and then i ended-up with my STivo at the end of January of this year.

My family all drive toyotas....a 98 camry, 2001 Prado and an old Hiance LWB van....last thing i wanted was a toyota. But i thought....for 30K why not get a STivo....it'd be BRAND new...leather seats...better for insurance costs and RELIABLE and ROCK SOLID history of QUALITY. 30K is a lot for a person in my situation and so i didn't want to take the risks of a 2nd hand DC5R that had already done the Ks and who knows the history

BUT i'm sooooo disappointed at the fact of what's been happening to my STivo and seeing that it has happened to so many pplz too!! I went to Toyota....and turned against my Honda Loyalty hoping for trouble free and even possibly converted support for their cars to be seen as sporty and just as good as the DC5R if not better...i am soooooo mistakingly....arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh >_< :angry::angry::angry::angry:

Post-purchase thoughts are always coming up think damn i should've gone DC5 shouldn't have i??

Like WTF is with this QUALITY from Toyota? Like why i bought a brand new car...i've had it for not even 6 months yet i get these issues?....LiKE WTF!!!

I'll see how this 2nd service goes....i do hope that there are Toyota Dealers in Melbourne (Particularly eastern suburbs) and across Aus that do go on these type of forums because, in future, like you said man, who's to say that i'll look at Toyota the same way again!!!!

<_< :angry: <_< :angry: <_< :angry:

PS: And another thing....Toyota Customer service sucks compared to Mazda....i know cause i was treated so diff to what my friend was treated when she got her Mazda 3 at the same time as i did my Stivo....

are you aware that the clutch plate wears, and when it wears the pedal height/engagement point changes?

Did you report the issue at the 1000km service? If so it should be documented on the service report, then if the issue is persisting you can get it actioned for free.

Toyota have thousands of service bulletins about items that need alteration or adjustment, I've personally seen them and have had a mate who works for Toyota bring around old bulletins so I could scan some "known issues" on older corollas aswell. All these bulletins are NOT warranty items, just bulletins to let the service tech's know how to fix the issue if a customer reports the issue, as not all cars are effected. Remember not every sportivo owner in Australia is a member of these forums, and you only ever hear from the whingers, the people with good cars rarely comment about how good their car is... That's the same with ANY type of product or business.

i c... :huh:

n to ur 2nd part...true dat!!!

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Boys and Girls...

its a miracle....

I can now shift from first to second with out a problem....the new raised clutch pedal will take abit of getting used to....

but its just fantastic...!!!!

by the way...i think Western Toyota keeps tabs on our forum....because their service for the rest of the day was exceptional...

There are a couple of people from Western Toyota who are members, though not active they still check the forums. Several of the guys there own Corolla Sportivos themselves and they know the cars inside out.

I've only ever had the clutch, door rubbers and a mishap with my MAF sensor to be fixed and all were done with minimal issues as they were all easilly traced back to a physical problem. The clutch was the hardest to get fixed as Western Toyota were the only place who ackowledged the problem and had it noot been for the fact I was booked in for a major service there at the same time, I'm sure they wouldn't have fixed it...

but great to know your car is all sorted :D

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Whingers??? And so they have the right to Whinge all they like until they get the $30K worth of what they paid for.

I also have the clutch problem, I can’t get into second gear whilst in lift without crunching gears badly. Yes Toyota is trying to fix it and I am happy but after coming on this forum and see how many others are having the same issue… There is obviously more to the story they Toyota is admitting to.

As for your comment about there is issues in every product, once again I would have to agree but the amount of people in this small forum that are having the same issues is very worrying (and to think there are still many many others out there that don’t even know about the forum that I’m sure are having the same issues as well).

What I’m basicly trying to say, so many people are having this issue, if Toyota even think about charging spit the dummy and go else where, if they have already done the job and did not tell you about costing.. DO NOT PAY, if they are pricks about it, tell tem to put it back the way it was and go else where and get it done for free.

Toyota need to pull there act together, admit there is an issue with some cars get it fixed and have happy customers.

Part of the issue I believe is getting the Sportivo’s built in South Africa, hence the vast quality control issues.

Boys and Girls...

its a miracle....

I can now shift from first to second with out a problem....the new raised clutch pedal will take abit of getting used to....

but its just fantastic...!!!!

by the way...i think Western Toyota keeps tabs on our forum....because their service for the rest of the day was exceptional...

Woo Hooo, this is really good news... congrats... must be a GREAT feeling! I can't wait untill mine gets fixed :-)

Does any one know a good dealer in South Brisbane that can get the job done well?

Enjoy RedLiner! B)

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I just took my car for a fang around the block..

i love it...

its like the car has been reborn lol...

i can go drag racing now lollol

that's exactly how I felt after, I fell in love with my car all over again... the girls all know how well my car is shifting now too :D :P

will we see you on Wednesday night? ;) :D

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My car has now done close to 60,000kms and almost 3 years old and i have had 4 different dealerships "attempt" to fix my car, try to feel how p!55ed off i am :angry: the sticky gearshift was resolved after a new clutch it but the clutch wasn't adjusted so i still crunch 2nd gear on and off. Funny enough after the Redline gearbox oil was put in it hasn't crunched once since. :unsure: But i will sure attempt to have my clutch "adjusted" again by Western Toyota or a local mechanic when i have my 60,000km service. i won't hold my breath though knowing what Toyota is like now.. <_< i'm still in love with my car though :P don't need 1-2 LIFT to beat WRXs, auto V8s etc.. so i don't really care :P

And the next person thats says that we are crunching 1-2 because of "our bad driving" will get run-over :rolleyes: :P

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i think i will have to prove i know how to drive manual by going to the drags :P running people over might prove too costly :P :P but seriously i have driven manual cars all along and never had such an issue with 2nd gear.. i am pretty confident with my driving, has always been and this time its the car that is letting me down :P

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I just took my car for a fang around the block..

i love it...

its like the car has been reborn lol...

i can go drag racing now lollol

that's exactly how I felt after, I fell in love with my car all over again... the girls all know how well my car is shifting now too :D :P

will we see you on Wednesday night? ;) :D

No i will be putting in my mods first then i will be going lol..

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I feel your pain.... :(

hopefully it will be fixed soon! :rolleyes:

Its not as bad as it used to be really after the new clutch kit and recently the Redline oil helped too ;) now its a matter of just trying to stop Toyota from saying the clutch is bloody"hydraulic"!!! :angry: looks like only Western Toyota knows their stuff, the rest are all numbskulls that need to drive a Sportivo to know what we are talking about.

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OH MY FU@#ING ***!!!!~~~

i did my service this morning and .........

ITS A NEW CAR BOYS runs soooooooOOOo goood

reallly smooth i told em bout the clutch issues and they said they will check it out and after i got it they said nothing was wrong with it and its true the clutch is a bit higher then usal cuz it was lined up with the break and now its higher.

really smooth and easy to keep it in lift from 1st to 2nd

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OH MY FU@#ING ***!!!!~~~

i did my service this morning and .........

ITS A NEW CAR BOYS runs soooooooOOOo goood

reallly smooth i told em bout the clutch issues and they said they will check it out and after i got it they said nothing was wrong with it and its true the clutch is a bit higher then usal cuz it was lined up with the break and now its higher.

really smooth and easy to keep it in lift from 1st to 2nd

is this done at Western? what did yous tell them? i am ringing them first thing Tuesday or any local mechanic that can book me in quick and knows how to "adjust a clutch" ;)

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i went to lemans toyota in foots i thought i would be bad but it was really good i told them that i was in a fourum and every1 has the same problem i said from 1st gear to 2nd gear it was really stiff and hard to get in and sometimes even crunch the gear and it sqeaks when i push in the clutch he said he would look at it and omg its great..... but $235 =( 10k service but its well worth it


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Its not as bad as it used to be really after the new clutch kit and recently the Redline oil helped too ;) now its a matter of just trying to stop Toyota from saying the clutch is bloody"hydraulic"!!! :angry: looks like only Western Toyota knows their stuff, the rest are all numbskulls that need to drive a Sportivo to know what we are talking about.

The clutch is hydraulic... It's certainly not cable operated.

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