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Can't say I like paying so much for juice but I have noticed a real fall off in traffic (even accounting for school holidays) which has been great.

Might need to get on the bike and ride it to work for training but still a bit suss on the traffic. Heard on the news that a motorist just pulled up beside a cyclists in Brissy yesterday and beat the ******* out of him just for the hell of it. Probably an innocent party receiving pay out for the high price of petrol. These people should just be locked up.

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My concern over petrol pricing is this.

A while ago, when crude oil was $50.00 a barrel, when you consider that a barrel output = 200 litres, oil price equated to $0.25c per litre.

At the same time, petrol pricing at the bowser was asround 75cpl.

At these rates, it works out that there is approx 300% on-costs for production/transportation/markup/taxes etc.

At the moment with oil pricing at $75.00 a barrel, resulting in $0.35c per litre for oil, using the same 300% on-costs theory, then petrol should not be costing anything more than $1.05 per litre, not the $1.20 - $1.30 averages we currently have.

Where is the 20 - 30c per litre going, I'd like to know.

Considering those of us in QLD are lucky enough to have a 8c per litre fuel subsidy (Thanks Hollywood Pete), then our fuel pricing should be around $0.97 per litre...

And they reckon we aren't getting ripped off. ;)

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Half of the pump cost is federal tax/excise, and then the infamous "tax on a tax" which is the GST (this apparently is sent to the states).

So even at $75 per barrel = 35 cents per litre, you need to then add refining costs, storage and transport. Then the taxes double the cost. Then the petrol stations add about 4 cents per litre (which is rarely profit, they often subsidise petrol costs through high priced food and drink items). But still the oil company costs must equal up to 50 cents per litre to make everything balance - this seems a bit unlikely to me.

Anyway, when all's said and done petrol costs in Australia are like the 4th cheapest of any country in the world, so yes we are paying more but on a global scale we still have it pretty good. My advice - buy a petrol tanker and start thinking about living Mad Max style.

Edited by oz_viking
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Can't say I like paying so much for juice but I have noticed a real fall off in traffic (even accounting for school holidays) which has been great.

Might need to get on the bike and ride it to work for training but still a bit suss on the traffic. Heard on the news that a motorist just pulled up beside a cyclists in Brissy yesterday and beat the ******* out of him just for the hell of it. Probably an innocent party receiving pay out for the high price of petrol. These people should just be locked up.

I'm not going to defend that driver's actions, because physical assault is not the way to deal with issues. But I have to say, the conduct of cyclists in Brisbane is pretty foul, and that's both on the road and on the footpath.

If people wish to ride their bike on the road, that's cool ... the beauty of a driving a Rolla is that we can share, share alike! But I think that they need some sort of instruction in the road rules and some means of identification so that motorists and pedestrians can take appropriate action, in the same way that cyclists have a website where they can dob in a bad driver.

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did u guys see the news story of the van which had a fuel tank built into the back of it to fit like a few hundred or thousand litres in petrol and they were stealing petrol from the servo's.... i thought it was quite intuative ;) ;) ;) ;)

to bad they got busted

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did u guys see the news story of the van which had a fuel tank built into the back of it to fit like a few hundred or thousand litres in petrol and they were stealing petrol from the servo's.... i thought it was quite intuative ;) ;) ;) ;)

to bad they got busted

with that extra tonne of fuel in the back of a van, they won't be getting anywhere in a hurry :P

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mate if we get anywhere near $2 we are talking $120 per tank :( :( :( ..... I think then the stivo will become a weekend car and back to good old public transport......

As for the ethanol blended petrol..... Will this still make the ron rating if its mixed with ethanol ????

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mate if we get anywhere near $2 we are talking $120 per tank :( :( :( ..... I think then the stivo will become a weekend car and back to good old public transport......

As for the ethanol blended petrol..... Will this still make the ron rating if its mixed with ethanol ????

There is some documentation around showing how ethanol blends can actually increase the RON by 1 or 2 points

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I think it is interesting that they are blaming Hurricane Rita (the second one that hit) for more oil price increases when the on;ly oil infratructure affected by this one is the refineries that supply petrol to Texas ;)

This indicates to me that they are now clearly profiteering as you can not tell me that Texas and the surrounding areas draw that much demand for petrol that the worldwide prices have to rise because of it....

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I think oil prices will drop back to about $55 later ons. Oil prices won't be increasing again because demand in China and Indonesia is not growing as much as before which was putting alot of strain on supplies.

I read before some high profile person from some company said oil prices is just a big bubble waiting to burst back to normal level prices before. I tend to believe this since i looked at oil price history and it has happened before.

But of course if there are constantly Hurricanes in the US refinery areas, then prices are just gonna rise.

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I think that the more public hysteria there is about pricing the mopre it will rise.

Think about it, everyone runs around crying that the prices are rising, then they put the price up and it's like you have already half expected it to go further.

Maybe if everyone keeps quite, none of us (anywhere in the world) say anything, then the dudes will lower prices ;) Wishful thinking I reckon

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That's nice when you live in a city where you can circle the whole town in under 20k's.

Try having a return trip to work of 60 - 70ks plus each day in peak hour traffic. I am sure that the Sydney, Brisbane and Melbourne boys all know what I mean...

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Dunno what you're talking about, Azza ... I only travel about 25 to 30kms return ... B)

However, having said that, anyone who has driven in both Canberra and Brisbane will tell you which city is easier to get around, I imagine it would also be the case with Sydney and Melbourne.

Anyway, if I lived in Canberra (which I'd love to do), I probably wouldn't drive much at all with these petrol prices ... you can pretty much get on a bus anywhere in Canberra and travel to pretty much anywhere else in Canberra with little fuss.

Not to mention that with those smooth-as-a baby's-you-know-what roads down there, you probably get twice the distance on a set of tyres plus better fuel economy from the lower rolling resistance! Here in Brisbane, if you catch a pothole, it can take half a tank of juice to get back out of it! :lol:

Actually, that last statement wasn't funny at all. <_<

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