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CAI- Its hot!!

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A friend of mine has a CAI on his car, when he popped the bonnet to show me I touched the metal pipe to find that its actually pretty warm. We were a bit shocked...

So todays question is:

1. Is anyone experiencing this problem?

2. How to fix it?

3. If you can't whats the point of a CAI when its going to heat up the air going into the engine?, besides maybe superior air flow from the aftermarket filter.

I'm suspecting that maybe his pipe is touching the intake manifold which causes the heat from the manifold to be transferred to his CAI. He has a intercooler rubber tubing connecting it.


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The Intake pipe sits above the gearbox/transmission. Regardless of it getting cool air from outside the engine bay, metal is always going to absorb heat. More so in day to day traffic when the car tends to be more stationary.

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My front strut brace is hot to touch after a drive, so I gather everything gets hot under the bonnet. If you're worried about it you could wrap it in those insulation wraps similar to what they do for extractors or go cheap and do it with foil. I have the TRD performance handbook, and there is a page in it of an old supra which has foil everywhere in the engine bay.

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The pipe will be warm, but I guess the intake sucked in by the throttle body will be cool because its remotely positioned away from heated engine bay. That is why Short ram intake needed to be shielded to ensure it does not get warm and drawn in warm air.

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With regards to gases (air), temperature and volume are dependent on each other. If thinking of volume I might as well go turbo. Denser air will always be better. To be able to obtain better combustion you need more oxygen, which means more air. Cooler air is more densely packed then Warmer air. So cool air is better.

Anyone here have experience with the CES CAI's?? Whats the effect of having the pipes HPC coated??

I know from previous post that this might be stir some trouble, lets just keep it civilized.

Still kinda on topic, anyone thought of using bonnet vents to get rid of the hot air?


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With regards to gases (air), temperature and volume are dependent on each other. If thinking of volume I might as well go turbo. Denser air will always be better. To be able to obtain better combustion you need more oxygen, which means more air. Cooler air is more densely packed then Warmer air. So cool air is better.

Anyone here have experience with the CES CAI's?? Whats the effect of having the pipes HPC coated??

I know from previous post that this might be stir some trouble, lets just keep it civilized.

Still kinda on topic, anyone thought of using bonnet vents to get rid of the hot air?


The advantage of the CES CAI with the HPC coating is that after driving on the freeway for about 25 minutes at speed(Northy was driving not me LOL) we got to our Thursday night meet point and somebody asked to have a look at it. We lifted the bonnet and then somebody commented about the HPC coating and does it keep it cool and not really thinking about it before I said well grab it and find out(Knowing that the TRD CAI gets very hot) and they were amazed that it was only luke warm. I then grabbed it with both hands(The CAI that is although I need 2 hands to keep it under control... 1zzfe can relate to that!!) to see that the pipe was actually only just warm.

The coating definately reduces the heat drastically and also stops a lot of heat soak into the pipe which the benefit would be cooler air. So really the CES Cai is a true Cold Air intake.. of sorts :P

Cheers SB :D

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the HPC makes a big diff, with my TRD one after some spirited driving it was hot, with the CES one you can blast around all day and it dosent even get warm, the extra cost for the HPC is well worth it, in saying that you could get any of the CAI's HPC'd so it might be an option

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if your CAI is not a piece of garbage/installed correctly, etc. then with driving in non traffic, the air temp going through the intake is *generally* very close/exactly the same as the air temp outside the vehicle.

if you are driving in traffic, the car is idling alot, not getting alot of air flow from moving and your cai is sucking up the hot exhaust fumes from the car in front then your intake air tempature will be substantially higher, maybe 35-45 degrees.

If you guys want some exact numbers...

Driving today during traffic my intake temp peaked at 40 degrees, while cruising home in the same outside temperature it was around 26 degrees. Then tonight on the way home from work, 19 degrees. Regardless of the conditions, my AEM intake never gets hot, it is warm at worst, cool as in winter B)

Edited by Mintos
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if your CAI is not a piece of garbage/installed correctly, etc. then with driving in non traffic, the air temp going through the intake is *generally* very close/exactly the same as the air temp outside the vehicle.

if you are driving in traffic, the car is idling alot, not getting alot of air flow from moving and your cai is sucking up the hot exhaust fumes from the car in front then your intake air tempature will be substantially higher, maybe 35-45 degrees.

If you guys want some exact numbers...

Driving today during traffic my intake temp peaked at 40 degrees, while cruising home in the same outside temperature it was around 26 degrees. Then tonight on the way home from work, 19 degrees. Regardless of the conditions, my AEM intake never gets hot, it is warm at worst, cool as in winter B)

i agree... guyz the pipe can be hot as but remember when driving (at speed) how long does the air entering the intake take to get to the throttle body???

ever picked up a warm garden hose in summer???? hot yes??? is the water (bar the water that has been heated up in it) come out warm......um no and thats travling though a 20-30 meter hose!!!!! ( again after the hot water comes out first"

the CAI getting hot under the bonet is nothing to ever realy be concerned about, unless it is on fire! then you must dial 000 and clear the area of people so they dont get hurt, unless you dont like em! in that case tie their shoelaces together and use one of those impossible double knots that con at the fruit market uses on your bag of tomatoes that you need to attack with a kitchen knife to open!! oh why do they do that !!! its so anoying!!!! anyway back to the fire yeah.... shoelaces.....hey do you remember back in the 80's it was in too "checker your laces" i had done mine fluro green and white they were cool!

you can heat sheild the intake but no that will not make the stivo go from a mid 15 sec soupped up trolly to a 10 sec animal prolly wont even gain 0.001 of a sec and if you do have fun arguing it was the sheilding and not a bug that got stuck to bumper half way down the track..... come to think of it, the sheilding might even slow the car down due to the extra weight....the gains and differences that we are talking are so farken small its not even worth sitting here writing about it or even reading so feel free to skip down to the next post as i'll prolly not write anything else worth reading "maybe"....

actually yes i will... if you are really concerned about the temp of the CAI swap back to the standard intake and just mount the intake pipe down low toward the radiator there is a cool little spot for it there and there is like a round bump that sits in a hole further up the pipe....cut it out it will increase you throttle response or you can replace the whole pipe going into the box with a smother one and larger intake diameter which will pretty much mimik a CAI and use a pod filter on the end of it...it actually sounds cool cause the box makes it sound trotyer, or dont pod it and put a k&N panel in you still acheive great power increases and costs well...fark all

anyways....have fun all

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The velocity of the air being sucked up the CAI does not have enough time to "heat up" even if the CAI pipe is a bit warm, think about it? Its all about the positioning of the pod. By now, you would realise the metal tube CAI is for looks only, a rubber hose would have the same effect. As for you guys flogging off the CES, give it a rest, try a new place like the shopping channel on foxtel, where you can go on and on about HPC and every dumbass redneck will believe you and flock to the fone to call your 1800 CES CES.

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mate pack your bags and **** off, sombody asked about it and seeings as i have had both the TRD and CES with the HPC then my first hand information is usefull, if you cant stand the heat then get out of the kitchen. Im sick to death of people jumping on the CES band wagon :angry:

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Come on people lets keep it sensible...

Just asking for opinions here and there, personal opinions/experiences would be helpful. To clarify it wasn't a bit warm...it was actually pretty hot.

For me personally I believe that being such a long pipe the air will heat up quite a bit while travelling from the filter to the engine, not warmer then drawing from the engine bay though. You might as well say that a fan attached to a heatsink is uselss, get my drift?. I have studied alot with regards to heat transfer and pipe design, so for me personally I worry about those kinds of things. Lol, just need to know what people use in the automotive industry.

Also the garden hose analogy is not very good, I will not go into why though.


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Im sick to death of people jumping on the CES band wagon :angry:

ROFL, I thought you were driving the bandwagon ;)

Alloy piping or rubber piping is the best for your CAI's, it just costs more. I use stainless because its easy to weld and I have heaps of it laying around. It performs perfectly on the cars it's been tested on so far.

In normal driving conditions, having a HPC'd CAI of ANY BRAND would have no benefit over a non coated inlet pipe. The diameter and radius of the bends has much more impact. Having a HPC'd exhaust manifiod/turbo manifold/turbo exhaust housing/dump pipe etc is a totally different story though, that really does decrease the underbonnet temps.

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You cant expect a Cai to be freezing cold in an engine that is boiling hot..

it is normal for it to be warm...

if it was cold u would be getting condensation everywhere.....

as for the CES i do believe that the coating will help it....however i wouldnt go as far as saying it that its so cold that it would be nice to rub it down my back on a hot day....

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the HPC makes a big diff, with my TRD one after some spirited driving it was hot, with the CES one you can blast around all day and it dosent even get warm

Did you test it on the same day?

the extra cost for the HPC is well worth it, in saying that you could get any of the CAI's HPC'd so it might be an option

Prove your statement dichead.

The extra cost is well worth it, a satement coming form a moron that blew his engine up. Thats why I am sick and tired of bull**** information posted by you. I fell for the trap, ended up costing a bit to buy a "proven" exhaust. For a while I believed it, even believed my own lies to make myself feel better, only to realise what a waste of money it really was, because cockheads like you talk it up. I wont stand by this bull**** no more so others wont fall for it. You should moderate yourself off the forum and stick to moderating. Unless you have proof dont post it.

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the HPC makes a big diff, with my TRD one after some spirited driving it was hot, with the CES one you can blast around all day and it dosent even get warm

Did you test it on the same day?

the extra cost for the HPC is well worth it, in saying that you could get any of the CAI's HPC'd so it might be an option

Prove your statement dichead.

The extra cost is well worth it, a satement coming form a moron that blew his engine up. Thats why I am sick and tired of bull**** information posted by you. I fell for the trap, ended up costing a bit to buy a "proven" exhaust. For a while I believed it, even believed my own lies to make myself feel better, only to realise what a waste of money it really was, because cockheads like you talk it up. I wont stand by this bull**** no more so others wont fall for it. You should moderate yourself off the forum and stick to moderating. Unless you have proof dont post it.

why don't u post yupur proff that it doesn't work??

i knwo ive seen dylan go from a 15.2 with intake and then installed ces exhaust and got to a 14.8 Thats enough proof for me :P

I thik the more constructive comments about different products the better. Tell ppl there dicheads for beleiving in a product is not constuctive.

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lucio stop being a little girl. if you have a problem, im sure there's someone out there who cares. i, for one, dont give two sh!ts if you dont like CES.

if you have a problem with northy, PM him, and sort it out somewhere else.

i am sick to death of every thread becoming a CES vs anti-CES war. the CES guys have devoted plenty of time and money into making a great custom product for our car that no other companies seem to have done... and there are PROVEN gains...

and for ******s sake - northy said:

"the extra cost for the HPC is well worth it, in saying that you could get any of the CAI's HPC'd so it might be an option"

YOU COULD GET ANY CAI HPC'd!! BUT THE CES ONE COMES WITH IT!!! why shouldnt he be able to say "hey this product comes with an advantage, and its working in my car, so i recommend it."

get a life you moron.

.... anyway.... my CAI gets real hot too, im going to try getting some of that wrap stuff and doing my CAI and extractors and see if i get any difference...

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the HPC makes a big diff, with my TRD one after some spirited driving it was hot, with the CES one you can blast around all day and it dosent even get warm

Did you test it on the same day?

the extra cost for the HPC is well worth it, in saying that you could get any of the CAI's HPC'd so it might be an option

Prove your statement dichead.

The extra cost is well worth it, a satement coming form a moron that blew his engine up. Thats why I am sick and tired of bull**** information posted by you. I fell for the trap, ended up costing a bit to buy a "proven" exhaust. For a while I believed it, even believed my own lies to make myself feel better, only to realise what a waste of money it really was, because cockheads like you talk it up. I wont stand by this bull**** no more so others wont fall for it. You should moderate yourself off the forum and stick to moderating. Unless you have proof dont post it.

mate i take my car to its limits does that make me a moron? i dont think so play hard or go home its that simple and from the looks of things it time for you to go home and play with your car in the sand box...

Besides your power loss was caused by a restrictive filter(K&N Apollo?) not exhaust if I'm not correct...

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