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Everything posted by Foss

  1. And everyone else's on the road. If your visibility is impaired, you are increasing your risk of a crash, which is more likely than not to involve a third party. && ofcourse if you do have an accident then your insurance company will take quite delight in telling you you're not covered :S ...and nor is the poor sod you ran into.
  2. AUX audio cables only carry sound from your mp3/phone/whatever to your head unit. They don't actually carry power either way. USB sends data and power both ways which is why your iPod charges when plugged into USB. You can buy USB chargers that plug into your cig lighter socket and have a USB port on them from ***** Smith or Strathfield and similar places or probably even Supercheap/Autobarn/etc for relatively cheap, but they are purely a charger, and you'll still need the AUX audio cable to get the sound from the device to the head unit.
  3. And everyone else's on the road. If your visibility is impaired, you are increasing your risk of a crash, which is more likely than not to involve a third party.
  4. Which all goes to sh*t when something inhibits that perception. I don't care how good a driver you are under normal circumstances, if you chose to drive while looking through a telescope, you no longer have good perception of depth. Bit of an exaggerated example, but point made. I have 35% all round, and even that is a ***** to see through the back windows at night if you're outside the middle of town. Also, if you think just winding your windows down for a few seconds so you can see out to merge is an acceptable amount of visibility, you shouldn't be allowed to drive at night, or probably at all.
  5. It's not a @#&$^%+ Camry! :P hahahaha Seriously though, somebody here had to actually mean the quality bit in build quality. We couldn't ask too much of Holden or Ford.
  6. You're entitled to 4 weeks annual leave a year. For something specific like this its probably best to inform them out of courtesy at the interview though, or at least before you accept the job offer, incase it will be a problem. 1 day a month isn't a big ask though and I'd expect most employers wouldn't take issue with this unless they wanna be real bastards about it.
  7. No group buys happening ATM I don't think. Check out the Buy/Sell section, VF-X was selling off a few sets recently. Should be in the first couple pages.
  8. Never thought of that. I found an solution that beats tape. Its a Sika adhesive silicon stuff. The old man used to work at a place making caravans. This stuff is what they use to hold them together.
  9. I like. Felt a bit odd to start with, but its quickly growing on me. I'm feeling its better than the previous theme. However I think to fit with the Toyota feel, things like the blue "reply" buttons would be more appropriate in a shade of red, but its not really an issue. I do still miss the way the original blue layout separated 'pinned' threads from the rest though.
  10. Took her in for a service. She runs so much nicer with clean oil.
  11. I don't get the whole debadging thing. Personally I prefer the badges. Cars look odd and bare without them, and who cares if other people know what your car is. Those that know will know what it is anyway, and those that don't will just have another reason to call it a Camry. In a situation like this, lets say you made every change to your Sportivo that the TRD has so when you look at it bit by bit, it's pretty much a TRD in construction. At the end of the day, it's still not a TRD in my opinion, but others may think otherwise. That's my thoughts on the whole badging thing. But anyways, a badge is a badge. People can do as they wish. As much is its not a TRD, though, I see whacking on a TRD badge when its got TRD parts being no different to banging on an Ultra Racing or Alpine or whatever other brand sticker you happen to have gear from. The TRD badge isn't like, say a Subaru with 'tuned by STi' branding where there's actually been some inhouse aftermarket tuning done by STi. You can have your Sportivo or ATX or whatever functionally identical to a TRD just by banging on the bits.
  12. So I assume the nice people over there at my local dealership will repair this even if its outside of warranty?
  13. Now that sounds greatly tempting, if the Aurion airbag can be fitted to it without effecting its full functionality. O/T... Is that the bird off the Power Rangers?
  14. As suggested, upgrading your battery is definately highly recommended if you're running any sort of high power. ATM I'm running a single 800W (peak) amp off my stock battery no worries, and in my old car I was running 2 of those off a smaller, not as good battery, and have no fear of problems running them bothing again in this one when I get round to it. According to all the pro car audio places I've spoken to in the past, they all recommend a 1F cap for every 1000W RMS. As for your install, I have to both agree and disagree with Pete. MDF is great. Except for 2 things. 1 - Its weak, so its a ***** to screw into/close to edges. and 2 - being that its made from, well, mostly wood, its not particulary easy to mould to the contours of your boot. If you want it to fit the contours you have to measure and cut to suit every little edge and corner and somehow pin it together solidly enough to not fall apart when your sub is thumping away in there, and even then its only gonna be an 80% fit. (Trust me, I've done it, and its fiddly as hell and makes you want to attack old ladies :o). If you're only looking for a simpler, non- (or less-) fitted solution, MDF is tops. I'm using a part MDF and part fibreglass in my current install.
  15. Not sure I follow about removing steering column trims and kick panel but not console. What purpose would that serve? You need to connect the wires somewhere ... I just saying remove only these parts, then reinstall after connecting. This is much less work than removing the centre console and connecting directly to shifter. I know where the wire harness goes, after dismantling an Aurion, so know which pin to connect in to. Ah, this could be useful information. I'd always assumed it went through the wiring harness behind the glove box. Plus I plan on reversing the shifter switch, too, so I was just gonna do all the tapping there while I was at it. Scratch this idea - it had occurred to me I could just use the entire steering wheel assembly etc from a Lexus IS350 - comes standard with paddle shifters and is a straight bolt up to the Aurion. Even found the complete wheels cheaply enough, however the Lexus airbag is worth a pretty penny and it was a bit of a stretch for the going price of the wheel alone. That said though, it did give me a few ideas of how to make up my own paddle shifter. Got the steering wheel out of the car this morning and completely disassembled - not as accommodating as the Lexus wheel, but not beyond hope either. Could you use the aurion airbag with the lexus wheel? I did think of that, as theyre exactly the same mounting wise, but the cover is a slightly different shape and might not fit - it would be a very expensive gamble: wheel plus airbag would be around $600 How much is the wheel alone? Perhaps somebody who works in parts have access to the appropriate info to confirm the compatibility of the Aurion airbag in the IS350 wheel? What say you, Mr Adams? :D
  16. Well, now theres active conversation on it, I might as well share my thoughts with the group. My assumption is that the current shifter in 'S' mode works like a SPDT centre-off momentary switch. I've not tested this yet, but I'm thinking that if I tap a 2-position momentry switch into the '+' wire of the shifter and press the switch, it should upshift. I'll try and get hold of a switch in the next few days to test this, unless somebody already knows it won't work Edit: ha, took me so long to write that post that I missed all the other new posts. I was working on it since before I posted the pictures in that thread about the spiral cable, but then got distracted by making my own remote start system ... I am trying to find the right switches, as DJKOR imagined, mounted to the rear surface of the wheel (not paddles). Plus there is no need to remove the centre console, only the drivers side kick panel plus what is required around the steering column. I plan to go for a drive in TAS later in the year, so want it finished by then. Once it is done, I'll post the results and a price :D I'm planning on using paddles on mine, but using a similar idea. I'm assuming you guys are talking push button switches on the back much like the Mazda 3 SP23? Essentially mine will be the same concept, but I'll be using momentary rocker switches and fitting paddles to them. Not sure I follow about removing steering column trims and kick panel but not console. What purpose would that serve? When're you heading to Tas?
  17. Motherf***ers! lol Here I was keeping this mod quiet until I worked out how to wire it into the steering wheel (anybody remember my clockspring question from months back?). Ah well, looks like the cats outta the bag now.
  18. Thats pretty much RAID 1 in a nutshell IIRC. Been a while since I looked at RAID so I'm not the most reliable source. As far as I remember it, RAID 1 is pretty much 2 drives with identical information, so if 1 dies the other just keeps on keeping on. You just rip out the dead one and replace it and the system will automatically mirror all your data over to the new drive.
  19. My car full comp doesn't cover items in my car either, but my home contents insurance does. Might be something worth finding out from your home contents insurer.
  20. $750?!?! Thats pretty rough! I think the Pedders c/overs are only $1400, and you get a lot more for your money than just springs. Bodies in your boot don't make that much difference. And I'd know.
  21. Foss

    SPAM Thread

    I love those rims. They've gotta be the hottest Toyota Genuine rims I've maybe ever seen. IMO much better than the production TRD rims. Speaking of TRD, does anybody know the paint code for the charcoal grey on the TRD bumpers?
  22. Cheers, dudes. Paint. Same type of stuff your car is painted with. Similar process, too. Went down to my local auto paint supplier and got them to mix me up some piano black and thow some fine metallic in it. I posted a tutorial on the process here.
  23. I don't think it ever happened. Same here, though, I'd definately buy if it did. Though the NZ surrounds posted up there ^^^^ somewhere just look like the tacky plastic surrounds like dealerships put on. I have a set of Altrex acrylic covers (the ones with the pinlines through them), if something like that was available to be logo'd, I'd be hell keen. **PHOTO** Because of the PITA way Altrex display images on their site, I can't post it here, so heres the link to it instead.
  24. I have a TBox. They aren't terribly bad, though I've heard stories (from employees at Telstra shops, no less) about a few people having theirs replaced 2 or even 3 times. I'm on my first one still, and its been pretty good. Few bugs here and there in the past but they seem to have been mostly worked out in recent software updates. All in all not a bad box, and by far the cheapest HD dual tuner PVR around (at least when I was shopping), plus if you're a Bigpond customer you also get the movie-on-demand rentals and BigpondTV streaming channels. If the only feature that appeals to you with the TBox is the Youtube, though, a cheaper option would be to get an XBox1, mod it, and install XBMC. Its especially cheaper if you already have the console. The good thing about an XBMC Xbox is that you can also share all your movies and music to it from your PC or network storage drive too, amongst other things. The downside is that standard you'll only get 576i from it which looks poo on a HD TV, but with a 'High Definition AV Pack' you can get up to 1080i (though the console will struggle with anything higher than 720p). The whole thing can be done for roughly $100 or a bit more if you want a bigger hard drive. The cheapest option would be if you have an old(ish) computer or enough bits to put one together, you can just get a cable that will let you hook it up to your TV, and just use that. Cost of that is $0. Or a reasonable computer can often be bought second hand for under $100 that would do the job. Check your local paper, trading post, or somebody here might even be flogging one cheap.
  25. Just need to know the law with regard to protecting stage names. I've just found out a local cover band is using the same stage name as I've been using as a DJ for years. Does this need to be registered as a business name or some other authority to claim ownership?
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