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Everything posted by Silver-Aurion

  1. Yes, but I have just gone through the trouble of studying my manual for you a bit more and I've learnt something new myself. Okay here goes: The transmission must be in "D" or between "4" (forth range) and "6" (sixth range) in "S" position before you can set the cruising speed. Also, you can set cruise control at any speed ABOVE 40KM/h. And each tap of the cruise control (up or down) will decrease or accelerate the car by 1.6Km/h. Hope this helps :)
  2. If you try to you won't see this forum ever again.
  3. DJKOR just BARRED the trolls life: Please do not feed the troll.
  4. Read the subtitle - TOC Supporters can put your items for sale here. SORRY no traders ads please. No Car Sales here please. So in order to sell you have to be a TOCAU member. Hey guys. This has just been in discussion with Steve and I. Despite what that heading says (in the meantime), the old buy and sell rules apply. So you can feel free to post there if you qualify by the old rules. However, only Paid Members can sell their cars. We figured that it's a little too strict having it exclusively for Paid Members only. Awesome, cheers guys :)
  5. :o I saw the same car today!! It was at the round-a-bout near IGA in Roxburgh Park at about 3:30pm. It's got a moonroof and I think the number plates are "TTT" >.< That's the one mate. Do you also live in this area? Wow, a fair few of us live around here. :D. It looks pretty nice. I wonder why he doesn't come on TOCA :P Yep, I live in Roxburgh Park ;) Blue Aurion AT-X... I has the TRD style grill :D haha, if I spot you, I'll make sure to give a beep beep & if I spot you can I get a slab of beer
  6. The OP's problem sounds pretty familiar. Till this day it's still clunking. But since I have had the car longer since when I first asked, I obviously just found ways to not let it clunk etc. On an uphill, keep my foot firmly on the brake, engage foot brake, throw the car into P. Do take your foot off the brake until everything is in park and engaged!
  7. Yes, I put my foot down further and all of a sudden the car is faster.
  8. **** it! I'll just get a Camry
  9. :o I saw the same car today!! It was at the round-a-bout near IGA in Roxburgh Park at about 3:30pm. It's got a moonroof and I think the number plates are "TTT" >.< That's the one mate. Do you also live in this area? Wow, a fair few of us live around here. :D. It looks pretty nice. I wonder why he doesn't come on TOCA :P
  10. Is there any members here that has a silver Aurion that has black custom plates with only three letters?
  11. Is now officially on an unlimited internet plan. No limits what so ever. MMM, time to abuse this privilege and download Terabytes of stuff. lol:P

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Silver-Aurion


      check out the plans for TPG internet. they have a few TRUE unlimited plans are are much cheaper than most isps :P

    3. cruzer


      ah sweet ill check it out

    4. johnnieboi
  12. I did search, but type in body kit does not bring up anything good.
  13. Okay, this soap is really annoying me. It does not sud up. What's the go guys? No matter how much I put in the bucket it will not sud up?
  14. What cheap ****. I guess you get what you pay for. Thanks for the heads up though.
  15. Where can I find body kits for the Aurion?
  16. You can search. Its hidden all the way on the bottom left. Just accessed it from my iPhone now and typed this from my phone.
  17. why does the weather in melb suck. its spring and effing cold like its winter. grrrr

  18. I don't think the rule is stupid. Personally I think you are stupid if you think that tinting your windscreen (below the specified area) is a good idea. I wouldn't want you on the road near me. That's my opinion though so try not to take it personally. Don't worry Daryl, few people seem to love taking your posts personally Anyway, I think that guy is onto something. I've read that there is tint that is almost 100% and has the same UV protection has normal tinted windows. This is what I would LOVE for the Aurion. Remember my thread ages ago back in Summer when I was complaining the front is too big and it almost renders the A/C useless. If I could get that 100% tint with the UV protection to block out heat and harsh rays I would go for it, so yes, it's stupid in a way that its illegal completely and no exception for this 100% tint.
  19. I doubt it would be a rear wheel drive, seeing the history of Camrys, we will never see a 210kw rear wheel drive Aurion(camry everywhere else). Anyway, please don't argue about RWD FWD. lol. I really do hope they bring out a new Aurion. That means the current facelift ones will drop in price
  20. We, have this engine in one of our cars ;). Over 406,000KM and still going strong even after a rebuild and running on LPG and petrol most of its life.
  21. You know, funny when I took my car to a dealer for an oil change today they weren't interested even though it's done 10600kms. They said to bring it back after 15000kms Just do the oil change yourself in between then. Not hard to do.
  22. I bet if you dropped the oil after 5000km or so, it would still look about the same. When I dropped the oil in my car and it was after 7000KM, it wasn't that bad. But I understand where you are coming from. It could possibly be that bad as well after 5000K.
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