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This place has gone to the hole...


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This has been a long time coming but this forum has become rediculous

Everything is rehashes of old topics or completely useless information and no one knows how ti type proper sentences.

Seriously, if it were not for about 4 or 5 threads that I watch I wouldn't come here at all.

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yeah i sorta agree. but most people on this forum are young and its just the way the young people rite i guess. and like 80% of threads on this forum must be about CAI's which is not funny. the way the search button works is anoying though. i tried searching 3 hours yesterday on how to clean MAF sensor and ended up no were. could not find one link explaining on how to do it. i've been meaning to ask one of the moderators to change the search button settings. when i search something it shows the words highlighted in the posts in the thread. would be good if it only scanned through the thread titles as this would save alot of time.

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The search cannot be changed. Its the way Mysql works.

However I have a great tip

if you are searching for MAF then search for MAF+

if you want MAF Sensor then do your search for MAF+Sensor

The + sign is your best friend.

for tips on MAF sensor cleaning.. use this one.. i did and worked a treat (although different brand same principle)


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This has been a long time coming but this forum has become rediculous

Everything is rehashes of old topics or completely useless information and no one knows how ti type proper sentences.

Seriously, if it were not for about 4 or 5 threads that I watch I wouldn't come here at all.

It's the SMS texting language, Dylan. it kind of annoys me too. bcoz u haf 2 concent8 so much jus 2 read wat dey r trying 2 say.

And don't even get me started on punctuation. If you actually try to read it how it's written, you literally run out of breath and go purple in the face. LOL

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This has been a long time coming but this forum has become rediculous

Everything is rehashes of old topics or completely useless information and no one knows how ti type proper sentences.

Seriously, if it were not for about 4 or 5 threads that I watch I wouldn't come here at all.

I agree Dylan.... I really on come on at the moment and press the 'New Post's' link and quickly scan.... Steve says the + is your best friend, I say the whole damn search engine is your best friend...

It's the SMS texting language, Dylan.

No excuse though, they aren't SMS'ing their posts, they have a whole keyboard with 10 fingers to use.... It's now wonder the failure rate at high school is higher than when I went through.

For the record, it has been proven that in 8 of 10 times, it is actually quicker to type the complete words, especially with predictive text input. In my opinion, the reason these young'uns don't use predictive text and full & proper sentances, is because they usually just can't spell to begin with...

Edited by Azza
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seconded, or thirded, or whatever...

i'm hardly on here any more, mainly because there arent meany threads that help me these days seeing as i dont own my corolla. But even when i did, i was getting over it. Unfortunately its a phase that every forum/club goes through. There will be a bunch of old members, who are loving it, then new members will turn up, usually a generation younger (it seems that generations are only a few years apart these days), with their own language/typing and p!ss people off..

now having said that, thats not to say new members aren't welcome, because of course they are. And if they werent welcome, then none of us would have ever joined up.. however the issue is that every now and then, there is an influx of new members, who seem to think that the club is only there for them, and that the rest of the people are simply information sources.

unfortunately for you new people, you need to realise other people are here to enjoy it too..

Before you post your first post "hi im new here whats a CAI do?" you need to spend time reading, learning the "feel" of the place, SEARCHING FOR THE INFORMATION YOU WANT, and then start posting. That way, you'll type in a way that doesnt give people the shi!ts, and you wont post up threads that give people the sh!ts.

and LASTLY, if you're 17, 18 or 19, and you're driving your first car, DO NOT try and convince us that your supercharged, stroked, quad turbo charged corolla with forged internals and 1100 RWhp will beat Bills setup because a) we know it doesnt exist and B) Just because you cant see his turbo, doesnt mean it exists.

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Starting a sentence with "ok", "so" or "ok, so" does not constitute an exposition.

Those aspiring to become business gurus, earning squillions of dollars, please note:

Your = personal belonging eg: I like your car. You have money in your wallet. Your grammar is exemplary

You're = You are eg: You're as good looking as your car.

There = yonder distance. eg: You're as good looking as your car, which is over there

Their = personal belonging eg You're as good looking as their car, not your car, which is over there.

This is not a dig; this is rarely taught well in schools, so I really do hope it clarifies some english grammar and syntax issues. PM if you have any questions.

Also, although I am relatively new to the forum, let's face it: there are a finite number of things that can be done to cars. The list is exhaustive, and perhaps we are nearing a saturation point. However, as stated earlier, with the introduction of new (young) members, the same old questions get asked. This is a new novelty to them, and the old hands here will probably enjoy explaining how they can about modifying their cars. Which means explaining the subtle differences in CAIs, and just how expensive and difficult it is to turbo/supercharge a 2ZZ. When I first joined, I had doubts using the search engine because I didn't know how timely or accurate the info was - I though maybe the info was old and inaccurate, so just posing the question in a new topic would be efficient and provide me with the most up-to-date info, which it did! Many were kind enough to even point me in the right direction.

On the other hand, meeting people has been fun. Perth just had its 3rd meet, and it was great. Over 20 (different) cars (only 2 Stivos!), and dozens of people. That was not old; it made being a participant on this forum feel worthwhile. *shrugs*. And of course, we do have limited buying power as a group, as demonstrated in the group buys section.

Anyway. Time for a coffee.

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Maybe there should be some such of introduction for new people signing up.....as in "read posts before posting questions which have been asked millions of time?" (to put it plainly) how's my language skills by the way?? hahaha

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You guys are lucky you aren't moderators!!! Get at least 2 pm's a week about bad grammar or a topic getting reposted. when you have been here as long as some of us have it does start to become very very very very very very painfull. And then a new member starts to tell me that I have modified my call all wrong??? Without the likes of myself there would be no available aftermarket parts like catback exhausts, headers, CAI's and the like. That's where I get annoyed......

But apart from that it does seem to be a little flat at the moment.

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"AND"??? That's not exactly a legitimate sentence starter either... :blink:

I do completely agree, though, that literacy skills in this country are absolutely appalling. I don't believe, however, that anybody can criticise the younger generation of this forum too harshly for their use of SMS, internet, or l33t speak - especially when a lot of you are walking around day to day asking your peers how they are by using phrases such as "How's it garn?" (WTF is garn!?) or "How'ya doin'" (yeah, thats grammatically and lexically correct). Anyhow, a moot point... (bring back the cane, perhaps?)

Whilst I appreciate that the older people of this forum do get tired of answering the same questions over again - I have been guilty of posting stupid questions before - what exactly would you have this forum for? If not to equip people enough to be able to communicate your interests, then just to socialise? In which case you may as well just make this a giant chat forum for exclusive members only. I have acquired a great deal of knowledge from reading posts from others that constitute 'stupid and repetitive' - Why? Because somewhere along the line, someone was nice enough to answer their questions once more (although young ones, please DO take the time to read up - it's a dying art).

As mentioned by theDefiant1, there are only a finite amount of things that can be done to your vehicle; which means only a finite amount of posts regarding those topics. If people only post once about the same topic, because people do not wish to view or answer them again, then you are soon going to run out of posts of any educational value - watch the club lounge become the only place anyone uses here!

In short - newbies, please do research as much as you can; and any posts you do make (as you are more than entitled to do), please write them a little more formally. That said, staunch oldies please get off your high horse - you have your silver members lounge; enjoy, and leave, that exclusivity in there - the common folk out in the rest of the forum, such as myself, are not beneath you.

Edited by Leroy
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To be honest we are a very small select crowd that only caters mainly for the zze122/3 rollas.

Can't compare it to skylinesaustralia, nissansilvia, rexnet etc etc

But I still say thank *** for this forum if not then most of the zze122/3 owners would have trouble wondering what to mod.

But yeah, it is getting a bit dry lately around here.

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This has been a long time coming but this forum has become rediculous

Everything is rehashes of old topics or completely useless information and no one knows how ti type proper sentences.

Seriously, if it were not for about 4 or 5 threads that I watch I wouldn't come here at all.

I feel like an old grouch when telling people to use the search button or post in the right section but it seems like my last 700 posts have been just that :( Northy started a whole thread full of useful threads that n00bs need to read before posting, but none of them ever read it. Dylan started a guide to the english language thread which I took to because I have the same beef with spelling and grammar, yet still there are those typing with numbers instead of letters and a distinct lack of vowells. I tend to agree with AZZA in saying that the reason they use txt/web savvy language is because they never actually learned the English language properly in the first place... I payed attention in school (as I'm sure people like Dylan did, or the rest of you guys in "the old days").

In the forum context I disagree with the implied correlation between age and sensibility. Blue rolla and I are 19/20 years of age and we aren't the ones fudging the place up. I think it comes with individual personality; some people are patient and willing to spend time reading, others are only interested in ME ME ME and immediate gratification... That's the world we live in.

The time has come now when the guys who have been here for a fair while do not need the forum to communicate. That's how it is down here now, there's a core group of 6 or 7 of us who are friends and not simply posting-buddies/rival ricers, just like the QLD boys, just like Tom, Jase, Dylan, Bill, Pete etc up in Sydney, plus IZZ-FE and kcorro down in Vic, to name a few. My loyalty lies with guys like you and not to 1-post-wonders who just want to mooch my knowledge.

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Im so glad this topic has finally been created... I know us silver members have discussed this many a time but im glad its been released to the entire community.

I have nothing else to add except for the fact that I agree completely with everything said above. I would also like to put money on the fact that the people who cause the problems around here will take absolutely no notice of this topic. However at least we have a chance to air our thoughts.

I would like to ask others out there if they have any solutions to this problem (apart from changing the search function)

As a moderator on here, I am more than happy to go around and close every repeat topic that comes up, but the fact is we dont want to be trigger happy, we dont have the time to and really we should never have to.

Perhaps an option is to (if possible) make it so that people cannot start a new topic unless they have made a contribution previously (ie post count/membership length). This of course would have to be enforced via technology rather than the moderators.

Another option is to make it so that when the "New Topic" button is clicked, it takes you to the search page first.

Anyways... lets not just sit here and bitch, lets try something constructive and see where it gets us.



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i do agree with all the statements above me. :toast:

but as for me not being on here as much its because me and mark both work full 5 days now an on top of that raising our 4 kids and one spoilt dog is not easy. and probably the same goes for most of us we all have our own things going on in our lives and i guess thats why the numbers at our meets and lack of events has happened.

i have noticed to that this forum has been way to serious these days. no one knows how to lighten up and have some fun no more. when i click on view new posts on my days off i get bored just by the titles of some posts. and reading about cai's and wing tips just don't do it for me.

anyways i see about 8 people below me reading this topic. so please voice your opinions to what you want to see in this club so we mods can actually do some modding on this site.

anyways take care all!!!

from mish :D

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Could there be a possiblity of a side bar which has a sticky of all the CAi/suspension/audio removal etc. post next to the reply page, so at least the 'noobie' user has an option of clicking on them? ...then if you find that the topic that is in fact brought up is a repeat thread, they can be shot/flamed etc.

As previously observered, the 2ZZ and IZZ's modficiation capabilities have almost been exhausted. Successful turbo and supercharging setups have highlighted this. Where to from here? I'm not too sure - there are only so many VTEC vs VVTi-L, Sportivo Vs Renault and Toyota unreliability/economy threads i can read.

Personally, I have found TOCA extremely helpful. From the glory days of the Goose, noobie questions about CAI's, suspension setups, and more importantly track day experiences/ feedback. I feel that from the responses that i've had with all my questions, all members are more than helpful to point me in the right direction in terms of modding, tracking and the legalities of the cans and can nots.

Maybe the promotion of a 'club', for example the personal contact part, should be more emphasised? Meet and greets, BBq's etc?


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As previously observered, the 2ZZ and IZZ's modficiation capabilities have almost been exhausted. Successful turbo and supercharging setups have highlighted this. Where to from here? I'm not too sure - there are only so many VTEC vs VVTi-L, Sportivo Vs Renault and Toyota unreliability/economy threads i can read.

These engines have no where near been exhausted?

2 Turbo setups does not in my mind define an exhausted modification route.

No one has as yet truly explored the NA route for the street with definitive numbers.

There is 1 S/C car in NZ with another on the way here.

There's also several other options going around the place which have not been demonstrated here as well...

This forum is not the be all and end all for these cars and these engines, but it has good info and if you search you can find answers to most questions. But, at the end of the day, nothing beats getting out and finding all the info for yourself, that's what I've done, that's what Bill's done, that's what several other people here have done. Some of the information found has not been covered here at all, and this is mostly down to people not asking the right questions ;)

Once you start looking deeper into the issues involved in modding cars there are countless things that come up along the way...

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i think what jules meant was that the minor mods here have been exhausted to death. Over and over again. I'm sick of cai's. I agree dylan, but i also think people on here are not really interested in modding their cars properly, they just wanna spend a couple of bucks at stupidcheap auto and start running 10's... Cos u know, it works like that.

I think we need a reputation system like toymods.

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But, at the end of the day, nothing beats getting out and finding all the info for yourself, that's what I've done, that's what Bill's done, that's what several other people here have done. Some of the information found has not been covered here at all, and this is mostly down to people not asking the right questions ;)

Even if people did ask the right questions, there's information out there that has come about through a lot of R&D and investment of time and money so it's understandable if people are not willing to share said information straight off the bat to strangers who contribute nothing to the forum or appear to be complete @ssholes.

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Completely agree. But it's a hard one here.

Most members of TOCAU are owners of newer models which immediately makes it different to clubs/forums such as Toymods which have a big mix of different models and years. As such, there's going to be much more 'real' mods happening to cars there such as full conversions, forced induction etc etc.

Most members here are only (And seemingly happy to) just scratch the surface of car modding which means it's going to be limited to Induction, Exhausts, ECU and basic suspension and cosmetic mods.

As time goes on, more in depth modification will come along, maybe, but in the mean time, we need to get more Club like activities rather than forum banter happening. Summer is upon us, Bring on the meets/cruises :D

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When would have time to attend cruises in between making all those incredibly yummy kebabs.... :P

Damn, I could go one now...

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