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Tony Prodigy

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Everything posted by Tony Prodigy

  1. This needs more clarification, but if I understand what you're saying, do you mean unlocking with the physical key ? I don't think by turning the driver's door lock will actuate the rest of them. This is done via the key fob. Pry apart the key fob and clean the contact points on the PCB with a pencil rubber. There may be grime or dirt preventing good transmission of the signal. If you also have some rubbing alcohol, use this too. If this doesn't fix it, then you may need to investigate the door mechanisms as suggested above.
  2. Regular maintenance is the key to any engine longevity. As Ashley pointed out also, it should also encompass driver behaviour. If you're one with a lead foot, then don't expect miracles. Everything has its limits and if you do the oil changes frequently and have some mechanical sympathy, you're car will provide many years of good service. Some people who don't really care usually flip their cars every few years so maintenance doesn't factor in that much, but if you plan to be a long term owner like most of us here, you should follow the basics to a tee.
  3. It's really hard to put a figure on it because there are so many variables that exist or can exist. To put it simply, Toyota's in general have a much higher quality than most other brands and with that said, if you follow the specified oil guideline and do regular oil changes, you'll be able to extend the engine life far beyond what you would typically expect. Use high quality fully synthetic oil every 8-10k interval and you'll be fine. Mechanical sympathy also plays a huge part too. Don't start loading the engine up before it's had time for the oil to get to temperature. Not so much water temp either. Don't race or abuse it and it will reward you with good economy and longevity. My wife had a 98 Corolla which at the time had over 240K on the ODO and if it hadn't been written off, I strongly believe it would still be with us some 8 years later with probably another 100k added to it. It's like anything in life. If you take good care of something, it will take good care of you.
  4. Hahaha, that is the best kind of Karma Robert. I also live in a street with a 60 kay speed limit and the amount of Morons who do 90+ through it gets my goat, especially the Absolute Morons who drive past at 2am with the loudest bass doof doof crap blaring makes me want to wait outside and throw a brick at them. Why are people so selfish and arrogant on the roads ??? Are they so caught up in their little world of self entitlement that they forget that we all live in a society they so selfishly use streets where families live ? Not many display the slightest sensitivities when they roar through a street with loud doof doof crap at whatever time of day or night and to hear old mate copped his share of Karma makes me Joyous !! I say thank you to the Gods of Karma. End of rant 😀
  5. 100 %. But you'll have to try not to get too bored. It's a depressing place
  6. Thanks mate. I'm swimming in oil over here, so I'll just watch from the sideline. 😜
  7. Having had a brief read of this thread I am pretty sure you can mate. There is also plenty of clearance with 19's for the calipers. Some have reported speedo error with certain tyre combinations so this is something you'll need to keep in mind and perhaps do a little more research before choosing the right tyre combo.
  8. It's as simple as that. Most of us drive locally and in peak hour traffic, but yes, you need to occasionally get it out on an open road for at least 20 -30 minutes at least, to burn all that carbon crud away. Still do those regular oil changes too.
  9. Tony Prodigy


    If the racks aren't too difficult to remove, you can remove them and see if the noise goes away. Do you use roof racks anyway ? If not, then remove them to stop the wind resistance and drag etc and put them back on if needed temporarily.
  10. Sports select. You guys mean the tiptronic - manual shift select ??
  11. 98 isn't necessary, but being a high quality, low Sulphur fuel, it will burn more cleanly than the lower grade fuel beneath it. Not much in terms of power gains. It's all academic really. I'd save my money and stick with 91 RON. If the manufacturer calls for 98 RON it is because their engine has a higher compression ration and relies on the octane boost to keep it from detonating. The Aurion's engine is very forgiving in that it will happily run on anything you put in it, even E10 believe it or not. Save your money at the bowser and put it toward a high quality synthetic oil and do regular oil changes. Win/Win.
  12. Tony Prodigy


    Hi Maureen, Haha, that's dodgy as heck. If he did that with me, I would've reached over and swiftly turned it back off. Reminds me one time I was test driving a car, the owner opened the sunroof as we pulled away... Turns out he was trying to mask the noise coming from worn, hard tyres which were amplifying the road noise lol.. Shame on him 😄 If you aren't mechanically inclined, did you have the car inspected by someone experienced or you just took a punt ? I wonder if your cooling fan has stopped working and it's relying on the A/C fan to try to keep it cool. It could be quite normal as all cars behave differently. My Aurion temp gauge is a tad under half and I know my car is perfect. When the car is due to for its next service, have them check the cooling system over. It may not be leaking as such, but your thermostat could be getting stuck and not opening fully. Can you be a bit more specific on this one ? Where is the noise coming from ?
  13. It's only good for those really long straights, but normally I never use it. It doesn't finesse the throttle all that good when there are up and down hill sections. It will worsen your economy actually.
  14. "Insane Growth" is a scary proposition. Is there enough lithium in this galaxy to feed this frenzy ?
  15. Don't forget to check and adjust tyre pressures. Rolling resistance can affect economy if tyres are under inflated and causes premature tyre wear too. If you drive sensibly, to the road conditions, have some mechanical sympathy, you will get the best mileage the engine can offer. Also, don't carry unnecessary weight in the car if you can avoid it. Every bit helps I guess.
  16. I'm sorry to say but it's malfunctioned. If it won't eject the CD then bin it. I'd be very reluctant to throw Toyota any amount for a factory head unit because they are rubbish to be honest, and if you could get one, the price would be horrendous. I'd ty looking for a good 2nd hand one or get a quality, name brand replacement that will fit your dimensions.
  17. I'll take your word for it. It was good for a laugh though, Happy Monday lol !
  18. Definitely need something to lay on when getting under the car Ash, especially to insulate ourselves from the cold concrete. I have the "homeless man" version of this, a couple of flattened large cardboard boxes. The insulate well and provide a small degree of comfort. Just having a look at the link I found a very funny anomaly SCA have imposed on the purchase of this product. See if you can find it 😜
  19. If you can find out the actual bearing number, take this to your local bearing shop and I'm sure they'll be able to match it or worst case order them in. Not sure, but if you have a CBC bearings or SKF shop in your area, hit them up before paying full mug retail for so called OEM bearings from a dealer etc. Manufacturers will almost always use either a Japanese or German branded bearing for their quality and longevity. You'll be surprised how cheap they'll be for either of those mentioned.
  20. I thought they were obsolete those 40 series dash pads. They still have some in stock you mean ?? I saw your other post on this. Is this a common problem they are finding with these ? I'm sure they'll figure it out and hopefully you never break down again. Keep us posted. Awesome car the Supra. The BMW engine makes it what it is.
  21. Thanks for that Ash. Very handy to know where all the sensors are. I certainly didn't know until I watched this. The video editing needed a bit of polishing though but it was watchable.
  22. I'm sure the crafty nature of any Govt will figure a way to screw us every which way Ash. We never get off easy that's for sure.
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