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DVD player with 7" Screen Installed.


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Just had my AUSPACK UINT installed today by the pros. I seem to not be able to get any TV reception. Can anyone else get TV reception with their AUSPACK UNIT? Rob did tell me not to expect too much from the TV antenna as it all depends on position, signal strength etc.

Edited by drewy
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hey, my mates got one in his car, yea tv reception really varies, sometimes it good sometimes its really ****.

btw planning to change the headunit in my aurion soon, where did they stick your GPS and TV antena?


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The antenna they supplied with the Auspack unit is essentially just a pair of rabbit ears. Not only are they a pain to adjust properly, the fact that your car is always in a different position means that you will always have to be mucking around with the adjustment. They have other antennas that you can buy though that require no adjustment though once fitted.

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The antenna they supplied with the Auspack unit is essentially just a pair of rabbit ears. Not only are they a pain to adjust properly, the fact that your car is always in a different position means that you will always have to be mucking around with the adjustment. They have other antennas that you can buy though that require no adjustment though once fitted.

But even if they install a fixed antenna, would the signal still be good? And Rob told me that soon, they are going to switch off analogue signal so the antenna is going to be useless then.

Also, I only get black and white pictures and no sound. How do I get colour and sound?

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Hi guys,

Thought I'd have a crack at replacing the loading screen for iGo8 with something a little more appropriate for an Aurion.

Disclaimer: not a graphic designer, can just tinker in photoshop a bit.

Here's what I came up with:


I've dropped it into mine and think it looks ok, here it is loading up 15 minutes ago (apologies for shaky hands):


If you want to add it to yours you'll need this: http://tyrande.odynia.org/aurion/loading.bmp

  1. In your IGO8 directory find the data.zip file
  2. Unzip this somewhere (keep a copy of the original for backups)
  3. Copy the loading.bmp file into <where you extracted the file to>\ui_igo8\480_234\ (replace the existing loading.bmp)
  4. Zip the folder back up to data.zip and replace it on your SD card where you found it

If you're using windows XP/Vista too you can just double click the data.zip file, go to ui_igo8 and then 480_234 and drag your new loading.bmp into this file - it should zip it in there for you.

If someone else wants to have a crack at making a nicer one please do! Happy to supply the PSD for my attempt. :)


I'm really noob at computers. Probably a dumb question. Can someone tell me how exactly do I use the link posted http://tyrande.odynia.org/aurion/loading.bmp? When I press it, it comes up as a webpage. How do I convert that into a loading.bmp file?

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ahh right, is that also the same for the GPS antenna?

The GPS antenna is an omnidirectional antenna. The cleanest mounting position is just above the centre A/C vents under the dash. Mine is mounted there and works flawlessly.

But even if they install a fixed antenna, would the signal still be good? And Rob told me that soon, they are going to switch off analogue signal so the antenna is going to be useless then.

The fixed antenna's are still pretty iffy, but usually better than the rabbit ears they supply. The best fixed antenna would be the boomerang style like you see on the back of limos. Even they are still iffy though.

Also, I only get black and white pictures and no sound. How do I get colour and sound?

Luckily I have answered this question before:

For the TV, (when in TV mode) tap the screen to enter the menu. If you are already getting picture ignore the first step:

1) Tap SYS until 'PAL I' is displayed:


2) Then tap 'AUDI' until it says 'PAL BG':


I'm really noob at computers. Probably a dumb question. Can someone tell me how exactly do I use the link posted http://tyrande.odynia.org/aurion/loading.bmp? When I press it, it comes up as a webpage. How do I convert that into a loading.bmp file?

The instructions for putting that into the Data.zip file are there on page 6. You also included it in your reply above. Once you load the 'webpage', you right click on the image and save it, then you do the following:

If you want to add it to yours you'll need this:

  1. In your IGO8 directory find the data.zip file

  2. Unzip this somewhere (keep a copy of the original for backups)

  3. Copy the loading.bmp file into <where you extracted the file to>\ui_igo8\480_234\ (replace the existing loading.bmp)

  4. Zip the folder back up to data.zip and replace it on your SD card where you found it

To make things easier on yourself though, why not upgrade to the latest version of iGO8 (version, March 10, 2009). I have included that startup screen in the ZIP file together with a neat TRD background. Download it here, complete with maps and all:


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To make things easier on yourself though, why not upgrade to the latest version of iGO8 (version, March 10, 2009). I have included that startup screen in the ZIP file together with a neat TRD background. Download it here, complete with maps and all:


Thanks dude. Much appreciated. A quick question as I have never upgraded igo8 before. With your ZIP file, can you give me steps to install that onto the SD card? Do I just replace the SD card version with your ZIP file version i.e. just copy over the version on the SD card?

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Thanks dude. Much appreciated. A quick question as I have never upgraded igo8 before. With your ZIP file, can you give me steps to install that onto the SD card? Do I just replace the SD card version with your ZIP file version i.e. just copy over the version on the SD card?

It's just a complete swap over. Inside the ZIP file is a folder named iGO8. Simply extract that folder only your SD card so that when you look at the root of the SD card, you see the folder iGO8.

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I'm trying to link 2 phones at once to bluetooth AUSPACK unit. Is this possible? Or can only 1 phone be linked at one time while in the car? My wife and I are both usually in the car together and I want to link both our phones at the same time.

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I'm trying to link 2 phones at once to bluetooth AUSPACK unit. Is this possible? Or can only 1 phone be linked at one time while in the car? My wife and I are both usually in the car together and I want to link both our phones at the same time.

The Auspack unit is not that advanced unfortunately. It has enough problems with just one phone as it is.

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I'm trying to link 2 phones at once to bluetooth AUSPACK unit. Is this possible? Or can only 1 phone be linked at one time while in the car? My wife and I are both usually in the car together and I want to link both our phones at the same time.

The Auspack unit is not that advanced unfortunately. It has enough problems with just one phone as it is.

Are you aware of what the PAIR function does in the bluetooth menu? Could this be the option to link more than 1 phone?

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Are you aware of what the PAIR function does in the bluetooth menu? Could this be the option to link more than 1 phone?

Are YOU aware of what PAIR means in terms of bluetooth?

You are creating a pair between the phone and the head unit only. If you can find out a way to make the Auspack unit work cleanly with more than one phone at the same time, I'll give you a big thumbs up.

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Are you aware of what the PAIR function does in the bluetooth menu? Could this be the option to link more than 1 phone?

Are YOU aware of what PAIR means in terms of bluetooth?

You are creating a pair between the phone and the head unit only. If you can find out a way to make the Auspack unit work with more than one phone at the same time, I'll give you a big thumbs up.

Sorry, i didn't mean to be patronising when i asked "are you aware". It was merely a question. I actually did manage to connect 2 different phones on the unit simultaneously. The problem I am having though is one mobile automatically connects when I get in the car. The other mobile I have to manually connect every time I get in the car. I am just wanting to know how I can get the second mobile to automatically connect as well.

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Sorry, i didn't mean to be patronising when i asked "are you aware". It was merely a question. I actually did manage to connect 2 different phones on the unit simultaneously. The problem I am having though is one mobile automatically connects when I get in the car. The other mobile I have to manually connect every time I get in the car. I am just wanting to know how I can get the second mobile to automatically connect as well.

That's okay, I was being a bit of a smart-a** mainly cause I was using the term in proper definition.

More advanced head units that allow multiple phone pairing usually require that your switch between the phones saved in it's memory (ie. you can have multiple phone profiles but only one active at any one time). This can be done through the head unit themselves.

The Auspack unit on the other hand acts as just a basic bluetooth headset/speaker. No fancy profile switching in the unit itself. You just have one phone that will automatically connect, then every time you want to switch it, you go to the other phone and connect to it from there.

An important thing to remember is that when it comes to bluetooth handsfree protocols, there are two profiles. An older profile called 'headset profile' and another called 'handsfree profile'. The Auspack unit uses the 'handsfree profile'. This definition from someone else probably explains it the best:

The older profile, called the "headset profile" and was used on the first Bluetooth devices. It is still supported by many devices. With the headset profile, your BT headset sits in a low power mode until a device connects to it. When an incoming phone call happens, your phone, laptop, etc. will establish a link to the headset and start playing the phone call's audio to it.

This means that if you can pair 50 phones with it, you can leave it within range of those 50 phones, and the first one to get an incoming call will connect to your headset and everything will work. Of course, the _second_ phone will fail to connect because the headset is already in use.

The newer profile is the "handsfree profile." This one is designed to allow more advanced features such as menu options on the headset, phone dialling, caller ID display, etc. It is also designed to make it easier for all system audio - not just phone calls - to go over the link to the headset.

Specifically, when you use a handsfree profile headset with a phone, there is a link established between them as soon as they're turned on. Control signals can be sent over this link, but there's no audio initially. The phone can send audio whenever it wants - which should be a lot faster than with the older profile, since there's already a link active.

The downside of this is that you can only actively use this headset with one phone at a time. If the headset and phone are both on, they expect to be communicating. That means you can't let another device just use them.

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i showed my wife the auspack unit for the aurion on the website last night and she loved it (guess it's a signal to buy? ;-))

some questions though - are you able to browse and play mp3's/avi's from the USB slot? does it handle hierarchical folders?

also, with the handsfree bluetooth feature that comes with the unit, how sensitive is the microphone (does it sound muffled/distant/noisy on the other end of the line?)

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some questions though - are you able to browse and play mp3's/avi's from the USB slot? does it handle hierarchical folders?

also, with the handsfree bluetooth feature that comes with the unit, how sensitive is the microphone (does it sound muffled/distant/noisy on the other end of the line?)

Not saying I don't like the Auspack unit, but it has a pretty crappy interface. Don't get me wrong, it does what I need it to do, but the interface just sucks.

It can play MP3's and most AVI's from the USB slot without a problem. Browsing them can be a pain in the rear end though. Just imagine browsing though your PC with just the four directional buttons on your keyboard. It really is that bad. The remote makes it just slightly easier. On top of that, if you press the buttons too quick, you are bound to lock the unit up. Though in answering your question, it does handle multiple folders fine.

Add to the fact that the USB will take a while to load if you have lots of files and that when you turn the unit off, it will return to the first file in the USB drive and not resume from where you left off. These reasons, and the slow load time for the DVD/CD is what led me to start working on using an external MP3 player plugged into the AUX port. I'm going to use my old PDA as the MP3 player.

As for the microphone pickup, it does the job if you have your windows closed and fan speed set to medium or lower, but depending on the person on the other end of the line, they may have difficultly hearing you. It's alright and does work reasonably though.

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I'm guessing you've had no luck with being able to modify the User Interface like some of our friends over at the VW forum have?

Are you running Win CE 4.2 which means this would not be possible to do?

I've played around with the software that allows you to change the UI, but haven't had much luck with it, I'm guessing you haven't either?

It's a shame cause I hate the UI on this model and it would be awesome if we could easily change it.

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I'm guessing you've had no luck with being able to modify the User Interface like some of our friends over at the VW forum have?

Are you running Win CE 4.2 which means this would not be possible to do?

Yes I have had no luck, and yes I'm running WinCE 4.2, but it doesn't mean it's impossible. All you would need to do is extract the firmware from the unit and modify from there. Only problem is that I can't be bothered pulling my unit apart... plus I don't have a PC with a serial port.

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Great thread!!!!

I have now joined the ranks of Auspack owners. Very happy with the head unit. Looks like it is a factory unit! Highly recommended.

However, had the reverse camera installed (came with the Auspack unit. Not the angle version but the bullet one that is supposed to be drilled into the bumper). The camera works well but there is a scale "digitally" imprinted into the screen. Since it is not calibrated the scale is useless. I have seen the rear camera displays on the forum that do not have this scale.

Does anyone know who to get rib of it? Does your camera supplied from Rob have this as well?


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The camera works well but there is a scale "digitally" imprinted into the screen. Since it is not calibrated the scale is useless. I have seen the rear camera displays on the forum that do not have this scale.

Does anyone know who to get rib of it? Does your camera supplied from Rob have this as well?

I have a feeling that that is a feature of the camera itself. I used the camera that was supplied with my unit (bumper style) and have no scale on the screen.

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Great thread!!!!

I have now joined the ranks of Auspack owners. Very happy with the head unit. Looks like it is a factory unit! Highly recommended.

However, had the reverse camera installed (came with the Auspack unit. Not the angle version but the bullet one that is supposed to be drilled into the bumper). The camera works well but there is a scale "digitally" imprinted into the screen. Since it is not calibrated the scale is useless. I have seen the rear camera displays on the forum that do not have this scale.

Does anyone know who to get rib of it? Does your camera supplied from Rob have this as well?


Yes, my camera, supplied with the unit from Rob at Auspacks, has the scale imprint too. I just assumed everyone had the same scale. Doesn't bother me too much though.

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Guys, do you notice a "static" noise in the background through the speakers when you adjust the audio options onscreen in the AUSPACK unit? When I press the LOUD and DBAS options, that's when I hear it. If I choose preset levels like ROCK or POP, the sound is aweful. Its really annoying 'cause when I turn the volume to about 3 or 4, the "hissing" or static background noise is noticeable.

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Guys...probably breaking protocol here...

Just in case no one has noticed, I have an Auspacks AVC-6091 unit for sale in the "For Sale" section at :


Apologies if this is seen as "not the done thing", but would like to sell this unit to a good home. :D



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