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Aurion average fuel consumption approximation


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It's made by the Salvos, mate! Same place you get your clothes from :laugh:

No, I know your point -- you want the cheapest fuel to run your car. Like you said, you're looking at it purely from an economics point of view. I did not say that 98 would cost less over 20,000Kms. I specifically said 91 won't save that much. It will save you money, yes, true, but not a huge amount. For me personally, it doesn't save me enough to justify using it.

You failed to mention the first article I linked. Why is that? Did you not read it?

Here is the last paragraph then, just for you:

"E85 on the other hand would have to be $1.03 to make it worthwhile 15 cents less. Based on our results you're better off sticking with standard unleaded, which will save you $170 over 20,000km or the course of a year. But it's interesting to note that running the good stuff (98), even though it's more expensive, will set  you back only 21 cents more per 100km or $41 over the course of a year."

There are plenty of real world tests out there which show the same thing.

And no, I did not say 98 will make my engine last longer. Where did you get that from???

"My car gets slightly better L per 100 kms but not enough to cover the extra cost of 98. I'm sure most cars would get better L per 100 kms but my whole point has been it will cost you more to get there in fuel cost, as the quote from the article has found it's just plain economics." - yes, I have been agreeing with you all along, see? If you don't know why people would choose 95/98 over 91, then you need to do some reading.

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E85 is only suitable for a very limited number of vehicles and the Aurion is not one of them.

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1 hour ago, mg85 said:

E85 is only suitable far a very limited number of vehicles and the Aurion is not one of them.

E85?? LOL WTF???

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  • 4 weeks later...

Most of my driving is on the highway but back when I was traveling with roof racks and roof pod on my prodigy, with a boot full of crap, the pod full of tools, tyre pressures 36psi and an average speed of 75km/h and I got 6.4L/100km.

i only use BP98 and I always get it serviced at Toyota.

now i live in Brisbane (mt Gravatt) and work in daisy hill, I average about 8.1L/100km

who said you need a hybrid? (Although I do want the RX 450h)

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  • 3 years later...

Thought I'd add my 2 cents worth..recently did a 10 hour drive interstate, got the average consumption down to 7.4 Ltr per 100. That's the lowest it got during the 10 hours there and then coming back. 214 klms for a quarter tank, 448 for a half tank. Used Caltex 95 Ron and 40 psi in the tyres. Used cruise 90% of the time, and only overtook trucks a couple of times and not full throttle.

Edited by Bigmike62
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So filled the tank today even though it was 3/4 full..the reason is i saw the fuel price..first i had to do a double take as there was NO 1 in front of the price..E95 at 99.9!!!

I just thought WOW..i know OPEC has now decided to reduce production so it will go back up soon but while it is the price it is i now have a full tank, and we got home i took the wife's car and filled it to the brim as well..all in all a happy petrol day, and as her ladyship barely uses her car i am hoping she will now it is full and fully serviced 2 days ago..if not i will take it out when allowed to and have a long drive..miss those days.

Keep Safe All

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50 minutes ago, KAA said:

OPEC has now decided to reduce production so it will go back up

OPEC oil production is planned to cut by 10%. Worldwide demand has fallen by more than that.

Good Friday I filled up the tank with 30 litres of 98 unleaded @ $1.16.9 Easter Monday fuel had gone back a few more cents. Unleaded 91 is currently 95.9cents. Only done 65kms since then so keen to refill again and see what the fuel consumption figures are. In the meantime, the engine is sounding nice and smooth with that combination of 40 litres 91 and 30 litres 98 so averages to 95 octane. Temperature has also dropped a few degrees so the cooler air should be also making a contribution.

Petrol is expected to be down for the next few weeks.Keep on being Happy KAA.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Noticed unleaded 91 at 83.9cents at one Brisbane Southside petrol station, then 82.9cents on Sunday evening at another petrol station. I was too tired to bother to re-fuel and with more than half a tank, I decided to wait until next weekend. Just read a media article about petrol going down below 80cents. Looks like I am joining the deflationary trend by waiting. While the price is down, I will use the savings to buy 95 octane instead of 91 octane. Consumption is good but overall driving less and enjoying the savings.


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Same here Ash, petrol at local station was 85.5 for 91..and 102.5 for 95..i have a full tank so will do the same and wait a week..as we are barely leaving the safety of home and when we do it is to supermarket and a small diversion to look at the beauty of my area on the way home from supermarket..so barely moving the needle.

Hopefully soon can get a longer drive in just to escape the 4 walls, and to give our beast a nice run miss those days of grabbing the wife and the dog and soak in our countries delights..

Keep Safe


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  • 2 weeks later...

Last Thursday, I noticed that most of the petrol stations had increased their price for unleaded to 119.9cents but one petrol station was still down at 82.9cents. Ended up refueling with 95 unleaded @ 94.9cents.

With 306.8km on the trip meter, I was expecting 30 litres but ended up being 38.34 litres. I was thinking at the time that there was a lot of air mixed in with the petrol at that particular pump. Poor fuel economy result got me thinking about needing to replace the fuel filter, clean fuel injectors etc. especially as the car hesitated before accelerating when merging on the local main highway.

Today, I put some Fuel Doctor treatment [cleans injectors etc] in the tank and there was no acceleration hesitation. Certainly hoping to be getting back to 10km per litre when I next refuel. 

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Same here Ash all stations have gone back up to around $1,19 on average..hope that the cleaner did do the trick for you..I am hesitant to change stations at times for the same reason you mentioned, I have got to know the owner of our local one very well..and he even had a young lad (I think it is his nephew) outside cleaning pumps down and air hoses, water containers, and windscreen washers were all clean as well..shows some care for the customers


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6 hours ago, KAA said:

.I am hesitant to change stations at times for the same reason you mentioned, I have got to know the owner of our local one very well..and he even had a young lad (I think it is his nephew) outside cleaning pumps down and air hoses, water containers, and windscreen washers were all clean as well..shows some care for the customers

I had already planned which station and pump that I was going to use when refueling but their price had also gone up. Next time when the price comes back down. I will be going there.

Surprising what you take for granted like being able to put air into the tyres. There have been a few times when the inflator has been damaged or was missing totally. Sort of laughing now because I had to ask and was told that a few times their inflator had been "removed". Yes, I did return the inflator back to their service counter and have not been back.

The other thing that I appreciate is the windscreen washers with not just water in the bucket. 

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On 5/11/2020 at 6:18 AM, campbeam said:

The other thing that I appreciate is the windscreen washers with not just water in the bucket. 

Slightly off topic guys. I have noticed that when we used to use Shell for our company cars. You'd pull up for fuel and the washers would be clean, filled to the brim with cleaning fluid ( it will have a blue tinge), a nice newish washer tool too.

We have since switched to Caltex , the Caltex I have to go to which is near my work is rubbish. The washer is always half full to empty, water is dirty, the washing tool is old and the watering cans are always empty with NO tap near the pumps, you have to walk all the way across to the air pump station to get water !! One measly tap for the entire station.

If the owner of the Caltex on Windsor Rd, Northmead is reading this, can you please improve your services because it clearly shows you have nothing but contempt for all who pass through. The disgusting scum buckets and tattered old wash tools needed to be binned years ago. Have a plumber plumb in some taps by the pumps so we don't have to walk 20 metres away to fetch water. Get with the times. Go and have a look at the Shell on the Cnr of Redbank Rd and  Briens rd and see how they are leaving you in the dust in terms of quality of service. Take some pride in which you deliver your service to your customers. People do notice, but rarely speak up. well,  I'm speaking up because I find it insulting.

My rant for the day. Sorry guys.

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Never say sorry for speaking your mind Tony..especially with petrol stations..I try to use the same one always..but have noticed on occasions when I had to fuel up at others, the crappy set ups of washer stations..muddy so called water in the bucket ..at least i think it was water as I wasn't game to move the washer tool for fear of being attacked..LOL

Keep Safe


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I was getting a bit angry at the current petrol prices. Getting angry encourages the lead foot and this then impacts the fuel economy with too much hard acceleration. Before having a whine about price gouging by the oil companies, I thought that I would gather the facts to support my line of thinking based upon this past news article.


Following is an acceptable basis for understanding Australian petrol prices.

https://www.accc.gov.au/system/files/Fuel facts - Unleaded petrol.pdf

I then went looking for a graph on Singapore Mogas 95 (Mogas 95). This is a different graph for crude oil and it demonstrates a quick price recovery. 


Overall, now expecting discount unleaded petrol pricing around the $1 mark rather than the previous 80 cent mark. Best to accept current pricing levels and enjoy the driving experience in the current COVID-19 restrictions. 

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Funny thing about economy driving..when we were in very heavy lock down say 2-3 weeks ago i could leave the house get to the main road and barely see a car..easy to get out and back in to my street..this week it is like Pitt street Sydney on our main road  and people were tailgating, cutting off, my right foot was getting very testy so i said to the wife we are stopping in the park to breath the air and for me too cool down some..checked the mode button for fuel consumption and was at 12.7 L before the drive now was 11.3 L..grrrrr people are back to IDIOT stage again and we are far from over this pandemic..it is almost like release the hounds out there right now as those who didn't care before it happened are released and back to their old ways..

Keep Safe


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29 minutes ago, KAA said:

it is almost like release the hounds out there right now as those who didn't care before it happened are released and back to their old ways..

Yes back to normal, sort of cut off this morning by a late lane change for an exit on the local highway. Guess we are all out and about chasing those sales. After my bargain hunting, I had a nap while the girlfriend was still out shopping. She came back and was telling me stories of all the released enthusiasm of shoppers at re-opened stores with discounted sales.

The hounds have certainly been released. We are going sale shopping tomorrow.

Maybe time for me to go into lockdown in the afternoon for some peace and quiet far from the maddening crowds.

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11 hours ago, campbeam said:

Getting angry encourages the lead foot and this then impacts the fuel economy with too much hard acceleration. Before having a whine about price gouging by the oil companies, I thought that I would gather the facts to support my line of thinking based upon this past news article.

I was going to take a photo of the 87.9 Cents per litre sign at some point for posterity and never got around to it because it was only short lived. As soon as it went down, it went back up, this time to 117.9 cent per litre. That's a gouge of 30 cents per litre overnight !! They know how to jack it up pretty quick, but when it's the other way around, they drag their heels like a petulant child in a supermarket having a tantrum over something mummy says he/she cannot have.

Anyway, there's nothing wrong with the occasional lead foot activity as this results in the release of those good endorphins  I guess. :notworthy:to the 2GR-FE.

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7 hours ago, KAA said:

Funny thing about economy driving..when we were in very heavy lock down say 2-3 weeks ago i could leave the house get to the main road and barely see a car..easy to get out and back in to my street..this week it is like Pitt street Sydney on our main road  and people were tailgating, cutting off, my right foot was getting very testy

It was good while it lasted Robert. I was one of those still able to be on the road as I  have an Essential Service I.D. issued by my company and it was bliss heading home in 3 pm bracket "peak hour" to pick up my boy from school etc. What a breath of fresh air. It has now descended back into chaos as you and Ashley mentioned. Just goes to prove that no matter where you are behaviours never change. Morons will always be Morons no matter what. We need more lock downs I think...

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2 hours ago, Tony Prodigy said:

Morons will always be Morons no matter what. We need more lock downs I think...

Enough moronic behaviour and there will be another outbreak and more lockdowns.Then we can get some more economical driving time on the roads.

Getting a bit off topic here but I mentioned to the girlfriend about recent article of higher risk of COVID-19 infection being indoors in an air-conditioning room for more than an hour. Gaming rooms are expected to open late June and the girlfriend surprised me when she said not going until after a few months. A case of wait and see.

I have been restocking the pantry ready for another lockdown or a self-isolation. Also happened to have filled the jerrycans prior to COVID-19 so not going to refill until the next petrol price cycle or the one after that. 

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Exactly Ash morons will always be with us, I am hoping here on the Central Coast most will stay in Sydney for a while longer..

Keep Safe


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5 hours ago, KAA said:

am hoping here on the Central Coast most will stay in Sydney for a while longer..

I think that was a foregone conclusion years ago Robert. Sydney IS Moron Central :laugh:

I'm starting to hate being on the roads because you don't just get one in every bunch, you get several dozen now.

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LOL Tony, many years ago we lived in Lane Cove and after 8 months i one day said to the lady I have had enough of this place way too busy way too loud beautiful but time to leave and get away from the rat race world. Moved up here to The Central Coast and have never looked back..so much beauty here and quiet..there are Morons but I tend to have a sixth sense or maybe it is a unknown feature built into Aurions they know when the idiots are coming LOL

Keep Well Mate


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7 hours ago, KAA said:

I tend to have a sixth sense or maybe it is a unknown feature built into Aurions they know when the idiots are coming LOL

Another good laugh from KAA.  The sixth sense is actually driving, being situation-ally aware so you can detect the morons ahead or more so coming up from behind. I find it somewhat amusing watching them zig zag between lanes to pass traffic, burn up the extra fuel to get nowhere fast while I am just cruising along for better fuel economy. I regard them as potential panel beater customers so quite willing to see them where I can keep an eye on them for that accident waiting to happen.

The unknown Aurion feature is that they are sleeper cars and the drivers behind the wheel are mainly keeping a low profile so the morons get the police attention and the tickets. I much rather be spending my money instead of the involuntary contributions to the Govt coffers. Already done my contributions when I was young and dumb.

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