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Howdy guys as this is my first every post id like to start off with a Hi. =D

Sorry if i have to do this but i just love my car and yes this is a sort of brag post and because theres no brag section the only place to put it was in the corolla :P

I purchased my corolla in early february approx 8days b4 my bday =P so u could say it was my own birthday present. So how is that a brag -_- the brag comes soon. Its a sexy sleek black 2002 toyota corolla levin ohh by the way im only 19 and still on my P's down in melb :lol: now you all wonder why this is brag and watever i just said up top is just lame and worth nothing to brag about but, here it comes, you all wonder what i purchased it 4?..... wait for it.... wait for it..... i purchased it for roughly 13k.... NO you dont see 23k its 13k =D for a 19 year old im pretty wrapped about my find. So i now further persist on with my current brag, i purchased it from fowles auction group in altona north. It had a slightly dented left front quarter panel and negative 2 airbags and i have been fixing it up ever since :rolleyes: and im forever wrapped about purchasing this car. I had the car checked out by 3 sources, my grandfather whose a mechanic and owns a garage, my dad whose a mechanic as well and has worked for toyota, and my uncle whose a toyota fanatic mechanic =D so i couldnt have gone wrong, i found a perfect BARGAIN! so yea =p just thought id share my pride and joy with you all.

from what i see the last owner was a pretty loaded person and he placed the car under wynn's assets or wateva that is, not to mention the extra's like the alarm, floor mats and my personal favourite, lexus is200/sportivo foot pedals. :D So to all those on the west side =D add another sexy Black levin. I cant wait to get some more money to mod this black beauty into a black beast :lol:

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Howdy guys as this is my first every post id like to start off with a Hi. =D

Sorry if i have to do this but i just love my car and yes this is a sort of brag post  and because theres no brag section the only place to put it was in the corolla :P

I purchased my corolla in early february approx 8days b4 my bday =P so u could say it was my own birthday present. So how is that a brag -_- the brag comes soon. Its a sexy sleek black 2002 toyota corolla levin ohh by the way im only 19 and still on my P's down in melb  :lol:  now you all wonder why this is brag and watever i just said up top is just lame and worth nothing to brag about but, here it comes, you all wonder what i purchased it 4?..... wait for it.... wait for it..... i purchased it for roughly 13k.... NO you dont see 23k its 13k =D for a 19 year old im pretty wrapped about my find. So i now further persist on with my current brag, i purchased it from fowles auction group in altona north. It had a slightly dented left front quarter panel and negative 2 airbags and i have been fixing it up ever since  :rolleyes: and im forever wrapped about purchasing this car. I had the car checked out by 3 sources, my grandfather whose a mechanic and owns a garage, my dad whose a mechanic as well and has worked for toyota, and my uncle whose a toyota fanatic mechanic =D so i couldnt have gone wrong, i found a perfect BARGAIN! so yea =p just thought id share my pride and joy with you all.

from what i see the last owner was a pretty loaded person and he placed the car under wynn's assets or wateva that is, not to mention the extra's like the alarm, floor mats and my personal favourite, lexus is200/sportivo foot pedals.   :D  So to all those on the west side =D add another sexy Black levin. I cant wait to get some more money to mod this black beauty into a black beast  :lol:

Just like you, I too have a black Levin. GO LEVIN!

Edited by Danz
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It doesnt matter wat model u drive as long as its a corolla

however preferably u all come to the dark side.... mwehahahhhahahahahhahaha

:ph34r: "we must rule the silver, reds, and whites" the darker the car the better :lol:

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But I saw the light...

Well, you all know what I got now :P....

Welcome Mello, enjoy your time here.... :)

Edited by Azza
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you ever heard of the Black Knights huh ? LOL , black is the no 1 color. Its represents wealth, power,strenth,agressivness and luxury. as for white = cheap easy to keep clean , red = wanna be ferrari , green = trying camaflage with the trees and blue its okay cause its only a few shades away from black ahhaa

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I thought you got red cause you were embarrased :o

You really need me to come over there and smack you.... :P

black is the no 1 color.

Then why isn't it on the rainbow ??? :P

Its represents wealth, power,strenth,agressivness and luxury.

pfft... ;)

as for white = cheap easy to keep clean

You've never owned a white car have you??? ;)

red = wanna be ferrari

Good on ya!!! Why would anybody want their car to be the nevy of thieves and teenagers that wanna play with themselves at the sight of it. :P

green = trying  camaflage with the trees

Can't say I have seen to many green cars trying to camolfage with trees other than the irresponsible 'P' platers that wrap their cars around the trees. (I AM NOT SAYING ALL 'P' PLATERS ARE IRRESPONSIBLE!!!!)

blue its okay cause its only a few shades away from black ahhaa

(This will cause arguements - BLUE LOOKS UGLY :)

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(This will cause arguements - BLUE LOOKS UGLY :)

:o :o :o

I had a red car and saw the light.... or is that saw the dark shade of Blue :lol:

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green = trying  camaflage with the trees and blue its okay cause its only a few shades away from black ahhaa


watch what your say there, coz i believe i'm the only green here.... (i think)...

hahaha! rainbows hey....

good call rollamods...

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Black has the best resale value :) and lets face it ladies and gents, once you own black you fall in love with the car without wanting to, by constantly rubbing the interiour and cleaning it with a wet soapy sponge, rubbing it up and down and all over :blink::blink: at least once a week. Its like having a really hot girlfriend, everyone checks her out and envies that you own her, and you constanlty have to spend money to keep her maintained and well groomed.

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the only colour in the corolla family that has the ability toooooo......

pick up the bosses daughter.

unlike silver which has the ability toooooooo.......

pick up kids.

bloody pedoz :lol:

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That's right - Silver the chosen colour for McClaren, Mercedez-Benz, Zonda, Audi, and many other great manufacturers.

Also... let me see...

Silver Bullet

Red Rocket

White Lightning

Blue Thunder

Purple Phantom

Green Hulk

Black :blink:...Black :huh:... umm Black Asphalt ?

Sorry nothing really tough or sporting for black :P

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gosh ppls...

take it easy~ :D

we just got over the WRX/DC5 war, so are we gonna start a civil war now? :D

lol~!  :D

It's all in good fun Pippy :D

Provided everyone accepts that Silver is the superior colour :P

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