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My rant for today.... people that are smoking in the car in-front/beside you when you have your windows down. Even though they may be relatively spaced from you, the smell of smoke always seems to make its way to your car... especially while stationary.

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My rant for today.... people that are smoking in the car in-front/beside you when you have your windows down. Even though they may be relatively spaced from you, the smell of smoke always seems to make its way to your car... especially while stationary.

I know where you are coming from. I get serious sinus and the worst thing ever is cig smoke. Probably from the days we were bundled in the Valiant for an 8 hr trip whilst both the folks chain smoked in the front seat.

I can generally smell it when a smoker is going the other way at 110 km/h. Bizarre but true.

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Time for my rant with the aid of MS Paint. This has happened to me so many times and it really makes me rage.

People that change from the right to left lane in a section where traffic is merging. Example is the red car:


By extension of this, people who don't move over to allow someone to merge. Sure, its not law (at least in Tasmania), but a bit of courtesy never ***king hurt anybody - if the somebody's merging and the its safe to move into the right lane, do so and get the **** out of the way!

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idiots that try to get onto a freeway off an on ramp doing about 50~60 kms.

Its these idiots that create traffic! freakin' get to 100!! your supposed to be doing that much anyway!! >_<

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By extension of this, people who don't move over to allow someone to merge. Sure, its not law (at least in Tasmania), but a bit of courtesy never ***king hurt anybody - if the somebody's merging and the its safe to move into the right lane, do so and get the **** out of the way!

Cant agree with you on this one Paradigm. Instead of making an illegal lane change (if 80 km/h+) and risking running someone else off the road in your blind spot, decrease your speed a little and let them in is a whole lot safer. The vehicle entering should also adjust speed to join the traffic.

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I agree on slowing down if it's not safe to change lanes. I do both. My point is that when I get to the merge point of an on-ramp doing 110, a bit of common courtesy suggests that they should let me in as I would do for them. Instead, I find my self jumping on the stoppers most times.

Since when is it illegal to change lanes over 80kmph? That would make overtaking illegal.

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I agree on slowing down if it's not safe to change lanes. I do both. My point is that when I get to the merge point of an on-ramp doing 110, a bit of common courtesy suggests that they should let me in as I would do for them. Instead, I find my self jumping on the stoppers most times.

Since when is it illegal to change lanes over 80kmph? That would make overtaking illegal.

Ahh see now that's where your going wrong lol your jumping on the wrong pedal... should be squeezing the righthand pedal a little bit more haha

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I'll add my 2 cents on this. I'll give way to others to merge, on the proviso that they give me sufficient indication that they are changing lanes. However, most of the time there is no indcaition or a quick flash of the indicator. If this happens, they don't get any allowance from me. Trouble is people don't look ahead, and if there is a parked car, lane ending or merging, give sufficient indication and everyone is happy and safe.

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I'll give way to others to merge, on the proviso that they give me sufficient indication that they are changing lanes. However, most of the time there is no indcaition or a quick flash of the indicator. If this happens, they don't get any allowance from me.

^ This X eleventy billion!

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Some old people really pizz me off...we mow lawns for alot of body corprates and are only supposed to do the common areas (areas used by all the residence).Every now and then an old resident will come out and ask if we can mow and clean up their rear yards which is personal space,normally not a drama and if maintained regulary should only cost about $10-$20 as it's small and we are already onsite,but what these older residents do is wait 2-3 months then ask us to mow a freaking forest and yep you guessed it for the princely sum of $10-$20...had a $10 lawn today that took 45mins and filled a greenwaste sulo bin :blink: ,this ole duck (92yrs and still kickin azz) really got her monies worth.

problem is they have been customers for 20+yrs and also speak to the body corprate managers so we have to be careful what we say and do.I think they know how to work the system :(

Rant over

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Bad bad drivers, just when you think you have seen the worst of them , somebody comes along and ups the ante !

I was sitting at a T intersection ( im turning right ) waiting for a Commodore to pass from the left. He slowed right down and at the last moment put his indicator on to turn right down my road. He then stopped completley and waved at me to go out in front of him... what the , he had right of way !!!

He was an older driver but not old enough to be doing that kind of S**T !

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  • 2 weeks later...

Another little rant from me,i'm guessing this pizzes most of you off aswell...6.45am this morning (virtually empty) on the Frankston fwy i saw a learner sitting in the right hand lane doing about 10-15km's under the speed limit,as i approached 2 other cars were right up it's azz,i over took all 3 of them in the left hand lane and continued on,as i looked back i could see high beams being flashed and prolly horns going off,my problem is not really with the driver but more so with the fully licensed driver/idiot teaching them,i can't believe that they are being taught this from the start,no wonder the right hand lane on the fwy's and other 80km+ roads are becoming the slow lane. :(

when i was a lad my dad taught me to drive and at every opportunity he would tell me to keep left unless i was overtaking,and he bloody meant it...and it's stuck to this day and served me well.

Rant Over

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  • 2 weeks later...

To the dumb kient on their green P's flooring it up my ***** on the M4 this morning at a bout 7ish in a white ae112r hatch (plates BJ77VR) with a rosary bead sticker on the back window, your lucky i used the foot brake to get the message through....

Next time your behind me doing the same thing you'll get the handbrake, and then youll actually have more of a reason to give me filthy looks.

/End rant.

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Another little rant from me,i'm guessing this pizzes most of you off aswell...6.45am this morning (virtually empty) on the Frankston fwy i saw a learner sitting in the right hand lane doing about 10-15km's under the speed limit,as i approached 2 other cars were right up it's azz,i over took all 3 of them in the left hand lane and continued on,as i looked back i could see high beams being flashed and prolly horns going off,my problem is not really with the driver but more so with the fully licensed driver/idiot teaching them,i can't believe that they are being taught this from the start,no wonder the right hand lane on the fwy's and other 80km+ roads are becoming the slow lane. :(

when i was a lad my dad taught me to drive and at every opportunity he would tell me to keep left unless i was overtaking,and he bloody meant it...and it's stuck to this day and served me well.

Rant Over

Totally agree with you on this one. It makes my blood boil when I see slow drivers clogging up the R/H lane <_<

My gf's little brother went for he's first L's driving training, the instructor instructed him to drive in the R/H lane of the a three lane road, he queries why since it is he's first time on the roads. The instructor said "speed do not determine which lane you drive, you drive in whatever lane you want". What an idiot and what are they teaching the next generation!!!

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my shot .. with some MSpaint proz skilzzzszz


im the red one (go figure) turning right onto the above image with a green arrow - which i couldve made but some freaking ASSSFACE !@!#%!@^*$%!@#^@ (the green one) (also its a small asss holden barina so his car is fkn small) CLEARLY has enough room in front of him for me to get in, didnt move forward.. like wtf i flashed high beams first to be nice, didnt move,.. beeped... still didnt move ? like ehhh ? fkn stuck his finger out at me after i beeped..like are you fkn serious?! you fkn shyt fkn fagget learn to fkn drive, you got a small fkn car and you got fkn 10m in front of you, ya stupid fck move your fkn car ! FCK !! RAAAGE !!~! totally couldve made that green arrow <_<


/end rant, :)

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Jeffy, could not agree more with you. What I have found that this happens more with the smaller cars that the front is so low that you cannot see it, and the driver appears not to be able to guage the distance between the front to the vehicle ahead. I just keep beeping the horn and waving to them to move up.

But saying that about small cars. I have a neighbour who has a small car that likes to park right on the rear of the vehicle, and leaving 2-3 metre gap behind to the car behind them. I'm just waiting on one day when they park behind my car (wagon + tow bar) and I have someone park right up behind them that they cannot get out. That is the only way these types of people will learn.

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Another little rant from me,i'm guessing this pizzes most of you off aswell...6.45am this morning (virtually empty) on the Frankston fwy i saw a learner sitting in the right hand lane doing about 10-15km's under the speed limit,as i approached 2 other cars were right up it's azz,i over took all 3 of them in the left hand lane and continued on,as i looked back i could see high beams being flashed and prolly horns going off,my problem is not really with the driver but more so with the fully licensed driver/idiot teaching them,i can't believe that they are being taught this from the start,no wonder the right hand lane on the fwy's and other 80km+ roads are becoming the slow lane. :(

when i was a lad my dad taught me to drive and at every opportunity he would tell me to keep left unless i was overtaking,and he bloody meant it...and it's stuck to this day and served me well.

Rant Over

Totally agree with you on this one. It makes my blood boil when I see slow drivers clogging up the R/H lane <_<

My gf's little brother went for he's first L's driving training, the instructor instructed him to drive in the R/H lane of the a three lane road, he queries why since it is he's first time on the roads. The instructor said "speed do not determine which lane you drive, you drive in whatever lane you want". What an idiot and what are they teaching the next generation!!!

In today's Daily Telegraph Motoring Section - Carsguide, there is a article called "Overtaken by stupidity". It read as: By now, we fear many of you are emulating the grim scene for 'tis the season to overload your vehicle and set forth on your overcrowded carriageways with millions of the like-minded.

We don't ask much of you but do us - and humanity -a few favours by making Yuletide a less gruelling time. First, stay out of the overtaking lane unless you're overtaking. It doesn't matter if your sitting on the limit, no one appointed you the pace car. It's dangerous. It's stupid. And, if the highway patrol put down their radar guns and patrol the highway, you'll also find it's illegal.

Other then that, do try to avoid becoming an accident statistic or a contributer to your state's already obscene stream of road-related revenue. Happy and safe holiday/Christmas/ solstice from everyone at Carsguide

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My turn to rant,

It happens very often lately to / around me.



Busy area, quite the traffic, looking for a spot to park the car I drove. I saw a gap from like 20m away and was like 'Yes! Found one finally.'. Only to find the gap is actually not big enough. So oh well, moving on.

Wait a minute, d fukin idiot's taking 2 spaces. This happens a lot lately. I tried to convince myself, maybe there was like a smart car, or a bike parked in there before. But last night, I saw right in front of me, a retard who took 2 car spaces as he parked in. Clearly there are enough space for his car and AT LEAST, a medium sized car. But no, took all those for himself.

Don't people know these days that poles can also be used as a divider. You dont just park on the pole. Park between the poles damn it. The arrows above = poles showing the parking signs etc.

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you haven't turned green and started stealing Christmas presents have you?

In addition to this, people who use prams like a battering ram in over-crowded shopping centres and then have the nerve to look at you like you just sacrificed a small goat in-front of them.

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  • 2 months later...

some idiot DC2R honda ricer fu#ker wannabe tailgating me as i drove my brother to school.

i hit the brake hard...

...twice. was about to do a hand brake and jump out of my car to smash the f#ck outta him. only if my wife's 2nd cousin and her son wasn't in the car at the time...

rant over.

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Those that own an Aurion would understand this rant....

... when you wash the windscreen then want to put your window down to let some air in while you are driving. The design of the pillar on the side of the windscreen is so bad that the water just runs into the car and all over the door trim and window switches. Pi**es me off every time.

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the sprayer activates the wiper at the same time, so regardless you'll still get some water getting in through the drivers window.

I found this awesome system though that means I can keep my windows up, it's called the air conditioner. Bloody fantastic, but they hide in near the back of the owners manual so it's easy to miss. I've been telling everyone I can about it!


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