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Everything posted by trentmeyer23

  1. Is the solenoid still working or has it failed again?
  2. I'd personally choose the black, but it is your car, so ultimately it is up to you.
  3. Please create a new post with questions there. Leave this thread for future updates.
  4. We aren't going to tell you what to do with it. We can assist you with locating parts or give guidance where required. When it comes down to it, you need to come up with your desired outcome, within your budget constraints.
  5. Given that it is already a 3S bottom end, it should bolt up with minimal fuss to everything mounting wise. Depending on what vehicle it is sourced from, you may need to drill and tap the unused blanks for the engine mounts. You will probably have more differences when it comes to the head, but it can definitely be done and has been done. People have also fitted the 3S-GTE engine to these models. This all depends on your budget.
  6. OEM model numbers are different although they may still fit. You should be able to pick up one from a wreckers pretty cheap to test fit before buying new.
  7. It's definitely possible, if you do a search or look through the members rides section you should find some nice examples.
  8. Engine swaps are expensive regardless of which engine you choose.
  9. It very much depends on if you can do the work yourself and if you want to use genuine, reconditioned or aftermarket parts. If you are changing everything, it will become expensive. A single component generally won't break the bank. It is best to ring around and get quotes.
  10. Steering stuff is generally fairly cheap to repair anyway. I probably wouldn't pass up an otherwise well maintained car if that was the only issue(depending on price).
  11. It the parking spot smooth concrete at all?
  12. Ignore the US manual.
  13. Have a professional do the job.
  14. 4 rotors and 2 sets of pads will set you back around $500-$600 for an acceptable brand. Obviously halve that for fronts only. In terms of changing them, it is fairly easy. I would suggest that you purchase a Haynes or Gregorys workshop manual if you intend on conducting your own maintenance.
  15. Have you checked the caliper slides and rotor runout(using a DTI)?
  16. Servicing has nothing to do with the alternator. Servicing(capped price) and warranty are two different things. Warranty is the only thing that covers faulty parts and that has expired as you said above. You are now liable for those costs.
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