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Aurion average fuel consumption approximation


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With regards to that, I fuelled up with what was available. Unfortunately 95 was all that seemed to be around. You can see I only filled up a small amount of 91 to get me to the next town.

On 95, it seemed to operate fine. I avoided putting my foot down and/or going above 5000RPM where possible, but in the moments where I had to, it seemed alright.

When I filled with 91, I drove with a lot of caution just to be on the safe side. I wasn't really testing the effects of the fuel, so I can't really accurately comment. I was just doing what I had to do.

It's comforting to know that there is no long term adverse effect on the TRD if we had to use lower RON fuel where the preferred 98RON fuel is not readily available, provided we go easy on the throttle. :yahoo:

I think I can ditch the jerry can on long trips now - I carried spare 98RON fuel on a recent trip as I was not sure whether I can get good clean 98RON fuel. :o

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Hi we're getting far far higher fuel consumptions than most people here - 14.2L/100km!

Me, my mum and dad all have a soft foot, and the car hardly ever goes over 2000rpm. Driving was all urban driving with a decent amount of starting/stopping at lights, but 14.2? I think that's way too high for driving with a soft foot..

However, we use the aircon all the time, could this add so much to the fuel consumption??

P.S. This was a one time manual calculation & shall be doing more in the future.

No, you are getting spot on what we get in Sydney, all urban driving with air con on pretty much 100% of the time.

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The attachment is an Excel file you may find useful.

It will track your fuel use.

Fuel Consumption.xls

Note: each time you go to fill up your petrol tank it will need to be full.

Things to do before you start using the spreadsheet:

1. Go fill up you vehicle with petrol and take note of your ODOMETER, the DATE, and the type of fuel you used.

2. You will need to enter some information in some cells.

Cell B1: the DATE from 1.

Cell E1: the ODOMETER from 1.

Cell H1: the colour of your vehicle (yes the colour of your vehicle effects your fuel consumption)

Cell J1: Build Date

Cell L1: Wheel size

Cell N1: Tank Size (which is of course 70 Litres for an Aurion)

Cell P3: Fuel Reference Number* from 1.

3. Now you will be required to fill in 6 cells each time you fill up

So each time you fill you will need to record the ODOMETER on your receipt

Column A: Date

Column B: Location

Column C: Fuel Reference Number*

Column G: Odometer

Column H: $/L (Note: $/L not c/L)

Column I: Total Price

Now this Fuel Reference Number can be found in cells Q293:Q312

For example if you used BP Ultimate the Fuel Reference Number will be 8.

The only cells that have user input are the TAN coloured cells.

In columns D, E, F, J, K, L, M, N, O, P are formulas that shouldn't be touched for the first few rows up to Row 5.

After that each time you enter your weekly data, you will need to highlight the cells above and drag and copy the formulas to the next row.

ie. highlight cell D6:E6:F6 the drag the bottom right corner to the next row, and the similarly for J6:P6.

4. There is an optional input for cell D294, this is where you enter your next service ODOMETER, and in D296 will be approximate the date of your next service schedule.

5. All the information below Row 292 should be self explanatory

Note: You will see some N/A or $DIV/0! cells these are normal.

I hope the above instructions are clear enough.

Have fun!

If you do use the spreadsheet, it would be great if you post up your spreadsheet regularly (every 10000km or so) in this topic, thanks!

Note: I have been using the same spreadsheet for over 3 years, and all works well, but i did have to do some modifications to the spreadsheet before posting it. Due diligence has been taken to ensure there are no errors.

Edited by u54mot
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  • 3 weeks later...

Time for yet another fuel economy update. Thanks to doing more highway driving for work, avoiding the many mountain runs I once used to do, and driving a bit more sedately for no reason in particular :ph34r:, my fuel economy has managed to stay rather low. It's increased slightly compared to my last calculation, but I'm doing better than I did in my Sportivo.

Last night I also filled up with the second largest tank of fuel that I have put into my Aurion since my Sportivo. It's been quite a while since I've ran my Aurion rather low, but this one was just due to the course of events during my day. Receipt attached below. I still had a good 30 or so kilometres left.

Anyways, onto what this thread is about:

TRD Fuel Consumption (Excel Spreadsheet)

- At 5313km, my total fuel used was 500.99L and my average fuel consumption was 9.43L/100km

- At 9532km, my total fuel used was 909.91L and my average fuel consumption was 9.55L/100km


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All I know is when I top up every week it costs me between 20 and 30 dollars and I'm THRILLED with that ( me 07 jimmny cost MORE per week ). I will admit to regular driving and like DJKOR I always drive with windows down depending on rain or not yee haar!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Here is my cars life story, according to the combination meter. Need to add between 0 and 0.5 L/100km for actual results..

Only ever use 98 RON, usually BP ultimate.

Weekdays involve 2km suburban, 10km freeway, 10km of freeway at 30km/h or less and 3km industrial roads. Return is 3km industrial/peak, 20km freeway and 2km suburban.

L/100km (km)

10.0 (260.3) <- only non-98 RON running, first fill with 98

8.2 (622.9)

7.8 (503.0) <- was down at 6.1 after 150 km

8.0 (682.4)

8.6 (685.7)

8.0 (724.0) <- still with 11 litres remaining!

8.3 (741.7) <- only 4 litres remaing

9.0 (655.0) <- end of Christmas holidays

9.4 (603.8) <- discovered S-mode

9.5 (591.3)

8.6 (693.1)

9.3 (666.1)

9.1 (648.6)

9.0 (597.6)

8.8 (647.6)

9.3 (600.6)

9.5 (570.5)

9.3 (629.9)

9.4 (602.8)

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I was driving today and the fuel pump light popped up. Turns out it had 13L left. <_<

Apparently Shell at my local store is having a major discount on petrol. If you spend $5 in the shop you get 6c off petrol. Since i used the 4c i got a total of 10c per L.

Average consumption was 11.2L/100km. This is pure city driving.

Only saved $2 but i got 3 butter menthols for free :)

Edited by Hamster
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  • 4 weeks later...

Time for another update from me. It appears that since my last update, over the last 8118km I have travelled, my fuel consumption has remained the same. I guess this is a good thing considering that after the same amount of distance, my last Aurion was averaging 11.4l/100km.

TRD Fuel Consumption (Excel Spreadsheet)

- At 5313km, my total fuel used was 500.99L and my average fuel consumption was 9.43L/100km

- At 9532km, my total fuel used was 909.91L and my average fuel consumption was 9.55L/100km

- At 17650km, my total fuel used was 1685.71L and my average fuel consumption was 9.55L/100km

Man the kilometres are really clocking up on this car. This works out to be an average of 176.5km of driving per day. But this car has driven from Adelaide to Brisbane and from Brisbane to Sydney and back within the last 100 days, so that would have bumped the km's up a bit.

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Time for another update from me. It appears that since my last update, over the last 8118km I have travelled, my fuel consumption has remained the same. I guess this is a good thing considering that after the same amount of distance, my last Aurion was averaging 11.4l/100km.

TRD Fuel Consumption (Excel Spreadsheet)

- At 5313km, my total fuel used was 500.99L and my average fuel consumption was 9.43L/100km

- At 9532km, my total fuel used was 909.91L and my average fuel consumption was 9.55L/100km

- At 17650km, my total fuel used was 1685.71L and my average fuel consumption was 9.55L/100km

Man the kilometres are really clocking up on this car. This works out to be an average of 176.5km of driving per day. But this car has driven from Adelaide to Brisbane and from Brisbane to Sydney and back within the last 100 days, so that would have bumped the km's up a bit.

Could you guesstimate how much of that is freeway driving?

My ZR6 hauling my heavy **** around seems to manage around 7.5-8L/100km on the freeway, yet jumps to around 13L/100 around town. The end result for me (95% driving at 60km/h) seems to end up around 12L/100km.

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Could you guesstimate how much of that is freeway driving?

My ZR6 hauling my heavy **** around seems to manage around 7.5-8L/100km on the freeway, yet jumps to around 13L/100 around town. The end result for me (95% driving at 60km/h) seems to end up around 12L/100km.

I would guestimate it to be about 80% highway driving. The other 20% would be driving in the suburbs and city driving.

For the amount of highway driving I've done I'd expect the average to be lower but then again, I do like to feel my acceleration. One thing I've noticed is that you can get some good fuel consumption on the highway for a fair bit of distance, but the crap fuel consumption seems to have the biggest effect on the calculation of the average.

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My foot has gone a bit heavy. I don't think I'm babying it like I used to. It's 90% of the time hitting 3000RPM off the lights.

Maybe your heavy foot has rubbed off on me DJKOR. In fact I aint afraid to push it harder after seeing you push a Aurion like no one else does. Your SX6 was still running like a beuty even nearing 100,000 and from being on the track countless times :lol:

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  • 2 months later...

Well my pile of receipts which I haven't entered into my spreadsheet was starting to get bigger in size, and seeing that there was another thread regarding fuel consumption, I figured I may as well do this again.

Oh noes though. My fuel consumption has increased by 0.2l/100km over the last 12,000km or there abouts. Either way though, it sure beats what my last Aurion was doing around the same point in it's life (was getting about 11.66L/100km after driving the last Aurion approximately 29,000km).

TRD Fuel Consumption (Excel Spreadsheet)

- At 5313km, my total fuel used was 500.99L and my average fuel consumption was 9.43L/100km

- At 9532km, my total fuel used was 909.91L and my average fuel consumption was 9.55L/100km

- At 17650km, my total fuel used was 1685.71L and my average fuel consumption was 9.55L/100km

- At 29083km, my total fuel used was 2837.00L and my average fuel consumption was 9.75L/100km

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It mainlys depends, on the driver and how heavy his foot is on the accelerator, i drove my aurion to wollogong once from sydney i did about a quarter of a tank and yet i let a lady take it one time and she bearly nudged from full tank... so yeh pretty weird.

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Michelin Pilot Preceda 2_____________225/45R18___12.47L/100km

Yokohama S Drive_________________225/45R18___11.98L/100km

Bridgestone Potenza RE001 Adrenalin__225/45R18___12.25L/100km

Kumho KU27 Platinum LX____________235/40R18___11.13L/100km

You can come to your own conclusions after you take a look at the attached PDF.

This is all city driving in Sydney. (only a few trips here and there on the highway cycle)


Very extensive list indeed. Though, I hope you've made the error adjustment when calculating the fuel consumption running 235/40 18, since it has smaller rolling diameter than the 225/45 18, which again is about 1% smaller than the 215/55 17. The correct size for 18" rim is 235/45 18.

I'm interested to know your opinion with the Kumho KU27. For the life of me, I could not locate them anywhere in sydney, bar one in Penrith @ $265, so I ended up with the KU21 @ $180 instead.

Edited by conroe
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I have had two Aurions, an '07 Prodigy and an upgrade model ZR6. These cars have been run exclusively on 95RON premium and the thing that has impressed me is the fuel economy of both cars. I live in Katherine in the NT and usually just drive around town and make the 320km run to Darwin every couple of months. The open road limit here is 130kph and i will accelerate to 160kph or more to overtake road trains, grey nomads with caravans or crazed campervan drivers. I have naver averaged more than 8.5 litres/100kms and have been as low as 7.6l/100ks. Around town i get anything from 12 to 13 l/100ks not even really driving like Grandma Duck. I once took a Camry to Darwin and back and actually used more fuel than the Aurion. Also the ZR6 runs on Michelin MXV8 "green" low rolling resistance tyres with 34psi. Although these don't make a huge difference in the 7000km I have done in the ZR6, over time they are supposed to save a few litres compared to other tyres such as the Dunlop Sport 300's on the Prodigy.

It is on a run to Darwin that you can really appreciate the drivetrain of the Aurion: acceleration is seamless and the 6 speed gearbox is well suited to the engine. I enjoy reading about the mods. that you younger guys are making to your Aurions. I like mine as it comes, but with Sportivo floormats, Toyota bonnet guard and headlight protectors (thrown in by the dealer, who also threw in paint protection, a good thing on a black (Ink) ZR6. I just wish kids would stop nicking the red aluminium tyre valve caps!

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  • 2 weeks later...

if you fill the tank to full it wont matter when you fill it up again the sums will be accurate

10.4 -11.2 consistantly around Perth, 8.9 out in the country at 90 to 100km/h. 110-120km/h in the country is 10.2-10.4

i will be watching very closely at the new motor when it is in.

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After 2 weeks of "calm" driving i managed to get 9.5L/100km in 95% city and 5% freeway. Damn it was slow. <_<

Back to normal now :spiteful: :spiteful: :spiteful:

Define City driving and slow..? Coz I'd say 10-12L/100km is good enough for 90% city driving.

Any change u drive at dawn most of the time? :lol:

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Mine averages around 10 - 10.5 driving only short distance to work and back and driving around the coast on weekends. Recently went on a trip to Dubbo and averaged 8.5 which I was very impressed with seeing that I didnt baby it at all :spiteful:

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You guys are lucky (this is the electronic reading off my trip computer) my average in the city is always 11.5 give or take. In Melbourne there is a traffic light about every 5 metres and they are NEVER synced properly. So it's always Green, and next light will be red so you need to stop. FFS.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Some really detailed and interesting responses.

I live around 20km out of the city centre of Adelaide and drive around 70% of the time in 60kph zones and the rest in 80 and 100kph zones and have settled into a weekly average of around 10.5 to 10.8lit/100. I find that if each trip is over 20kms or more for most of the tank it will drop toward 10lit/100 but that is rare. Very impressive given the power of the motor, love the Aurion!

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Very extensive list indeed. Though, I hope you've made the error adjustment when calculating the fuel consumption running 235/40 18, since it has smaller rolling diameter than the 225/45 18, which again is about 1% smaller than the 215/55 17. The correct size for 18" rim is 235/45 18.

I'm interested to know your opinion with the Kumho KU27. For the life of me, I could not locate them anywhere in sydney, bar one in Penrith @ $265, so I ended up with the KU21 @ $180 instead.

the 1-2% difference will only make 0.1L/100km of difference.

225/45R18 are hard to source, since the only car with that size as standard (from what i know) is the Mazda RX8. Since they aren't mass produced, they will have a higher price.

225/45R18 for KU27 i got quoted at $272. I will write up a review soon and post it in this Tyres/Reviews.

Did you get the KU21 in 225/45R18 or 235/45R18?

Edited by u54mot
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